Long flights require a lot more preparation than short ones, especially if you will be away for some time or it is an intercontinental trip. To fly comfortably and make sure you get to your destination with everything you need, the key is to plan carefully. You also need to be sure that you leave the house in good hands. In addition to planning, you will need a sense of humor and energy. All of this will help you face the experience with optimism, from the moment you leave home to the moment you arrive at check-in and board the long flight. Finally, don't forget that you will also need to prepare more than one pastime, in order to keep yourself busy.
Part 1 of 5: Prepare to Stay Comfortable

Step 1. Bring a soft blanket and pillow (or neck rest) with you
Having them available can actually make flying much more comfortable. Some airlines offer small, flat pillows and blankets that pinch to death, so it's best to bring your own. You can find surprisingly compact and easy to carry sets. If absolutely necessary, buy them at the airport so you don't have to drag them around all the time. Just remember that they will be more expensive.
If you have your own blanket and pillow, you won't have to worry about being cold or your neck getting stiff

Step 2. Put sanitizing wipes in your hand luggage
They allow you to keep your hands clean, and then you can use them to disinfect the pull-out table. After the first meal, the surface gets dirty and can become sticky, which is not exactly the best of convenience. Having wipes available also allows you to avoid getting up and washing your hands every time you eat something.

Step 3. Prepare an eye mask
Some airlines give them free, especially on long flights, but this doesn't always happen. This item helps you to doze off and rest your eyes. During night flights, the lights are turned off in the plane, but you may still need total darkness to sleep.

Step 4. Prepare earplugs or headphones that cancel out the outside buzz
Instead, these articles allow you not to be disturbed by the noises of the plane while trying to rest. You never know: maybe next to you you find a screaming child or two people talking incessantly. Prevention is better than cure. Also in this case, it may happen that the airlines give them as a gift, but don't count on it too much. External noise canceling headphones are much bulkier than earplugs, but they can actually silence the world around you, giving you peace and quiet.
If you have a pair of headphones to listen to music with your iPod, they too can help you overpower outside noise

Step 5. Wear and bring comfortable clothes with you
Choose the latest fashion comfort of the international jet set. We highly recommend it: do not wear rigid, tight or itchy clothing, otherwise you will soon regret it. Opt for soft, easily washable clothing. Avoid synthetic ones, which overheat, and expensive brands, which can attract unwanted attention. Do not use unnecessary accessories, such as jewelry, belts and boots: they slow down security checks and, at their destination, can entice pickpockets. Remember: the fewer valuables you have with you, the fewer things you will have to worry about. Here are some clothing tips that will make flying more comfortable:
- Choose clothes that will keep you warm in case it gets cold on the plane. The temperature can drop quite a bit in the cabin, so remember to have a sweater, scarf or maybe a knitted hat available to stay warm in case of need.
- Onion clothes. Wear a top or t-shirt under a long-sleeved shirt or cardigan. Airplanes can get quite hot during takeoff and landing. Not being able to take off the sweater, you will feel deadly heat.
- Bring chenille socks with you. If you have worn open shoes for the flight, they are useful for keeping your feet warm while on the plane and can replace shoes for walking in the aisles (of course, then wash them well).
- Instead of wearing stiff pants or jeans, go for leggings, sweatpants or soft pants so your legs will be comfortable.
- If as soon as you get off the plane you want to start exploring your chosen destination right away, then pack some spare clothes in your hand luggage.
- Thermal tights are lightweight, take up little space and are great if you go to a cold place, without the slightest intention of remaking your wardrobe specifically for this reason. The same goes for black cashmere sweaters.

Step 6. Put a toothbrush and a tube of travel toothpaste in your hand luggage
If you need to brush your teeth after every meal or just want to avoid pestilential breath, then it's best to have a toothbrush and a mini-sized toothpaste available. It's not particularly practical to brush your teeth in the tiny bathroom on the plane, but it's better than feeling your mouth sticky.

