How to Conquer a Woman by Interpreting Her Body Language

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How to Conquer a Woman by Interpreting Her Body Language
How to Conquer a Woman by Interpreting Her Body Language

If you happen to catch the eye of the woman you like from afar, you will surely wonder what she will think of you! Fortunately, by paying due attention, you have the opportunity to understand if there is an interest on his part. Once you start to strike up a conversation, there are some signs that your partner is flirting and intending to get to know you better. Equally important, however, are the clues they tell you if you don't care. If you notice them, you better let it go.


Part 1 of 3: Recognizing the Signs of Interest from a Woman

Read Women's Body Language for Flirting Step 1
Read Women's Body Language for Flirting Step 1

Step 1. Notice if you look around

You may find that he observes the situation for a few seconds, without meeting anyone's gaze and, later, looking for you for a few seconds out of the corner of his eye. These quick glances indicate that, if nothing else, he has noticed you.

Some women don't like being caught watching, while others stare intently for a few seconds. However, if you notice that the person who sparked your curiosity is looking at you multiple times, they are likely to want to get to know you

Read Women's Body Language for Flirting Step 2
Read Women's Body Language for Flirting Step 2

Step 2. Pay attention if he makes eye contact for a few seconds

If she throws lightning glances at you and then looks you in the eye for a few moments, it means she's really interested. If you see her looking in your direction, smile at her to show her interest in your turn.]

Read Women's Body Language for Flirting Step 3
Read Women's Body Language for Flirting Step 3

Step 3. See if she tilts her head or plays with her hair

If she likes you, she might tilt her head back and lift her face slightly. You may see her adopt this attitude after looking at you from a distance. Alternatively she could play with her hair or fix it.

  • Generally, playing with your hair is a good sign.
  • Similarly, if you adjust your dress, for example adjust your skirt, it could indicate a desire to talk to you.
Read Women's Body Language for Flirting Step 4
Read Women's Body Language for Flirting Step 4

Step 4. Observe if he exposes the neck

He may find out by tilting his head to the side. It's a way to show his vulnerability, but also his willingness to get to know you better.

He can do this from a distance or while talking to you. During the conversation this attitude on the part of a woman indicates that she is listening to what you say because, by adjusting the position of her head, she tries to feel better

Read Women's Body Language for Flirting Step 5
Read Women's Body Language for Flirting Step 5

Step 5. Notice if she smiles shyly across the room

If he has noticed and looked at you multiple times, keep taking a few glances in his direction from time to time. If she smiles at you, she's probably inviting you to come over to talk to her.

He may smile without showing his teeth. In this case, it could mean two things: inviting you to talk or even just being quiet

Read Women's Body Language for Flirting Step 6
Read Women's Body Language for Flirting Step 6

Step 6. Notice if she has positive body language as you walk towards her

When you start getting closer, check how he reacts. If he turns his body in your direction while smiling, that's a good sign. However, if she turns away, crosses her arms, crosses her legs, or frowns, that's not a good clue and you probably want to stop trying to win her over.

Part 2 of 3: Notice if He's Flirting

Read Women's Body Language for Flirting Step 7
Read Women's Body Language for Flirting Step 7

Step 1. Observe if he smiles

If she is constantly smiling while you talk, it probably means that she is interested and wants to keep talking. Women generally have no problem showing disappointment, frowning, or boredom when they want to interrupt the conversation!

  • Laughter is also a great sign, especially if it laughs at all your jokes.
  • It may also blink.
  • If she blushes, even better!
Read Women's Body Language for Flirting Step 8
Read Women's Body Language for Flirting Step 8

Step 2. See if it mimics your movements

Once you have broken the ice and started talking to each other, see how she reacts when you change positions. It may mimic your gestures, such as crossing your legs. In this case, it means that she likes you.

He might even do it without realizing it

Read Women's Body Language for Flirting Step 9
Read Women's Body Language for Flirting Step 9

Step 3. Pay attention to physical contact

Calm down, there is no talk of kissing! Often, however, a woman touches the other person's arm or shoulder to emphasize a newly expressed consideration or simply to flirt. Anytime she seeks physical contact is a great sign, as it indicates that she is accepting courtship.

