3 Ways to Cancel a Job Interview

3 Ways to Cancel a Job Interview
3 Ways to Cancel a Job Interview

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If you have planned a job interview with a potential employer, you may find yourself in a difficult situation if a mishap occurs or if the opportunity arises for an interview for a more attractive job position. However, here's how you can easily and tactfully cancel your interview, avoiding creating an awkward situation or future problems with your interviewer.


Method 1 of 3: Postpone a Job Interview

Cancel a Job Interview Step 1
Cancel a Job Interview Step 1

Step 1. Postpone your job interview only if there is no alternative

Before postponing it, try to reschedule other appointments. A job interview is key to making a good impression on a potential employer, so asking to postpone it would indicate a lack of professionalism on your part. If possible, try your best to modify the other programs before asking to postpone the interview.

Cancel a Job Interview Step 2
Cancel a Job Interview Step 2

Step 2. Notify your interviewer as soon as possible

Postponing a job interview could result in a number of inconveniences for everyone. For this reason it is important that you contact your potential employer at least 24 hours before the scheduled time for the interview. When you call him, briefly clarify your needs, trying to be as sincere as possible. Offer him some dates for a future interview.

  • If you want to postpone because you have another job interview, it would be best to avoid telling the truth. Simply tell him that you have had a job mishap or family problem and would like to postpone the interview for another day.
  • If a vital problem has arisen and you do not have the opportunity to notify 24 hours in advance, contact your interviewer as soon as possible to let him know what happened. If it's a real emergency (an accident, a serious family problem, etc.), your potential employer will be understanding.
  • If you are still interested in work, try to point it out when you call to cancel the appointment. You say something like, “I'm very sorry, but because a serious problem has arisen, I won't be able to go to the interview tomorrow. I am still interested in the job and I would be extremely grateful if we could postpone it to another day”.
Cancel a Job Interview Step 3
Cancel a Job Interview Step 3

Step 3. Talk directly to the interviewer, rather than leaving him a message

Whenever possible, contact your potential employer directly, instead of sending him an email or leaving him a message, if you want to behave like a true professional. Try in every way to contact your interviewer and leave him a message or send an e-mail only if he is not reachable by phone.

  • Never send a text message to postpone a job interview, as it will look unprofessional.
  • If you end up leaving a message or sending an email, ask your interviewer to contact you to confirm that they have received your message.
Cancel a Job Interview Step 4
Cancel a Job Interview Step 4

Step 4. Apologize for the inconvenience

A job interview is usually scheduled based on other people's schedules. Therefore, canceling or postponing it involves some inconvenience. Don't assume your interviewer's schedules revolve around you and apologize for causing any inconvenience. Be flexible when asking to postpone your interview. If your interviewer acknowledges that you are willing to do anything to take the interview, he or she will welcome your request.

Cancel a Job Interview Step 5
Cancel a Job Interview Step 5

Step 5. Send a message to your interviewer

After contacting him to postpone the interview, send him a personal message or an e-mail reiterating your apologies and emphasizing your interest in the company in question. Your interviewer may be disappointed or irritated by your request to postpone the interview, so take the opportunity to let him know that you are desolate and would like to have another opportunity.

Method 2 of 3: Completely Cancel a Job Interview

Cancel a Job Interview Step 6
Cancel a Job Interview Step 6

Step 1. Inform them immediately of your decision

When you are sure you need to cancel your interview, notify the interviewer. Don't waste other people's time by putting off your phone call. Instead, communicate your decision immediately after you acknowledge that you are no longer interested in an interview for that particular job position. Your interviewer will appreciate your timing and you will offer a more professional image of yourself.

Cancel a Job Interview Step 7
Cancel a Job Interview Step 7

Step 2. Be honest about why you want to cancel the interview

Whether you have accepted a job at another company or are simply no longer interested in the job for which you have scheduled the interview, let the interviewer know. They should appreciate your candor and start looking for another candidate for the vacant position.

  • If you have already accepted another job, call the interviewer and tell them. Tell him something like: "Thank you for calling me for the job interview, but I accepted another offer. I was anxious to have the opportunity to work at his company, but I have to cancel our interview. Thank you for your time!”.
  • If you want to cancel your interview because you have received negative news regarding the company, be a little more vague. You say something like, “I appreciate you setting up an interview with me, but I'll have to cancel it. I decided to focus on other job opportunities, but thank you for the time you have dedicated to me”.
Cancel a Job Interview Step 8
Cancel a Job Interview Step 8

Step 3. Try to be professional to avoid cutting bridges

You never know if you will need another job or if you will run into your interviewer again (in a professional or private context). It is preferable that you behave in a polite and professional manner when canceling the interview, because it is never advisable to get scorched around. Don't be rude and don't denigrate the company, but just briefly explain why you want to cancel the interview and end the conversation.

Method 3 of 3: Cancel a Job Interview as an Employer

Cancel a Job Interview Step 9
Cancel a Job Interview Step 9

Step 1. Contact the candidate when you acknowledge that you need to cancel the job interview

Communicating the cancellation or postponement of an interview in advance is a professional courtesy. If you waited until the last minute, you would offer a negative image of your company. If you need to postpone the interview with a potential employee you are seriously interested in, make sure you appear professional, otherwise you could push him to lose his interest in your company.

If an emergency occurs, contact the potential employee immediately. Give him a brief explanation of the reason for the cancellation and let him know that you will contact him shortly for another appointment. If it's a real emergency, he should be understanding

Cancel a Job Interview Step 10
Cancel a Job Interview Step 10

Step 2. Tell the candidate if you have hired anyone else

Some employers, instead of notifying other candidates who have been hired for vacancies, simply stop any communication. This denotes a lack of professionalism and puts the company in a bad light. If you have assigned the seat you were making your selection for, please communicate your choice. It is good practice to call candidates to notify them; this is a more personal and less formal way to inform them that you have hired them. You can also send an e-mail, although this is a more formal way of communicating.

Cancel a Job Interview Step 11
Cancel a Job Interview Step 11

Step 3. Postpone the interview as soon as possible

If you are interested in hiring a potential employee, arrange another interview and offer him the opportunity to choose between many dates. Since you messed with his plans, you should be more flexible. Tell him that you would really like to interview him and try to meet his needs.

If you have not yet established a certain date for a future interview, let him know that you will keep it updated and contact him in good time


  • Don't postpone a job interview just because you don't want to give up on a weekend out of town or your mundane commitments. Do this only if absolutely necessary.
  • Don't schedule an interview without first checking your schedule to rule out other commitments.