Step 7. Bring some chewing gum
They are useful for freshening your mouth when you can't brush your teeth. Not only are they great for your breath, chewing on takeoff and landing helps prevent them from plugging their ears due to the sudden change in pressure.
Part 2 of 5: Avoid the Moments of Boredom

Step 1. Decide which electronic devices you will use in flight to entertain yourself
There are two approaches you can use. One is to let the airline take care of it completely (be sure to check what they offer first), traveling as light as possible. The other is to bring everything you need with you because you fear that the airline's offer is not adequate. Just remember the weight restrictions. Also, the more items you carry with you, the more things you will have to worry about: you may lose them, break them or let them be stolen. You'll also have less space for souvenirs and gifts upon return.
- On the other hand, some articles will come in handy during the trip itself, not just on the plane (eg iPod or eReader). They will therefore have a double function.
- There is another factor to consider: if you have to pay to see a film or documentary in flight, it certainly won't be cheap. Generally, entertainment products are honored by airlines, but first you should consult the policy of the one you will be traveling with. It would be better to rent a movie on iTunes and watch it on the iPad or computer (even if the volume will be slightly lower than the one offered by the plane). It will cost you less than half as much as buying a product in flight. In addition, by selecting the films in advance, you will also have more choice.

Step 2. Take electronic gadgets with you
In flight, you should have an iPod to listen to music and audiobooks, a laptop or an iPad to read and write (and maybe surf the web), a portable DVD player (even if it is rather bulky, and then probably the bedroom). hotel has a classic one) or a portable video game console, such as the Nintendo DS or the PSP. Each device has pros and cons to weigh. If you are going on vacation, however, it may be better to leave the computer and other things that remind you of work at home.
- Bring your mobile phone - you may need it during the trip. Sure, you can't use it in flight, but you should have it for safety reasons. Also, remember that most modern planes offer entertainment options for smartphones as well.
- If you're bringing a laptop or iPod with you, be sure to fully charge it before you leave. Will the flight be particularly long? You should invest in a portable charger to have all the gadgets available even when it is not possible to recharge them on the plane.

Step 3. Bring something to read
If you haven't read a novel or the latest news yet, here's the right opportunity to do so. Don't forget that you can also stock up on magazines at the airport before boarding and read them on the fly, so you can give them away or throw them away at your destination. Do you have an eReader? Give it a thought and buy it: it allows you to upload hundreds of novels and other reading material, including tourist guides about the city you will visit. Here's what you might read:
- Novels (bring several, so you can run for cover in case you start a boring one).
- Gossip magazines.
- Magazines dealing with more serious topics.
- Daily.
Books to read for study or work purposes.
If you like to write, you can also take what you need with you, such as a diary, a computer or an article you are preparing. This is the perfect time to take pen in hand

Step 4. Prepare games
If you're traveling with friends or hoping to make friends with the person sitting next to you, games are a great pastime. You can choose dice, cards, travel versions of the most classic board games (like Sorry!), Chess or checkers. If you're traveling with someone, first ask them what their favorites are.
- You can also bring a notepad to play tic-tac-toe or hang with someone.
- Another solution is to prepare simple games, which only require talking. For example, you can try “Geography”: all you have to do is name a country or a city; afterwards, your partner has to say the name of a country or city starting with the last letter of the one you said. In turn, do the same and so on. Anyone who cannot think of a new place or repeats one already said loses.
- You can even bring a Mad Libs book to entertain yourself and your friend or seat neighbor.

Step 5. Choose puzzle games
Another way not to get bored, especially if you are alone, is to buy a magazine with crosswords, sudoku and puzzle. In this way, all you have to do is open the newspaper whenever you like and let time fly by. A medium level crossword puzzle is enough to keep you entertained for at least two hours. You will see that you will not have even a minute of boredom.
You can also choose a Mensa book, a combination of crosswords, number puzzles, and other fairly complex challenges

Step 6. Before the flight, recharge all electronic devices
This is important if you want to use them and entertain yourself on the go. With a bit of luck, you may sit in a hallway that has a power outlet, but that's not so likely. You should also be sure to put the charger in your hand luggage. It's all too easy to forget it at home and ruin your vacation by bitterly regretting it. The same goes for the international sim card, phone cards and broadband USB sticks.
- If you desperately need to recharge one of your electronic devices, ask a flight attendant to do you this favor in the back of the plane, but don't count on it too much.
- Many airlines nowadays allow you to charge gadgets in flight. Check out seatguru.com to find out what they are.
Part 3 of 5: A Flight in the Name of Health

Step 1. Bring healthy snacks with you
Having a snack breaks the monotony of flying and the sudden hunger that can assail you between meals served by the airline. If you are on a restrictive diet or want to munch on something without paying five euros for a bag of chips, then it is preferable to make appetizers at home. Having them available allows you to eat when you want, without having to wait for the cart to pass. Here are some snacks that won't spoil, make you feel full, and get you fired up:
- Apples.
- Assorted dried fruit.
- Almonds, cashews or pistachios.
- A cereal bar (the important thing is that it doesn't crumble too much).
- Raisins covered with yogurt.
- Pretzels.
- Dried mango or banana.