  • It might even try to break into your physical space. If you feel like she's hugging you or sitting a little too close, she's probably flirting. He may even lean forward from time to time.
  • If you like, you can do the same, for example by lightly touching her arm while talking to her.
Read Women's Body Language for Flirting Step 10
Read Women's Body Language for Flirting Step 10

Step 4. Notice if he leans forward during the conversation

The more she likes you and the more she cares about what you say, the more likely she is to prove it to you by approaching her body. He might do it just a little bit with his torso, as if trying to hear you better.

If he leans forward, he avoids backing away. He's trying to be closer to you

Read Women's Body Language for Flirting Step 11
Read Women's Body Language for Flirting Step 11

Step 5. Check if he nods his head as you speak

If he pays attention to what you say, he may nod from time to time to show that he is listening to you. While this doesn't necessarily indicate that she's flirting, it's a great sign.

Read Women's Body Language for Flirting Step 12
Read Women's Body Language for Flirting Step 12

Step 6. See if she plays with the first object she comes across

Attempting to keep her hands busy, for example by playing with her hair, touching some jewelry or the rim of the glass, clearly indicates that she is flirting. Slow and controlled gestures are more likely to denote courtship moves, while jerks and sudden movements could indicate boredom and disinterest.

  • For example, if she touches her lips, neck or collarbones, it may tell you that she likes you. It is unconsciously drawing your attention to these areas of the body.
  • He may also try to get your attention by stroking the stem of a glass of wine or running his fingers along the edge of a glass of water.
Read Women's Body Language for Flirting Step 13
Read Women's Body Language for Flirting Step 13

Step 7. Notice if she looks you in the eye before looking down or away

Often, when the woman is interested, she maintains eye contact for a few seconds. However, he may turn it down for a moment or look in another direction.

These sudden glances indicate interest, but they are also a sign of shyness

Read Women's Body Language for Flirting Step 14
Read Women's Body Language for Flirting Step 14

Step 8. See if she is relaxed with her body

If he keeps his shoulders down or palms up, he is proving that he is not hiding anything. She is letting you know that she is willing to deepen your knowledge.

Also, notice if your posture is soft and relaxed or if your back stiffens

Part 3 of 3: Watch for Signs of Disinterest

Read Women's Body Language for Flirting Step 15
Read Women's Body Language for Flirting Step 15

Step 1. Check if it is looking everywhere except in your direction

While flirting, a woman may look around for a moment, but ultimately keep glancing at the object of desire in an attempt to get his attention. However, if you feel like she's always looking away, it could mean she's not interested.

See if your pupils are dilated. If they aren't, she probably doesn't like you

Read Women's Body Language for Flirting Step 16
Read Women's Body Language for Flirting Step 16

Step 2. Notice if it stiffens with your body

If she's sitting with her back stiff and her arms crossed, she's probably not interested. Likewise, if she rests her head on one hand and looks very bored, she's probably looking for a way to walk away without offending you.

Folded arms and body facing another direction also indicate lack of interest

Read Women's Body Language for Flirting Step 17
Read Women's Body Language for Flirting Step 17

Step 3. Be careful if you frown or suddenly stop smiling

Since smiling is a positive sign, the opposite is also true: if she has a frown or looks around without paying attention to anything, she is probably not interested. Walk away if he doesn't smile back.

Read Women's Body Language for Flirting Step 18
Read Women's Body Language for Flirting Step 18

Step 4. Pay attention to the physical distance

If you touch her arm and she takes a step back, she's telling you she doesn't want to get close. Likewise, if you step forward to kiss her and she offers her hand to you, it means she just wants to be your friend or doesn't want any physical contact.

It is important to respect the limits of others. If she doesn't seem interested, forget it. Even better, ask her permission to greet her with a kiss or hug. "Can I give you a hug?" or "Do you mind if we say goodbye with a kiss?" can make a difference

Read Women's Body Language for Flirting Step 19
Read Women's Body Language for Flirting Step 19

Step 5. Believe her if she says "no"

If she says "no," don't think she's playing precious. He doesn't want to interact with you, so you better leave. If you go beyond certain limits, you risk making her nervous, and you certainly won't make her change her mind.

It may not clearly say "no", but it may use a phrase to push you away. For example, she might say, "Thank you, but I'm expecting someone", "I don't want to talk right now" or "I'm engaged"

Read Women's Body Language for Flirting Step 20
Read Women's Body Language for Flirting Step 20

Step 6. End the conversation politely, if necessary

If you find yourself an unwanted presence, try to end the conversation immediately. Don't be rude. She hasn't asked you to talk to her after all, and she probably just wants to be alone.
