If you already know the basics of skateboarding but are frustrated because you can't make the numbers you see on television or on the internet, don't worry. By working to eliminate nervousness and maintaining constant and varied practice, you can become a skilled skateboarder in no time.

Step 1. Don't be afraid
This is the most important thing: if you are afraid it is likely that you will not be able to do a trick. And half the time you will close the trick the first time. So don't back down. For starters, when you are about to tackle a trick you can use normal phrases to get courage. "Off the balls," "there's nothing difficult," "be a man," or "just do it." They'll help you.

Step 2. Don't stop doing the same things every day
You will soon get bored doing the same things, such as a ramp, a barrier in the garage, or stairs near your home. He goes out and looks for new places every day. Ask friends or parents to accompany you to certain places or parks, this way you will learn how to skateboard by doing a lot of different things.

Step 3. Don't limit yourself to skateparks
Most have no good obstacles, and you'll be lucky to find just one flight of stairs. Instead, look for places like supermarkets and schools.

Step 4. Don't be afraid of getting hurt
It doesn't matter if you get hurt trying to do something cool, you'll have a chance to get up and try again. If you break your leg while skateboarding your friends will respect you, every hit makes you stronger.

Step 5. Take your skate anywhere
You will never know when you will be bored and when you will find a nice place.

Step 6. Always try to have a friend take a video of you when you are skating and do your best if you fall back up and try again until you can

Step 7. If you know you can do the trick, do it
When you think "what if I fall and get hurt" or "if I break the board". Chances are you won't get hurt and the board won't break, so just let it go. Just think "I can do it" and do it. And why be afraid of pain anyway? It only lasts a few minutes, then it passes
- Never give up.
- Be creative. Is there no way to overcome the grass? Put a board on it. Cracks in the sidewalk that don't allow you to use the skater? Try putting wooden boards. Can't get a grind on a landing? Put some wax on it.
- Do not be afraid!
- Committed. It's like giving up the first time: you may fall at first, but then you will make it and before you know it you will be able to make Monster Bowl and Darkslides.
- Learn new tricks.
- Don't break skates intentionally. They cost, why waste money like that?
- Don't be afraid of the stairs. They are never as hard as they seem.
- When the doctor tells you not to skateboard for a month and a half, it doesn't mean a month and a week. Doctors know what they say, listen to them.
- Security guards and personnel. They'll go crazy if you go skateboarding where they work or the place they guard and they might call the police.