Step 2. Prepare to drink lots of water
Traveling by plane dehydrates the skin, so it consumes a lot of fluids. You cannot bring it from home, otherwise you will have to throw it out during security, but it is possible to buy it before boarding the plane. Whenever they offer you a glass of water, accept it, because you don't know when the flight attendants will come back. Of course, you can go and ask for one at the bottom of the plane or just press the button to call the stewardess, but it's easier to grab the glass when they hand it to you.
Of course, while drinking water is very important, you shouldn't even run to the bathroom every five minutes to urinate, especially if you're sitting by the window and don't want to disturb the people in your line. Find a balance: Try to keep yourself hydrated, without constantly finding yourself with a full bladder. However, keep in mind that it is better to be hydrated and need to go to the bathroom than to experience the opposite situation

Step 3. Bring eye drops if your eyes tend to get dry
The drops help prevent this ailment while traveling. While not mandatory, they can actually help you with dryness, a problem that affects many people in flight. It can be quite unpleasant to find yourself with dry eyes in the first 60 minutes of a 10-hour flight, without being able to do anything to fix it.
Just make sure the bottle of eye drops is small enough that you can take it on the plane without having any problems going through security

Step 4. Stay active in flight
According to the National Institutes of Health, there is a slight risk of developing deep vein thrombosis (DVT) on flights that exceed four hours. Moving helps you prevent the problem. You should walk up and down the aisles of the plane as much as possible, be active, bend over and stretch your legs to let blood circulation be optimal. Also, wear soft and comfortable clothes. Here are other secrets to feeling good:
- Hydrate the day before your flight and while on the plane.
- If you are at risk, wear compression stockings to prevent your legs from swelling (talk to your doctor about risk factors).
- The night before your flight and during your trip, avoid drinking alcohol, as it dehydrates you. The same goes for coffee, fizzy drinks and chocolate.
- Take low-dose aspirin the night before and the day of your flight, but only if you don't tend to get ulcers.
- Try to have a seat on the aisle, so that you can easily walk on the plane.

Step 5. Bring all necessary medications with you
You should have anti-nausea medicines, pain relievers, sleeping pills and so on, in short, everything you need to not urgently need something in the middle of the flight. Do not forget the medications you take regularly and those that allow you to relieve headaches, stiff necks or other pains.
If you think sleeping pills will help you sleep on an overnight flight, be sure to try them out in advance. You don't want to give it a try while on the plane, only to find yourself having a bad experience both on the way and on arrival
Part 4 of 5: Practical Organizational Strategies

Step 1. Choose the airline you will fly with
Of course, you need to know the available flights to your destination and the prices have to be fair. However, consider other factors as well before booking. In principle, you need to be sure that the airline meets your needs. Some airlines offer more legroom than others in certain areas, and this is an important variable for long journeys. Research and read promotional materials from various businesses. Also, check out people's opinions on travel forums.
- Find out about the company's entertainment offerings. Many modern airplanes feature individual monitors on the back of the seat facing you. In this way, you will not have to assume awkward positions to watch a very old movie broadcast on a television from 20 years ago, following the movements of the heads of the people in front of you. Some airlines, such as Swiss Air, Virgin Atlantic and Jet Blue, generally have personal screens.
- Many of these small individual entertainment centers offer numerous films, news, documentaries and so on. Plus, they have radios, music and video games that you can play with a liftable device from the seat armrest.

