How to Be a Good Cornerback: 15 Steps

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How to Be a Good Cornerback: 15 Steps
How to Be a Good Cornerback: 15 Steps

Are you still missing interceptions? Here are some steps that will help you become a good cornerback in football. If you follow these tips you will be ready for the big games.


Be a Good Cornerback Step 1
Be a Good Cornerback Step 1

Step 1. Assume the correct two-point stance

Keep your back straight and your knees bent.

Be a Good Cornerback Step 2
Be a Good Cornerback Step 2

Step 2. If you are playing close to the receiver, you will need to make contact with him, annoy his running trajectory and his timing

After touching it, turn and run accompanying your direct opponent, marking him as a man or covering your area.

Be a Good Cornerback Step 3
Be a Good Cornerback Step 3

Step 3. If you are playing far from the catcher, move back 20 yards from your opponent

Keep your shoulders aligned with the yard lines.

Be a Good Cornerback Step 4
Be a Good Cornerback Step 4

Step 4. When the receiver approaches you, you will need to run forward and jump with full force

It takes time to do this, so you can't wait for it to be on you. You will need to quickly rotate your hips and head towards the quarterback and accelerate. Run on the inside hip of the receiver, this way, if he tries to cut the running line upward or inward, you will oppose the body and interrupt his trajectory. If it cuts outward, you can follow it.

Be a Good Cornerback Step 5
Be a Good Cornerback Step 5

Step 5. If the receiver stops before it reaches you, you will need to quickly run towards it

You should accelerate in two steps, one to stop the backward run and one to push forward.

Be a Good Cornerback Step 6
Be a Good Cornerback Step 6

Step 6. Know when you have support on long balls - if one of the safety plays deep, you can try to anticipate the defender, because you won't have to worry about being hit with a long pass

If you are given an uncovered man mark, make sure you stay behind or in contact with your direct opponent.

Be a Good Cornerback Step 7
Be a Good Cornerback Step 7

Step 7. Learn to tackle correctly

The tackle is a very important fundamental for cornerbacks; in some teams, it will be your main task. To tackle you must first clear the receiver blocks. To do this, put your hands inside and leverage to move them and get into a good position for a tackle.

Be a Good Cornerback Step 8
Be a Good Cornerback Step 8

Step 8. Follow the game, even if the ball is not thrown towards your receiver

Also watch out for outside running tracks.

Be a Good Cornerback Step 9
Be a Good Cornerback Step 9

Step 9. Don't risk interception if you are unsure whether to catch the ball, as the receiver could beat you and score a touchdown

Be a Good Cornerback Step 10
Be a Good Cornerback Step 10

Step 10. Learn your team's playbook

Know when to mark by man or by zone.

Be a Good Cornerback Step 11
Be a Good Cornerback Step 11

Step 11. In all covers, note where the receiver is aligned

If the wide receiver is lined up close to the sideline, it won't run an outside track, but some kind of inside track. Its location will help you determine the path it will follow.

Be a Good Cornerback Step 12
Be a Good Cornerback Step 12

Step 12. Always pay attention to which down you are playing and the distance to the first down

If you are playing a long third down, the receiver will run a track that will allow him to get at least the first down.

Be a Good Cornerback Step 13
Be a Good Cornerback Step 13

Step 13. Always stay inside the catcher, as it is more difficult to pitch to a player who is behind an opponent

Be a Good Cornerback Step 14
Be a Good Cornerback Step 14

Step 14. Read the quarterback's movements and see where he throws the ball

Be a Good Cornerback Step 15
Be a Good Cornerback Step 15

Step 15. In situations where the ball is deflected, thinks you are the intended receiver of the pass and tries to catch it


  • Don't jump to intercept the ball if you don't think you can. You would give the receiver a chance to pick up the ball and score a touchdown.
  • Remember to always move and cover the area assigned to you.
  • The cornerback role may not be the best position for you. This is one of the most demanding positions in terms of speed. If you are more skilled at tackling, you could play as a safety or a linebacker. If you are good at receiving, you can play as a wide receiver.
  • Back off 10 yards and sprint forward. Repeat this workout 3 times.
  • Sprint for 20 yards, turning your hips as you go.
  • Tutorials:

    • Get behind a teammate, who has his back to you and tries to catch up with him after he has sprinted without giving you warning.
    • Sprint for 10 meters, run back lightly.
    • Sprint for 20 meters, run back lightly.
    • Sprint for 30 meters, run back lightly.
    • Sprint for 40 meters, backtrack lightly, then repeat the exercise at reverse distances (40, 30, 20, 10).