Step 2. Choose a comfortable seat in advance
To avoid being trapped in the middle seat, you should go out of your way to book what you want. First, you should figure out which place you prefer. Decide whether to stay in the hallway or by the window. The corridor is more comfortable for a long flight, because you can get up whenever you want to walk in the corridor and go to the bathroom without disturbing others; also, you have room to stretch your legs. However, some like the one next to the window because it's easier to lean on to rest and it's nice to look out. Whichever seat you choose, here are some tips before making this decision:
- Most airlines give you the option to choose your seat when you book your flight. Don't overlook this important aspect, even if you're in a hurry.
- While not choosing a seat online, try to do so when you are at check-in or at the boarding gate. Maybe the plane is full and you don't have a chance to change seats, but it's worth a try.
- You can try to sit towards the front of the plane, so you board early and exit immediately after landing. The downside is that you may be far from the bathroom.
- Try to get a seat in an emergency exit row - you'll have more legroom.
- Either way, try to avoid the seats in front of the emergency exit row. Some aren't even reclining.
- You should also avoid the seats at the bottom of the plane. Now, the seats in the very last row are not only non-reclining, they are located near the toilets, so the smell won't be pleasant at all.

Step 3. If you have very young children, be sure to arrange their accommodation
On the one hand, it is cheaper to carry a baby (you can do it with a baby for the entire flight), but it is not safe to travel this way. Most airlines offer the option to use a car seat. Furthermore, you will hardly be granted permission to hold a child for a long intercontinental flight.

Step 4. Remember to carefully select your connection flights
For example, if you're flying from Paris to San Francisco, a one-hour stopover in Brussels might tempt you, but you should instead make sure you have at least two hours, even three, between flights. Only then can you be sure you can get it. When it comes to intercontinental travel, you typically have to queue for passport control and undergo other security measures. They take a lot of time, not to mention that you'll have to find a terminal at an unfamiliar airport, often far from where you landed. For a stress-free journey, try to choose a connection that gives you long enough to get on the second plane.

Step 5. Find out about the prices for business class sleeping seats
If you want to sleep on your journey, you'll arrive fresh, and you'll likely be able to get over jet lag first. Obviously, the cost is certainly not favorable, but you can find out how to upgrade to a higher category using the miles or points you have accumulated as a frequent flyer. Maybe you can even find a great deal online for a business trip. It is worth doing some more in-depth research among the proposed solutions or paying a little extra to travel comfortably. You won't know until you try!

Step 6. Learn about the menus offered in flight
Most airlines cater to a variety of dietary needs on long international flights. However, you must reserve dishes that are not usually served and it is wise to do a second check 24 hours before departure to make sure that the order has been correctly registered. In fact, it's depressing to board a long flight and find that you can't touch food because there was an error with the booking.

Step 7. Prepare in advance for any health problems
If you have any dietary, access (for example, you are in a wheelchair or use a walker) or other requirements, it is essential to ensure that everything is in order. It is best to take care of this 24-12 hours before departure. Check that you have all medications and related prescriptions with you. It is important to be prepared for possible complications.
If you are prone to air sickness, you can also bring special medications or ginger tablets: they will help you feel good in flight. Although it is important to read the instructions on the package, in principle it should be taken about two hours before take-off

Step 8. Find out about restrictions before packing, otherwise you risk getting nasty surprises at the airport
Seeing your favorite Swiss Army knife confiscated because you put it in your hand luggage instead of checked baggage is no fun at all. In addition, there are many prohibited items: you can easily find a globally valid list on the airport or civil aviation website.
Pay attention to the size and weight limits when it comes to suitcases. Having to buy back a Swiss army knife is not a serious problem, but the disproportionate fees due to the overweight of the suitcase are a real drain. And if the hand luggage is too big, you are fried, so do everything right from the beginning. To learn more about the regulations, visit the airline's website
Part 5 of 5: Prepare Before the Flight

Step 1. Get a good sleep before departure
Maybe you will try to convince yourself that it is better to sleep in flight, but you are not always guaranteed. In fact, you may feel uncomfortable, or perhaps the passengers sitting next to you snore in a particularly annoying way. As if this weren't enough, setting off on a journey with considerable fatigue makes you risk getting sick on board. The longer you stay in an enclosed environment like that of an airplane, the more you expose yourself to the infection of viruses that can cause colds, flus and other inappropriate ailments. You can very well prevent this by embarking on top form, without feeling exhausted. For both parents and children, it is especially important to get a good night's sleep before a long flight to avoid nervousness, crying and frustration.

Step 2. If you are obviously ill, be prepared to prove that you are no longer contagious
Have you had chickenpox or do you often cough after a bad flu? Ask your doctor to sign a certificate to ensure you can travel safely (i.e., you no longer risk infecting others). They may prevent you from boarding if ground attendants fear for your health. It is also important to have prescriptions or letters available in case you bring drugs with you - they will not accuse you of transporting drugs to less tolerant destinations. Be well informed.

Step 3. Find out about the weather conditions at your destination
Knowing this allows you to properly pack and wear the right clothing in flight. It is definitely unpleasant to land in a tropical paradise with the wool sweater on at the start because you forgot to wear a t-shirt underneath. The same is true if you switch from a warm to a cold climate. Try to always have a coat on hand. For example, at the landing airport, you could immediately expose yourself to the cold on the way from the plane to the terminal. It's certainly not fun to have a t-shirt and a pair of sandals on while it's snowing like you're at the North Pole and a very strong wind blows.

Step 4. Prepare all necessary travel documents
Make sure all passports are in good standing. In many countries, they must be valid for at least another six months from the date of entry. Otherwise, they will not allow you to stay inside them during the travel period. Do not risk. Here are other considerations to make to make sure everything is in order:
- Organize the necessary residence permits before you travel. It's much easier to do this before you leave than to stand in line at a foreign airport plagued by the possibility that they won't let you in.
- When it comes to money, prepare a mix of foreign cash, traveler's checks and credit / debit cards, especially if you are going to a distant country. Talk to the bank to see at what exchange rate they can offer you the currency in that country.

Step 5. Get the vaccinations out of the way
It can be all too easy to forget them if you are busy preparing for your trip, so check with your doctor right away to find out which ones you need. Do you need to stock up on the medicines you take regularly? Talk to the specialist, informing him of the length of stay. Do not think that you can buy drugs in another country: you will have numerous problems, such as not being able to find them or find a doctor.

Step 6. A few days before your trip, pack your essentials, ie clothes, necessary medications, airline tickets, passports and personal hygiene items
It is wise to write a list - it will help you remember everything you should pack and use for the entire trip. In this way, you will not leave anything at home and you will have a point of reference in case of theft or loss of your suitcases.
Tell neighbors, friends and family what they should do if your home, car, or other property should have an emergency. If you leave your pet or child with some relatives (or, if he's old enough, home alone), they need to be given all the information they need to care for them

Step 7. Decide how you will go to the airport
If you take a long trip by plane, it is assumed that you will be away for some time and that you will hardly drive to the airport. In any case, inquire about the rates for long-term parking in the car park. This may be more convenient, especially if you're worried about leaving your car at home while you're away. Some airports, among other things, have good prices for those who decide to park the vehicle for a long time in their parking lots. Otherwise, you could rent a car, use a shuttle service, call a taxi, or ask a neighbor or relative to accompany you. The last option is particularly recommended, because this way you can greet each other better!

Step 8. Arrive early or in the usual two or three hours scheduled before an international flight
If you are disabled or need help with special access to the plane, it is best to arrive as soon as possible. You will make sure that everything is ready to help you board on time and comfortably. Not sure what to do while waiting? Most modern airports offer many solutions, otherwise you can always pick up a book, game, diary or other object to entertain you.
While waiting at the airport, read this article to learn how to approach the journey
- There are several objects that will save you from boredom on the plane: portable video game consoles (DS, PSP), mp3 player, magnetic travel games, crosswords, sudoku puzzles, a good book, magazines of your interest and mobile phone.
- Bring your chargers. Do not assume that it is enough to charge all electronic gadgets before departure. The portable DVD player's battery, for example, isn't enough for a six-hour flight, a week-long vacation, and the return trip.
- Bring chewing gum so you don't experience ear pain when landing.
- Be polite to flight attendants and all airline staff. Maybe they could move you to a higher class because they appreciated your smile. If you irritate them, they may instead assign you a seat near the restrooms at the back of the plane, even though you have specifically requested otherwise.
- Try to be realistic - you won't be listening to iPod for the duration of a long flight, so prepare more than one source of entertainment.
- Put your medications in your hand luggage.
- In your hand luggage, pack stocks of personal care products and medicines that you can use for three or four days. You should also add a spare pair of briefs, as suitcases could be lost.
- Add an extra shirt and pants in your hand luggage, you never know.
- Arrive at the airport two and a half hours before your scheduled departure. You will have plenty of time to grab a bite to eat, buy a book to read while traveling, or go to the bathroom. If not, you will have to run to succeed and do everything and you will not start on the right foot. Also remember that security checks can take a long time, especially if they find something wrong with your hand luggage.
- Ask someone to take care of your correspondence while you are away. A postbox filled with personal letters filled with private information (ID numbers or credit card numbers) is any thief's dream. You can also go to the post office and ask if it is possible to put the envelopes aside until you return.
- If you have ear problems due to air pressure, for example you suffer from tinnitus, put a couple of earplugs in your hand luggage so you can use them when needed. Air pressure is usually constant in an aircraft, and then the air conditioner is turned on - you may not even need it. On the other hand, better be ready for anything. Earplugs and eye masks also help you cancel unwanted lights and noises when you want to sleep on the plane.
- Read the airline magazine (usually found in the front seat pocket in front of you) to find out what you can't do in flight, otherwise you risk getting your brand new iPhone confiscated.
- Make sure you eat before boarding if they are not serving meals during the flight. Most airports have several restaurants and fast food outlets, such as McDonald's.
- Invest in electrical converters and / or adapters as needed.
- If you don't have a cell phone and are over seven years old, you can always use your parents' one.
- Consult your pediatrician to find out whether to give the baby a bottle during take-off or landing; this can help prevent ear discomfort.
- Say hello to friends and family who will not accompany you to the airport. Leave them all the contact information so they can find you in an emergency. It is always preferable to provide a list with your flight number, general travel arrangements, hotel names, places you will be staying and telephone number. Also, leave copies of passports, traveler's check numbers and credit and debit cards (of course, choose people you trust). In case of problems (for example you lose your suitcases and money), they will be a valuable resource.
- Another wise thing to do is ask a trusted neighbor to park your car (if you leave it at home) differently every day while you are away. If necessary, he might even park his second car in your driveway from time to time.
- Ask someone to pick up your correspondence (otherwise go to the post office to put it aside) and feed the pet.
- Make arrangements to make sure the house is safe and everything runs smoothly while you are away. Set timers for the radio and lights to come on at a certain time in the evening so it looks like someone is there. This is especially important if you live in a place where apartment rats are swarming.
- If you have pets and a garden, it is best to hire someone to take care of the house, but only if you will be away for more than a week. Not sure who to contact? You could ask the eldest child of the neighbors or your brother. Most teenagers love to show that they are responsible and tend to behave more respectfully in other people's homes.
- Don't rely too much on just one source of in-flight entertainment - anything can happen. The iPod may turn off, the airplane screen may not work, etc.
There are so many things you can't do: airlines and airports are very strict about the rules. You should know them all before you leave. Here are a few:
- Do not pack prohibited items from the airport of origin or arrival. Is very important. Check with the airline or travel agency to confirm what you can take with you on the flight.
- Do not get up when you are instructed to remain seated with your seat belts fastened.
- When the pilot asks to turn off all electronic devices, don't ignore him. Leaving them running is risky during takeoff and landing.
- Don't do anything stupid, like threaten the pilot. Don't joke about bombs and terrorists.
- Do not use your mobile phone (unless it is in airplane mode) and other types of wireless signal transmitters / receivers (such as a laptop, Nintendo DS, etc.) unless you have turned off the search for Wi-Fi networks; in fact, their signals could interfere with the aircraft's navigation technology. Set them up before you board.
- Try not to walk in the corridor when the stewardesses pass by with the trolley. For other passengers and flight attendants it will be uncomfortable, and they will be forced to move. Also, do not switch between seats when not necessary, as it is annoying for others.
- If you use a shuttle service to go to the airport, they will ask you what time the flight is. Indicates a time earlier than the real one, for example, calculate an hour earlier. They often pick up other people nearby, who may not be as punctual as you are. This trick is more important for the return flight, especially if it is a very busy holiday destination and many people use this service. In fact, it is usually less expensive than a taxi. You won't have to stress about other people's delays and you won't risk running like crazy once you arrive at the airport.
- Don't tell anyone you're going on vacation. Sure you can tell close friends and family (and it's recommended), but don't post on your blog or Twitter saying “Tomorrow we're off to Mexico! We will be gone for two weeks”: disreputable people could find out about it, running the risk of finding your house ransacked on your return.
- Try to walk down the hall to prevent deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Move your legs often, otherwise get up with the excuse of going to the bathroom, especially if it's a long journey. Do some stretching (be careful not to hit sleeping passengers or flight attendants!). On some airplanes equipped with individual monitors, you can find videos on the stretching exercises you can perform while sitting.