Have you ever observed the person you have a crush on from afar, but were too afraid to even approach and say hello? Are you terrified of making a mistake and making a fool of yourself? This article will tell you how to meet the person you like for the first time and how to get out of this situation without feeling ashamed!

Step 1. Approach and pretend nothing is happening
Don't rush to meet your crush like you're a crazed fan! Try to pretend your meeting is random. If any of your friends know the person you like, ask him to introduce you. This way your meeting will feel friendly and not forced.

Step 2. Introduce yourself
Try not to stammer - you need to seem comfortable. It's not that hard to say your name, is it? Remember that your crush is a person just like you - there's no reason to be so nervous about meeting her.

Step 3. Give a compliment
This is a very effective strategy, especially if the person you like is a girl - women love compliments! Don't forget, though, that guys also like to get compliments on their shirt or shoes. This way you will start your relationship on the right foot.

Step 4. Try to start a conversation
It's hard to chat the first time you meet someone. A good idea might be to keep talking starting with the compliment you gave him / her. Let's say you said I like your shoes. You could add something like Where did you buy them? to keep the conversation going. If you don't feel ready for a chat, however, skip straight to the next step.

Step 5. Find a way to stay connected
If you have a cell phone, ask the person you like if he / she also has one. If so, ask for his number. You can also ask for his contact from Facebook, Twitter, Skype, Google+ or any other social network. This way you can show that you are interested in staying in touch with him / her.

Step 6. Make up an excuse to walk away
Don't run away like you have better things to do, but don't stand still in silence either. If you think you've said enough, or if the situation is getting awkward, find a good excuse to say goodbye and walk away. If you meet in between classes, you might say: Well, I better go to class. If not, keep it generic with a trivial: You better go. Add a See you later to end your chat. This will give the impression that you want to talk to him or her again.
- Try to look confident and, if possible, try to really trust yourself. Even if you are shy, talking to the person you like can be very easy indeed. Treat him / her like a good friend.
- Use your friends to your advantage! Ask your friend to tell the person you like about you and use it to keep the conversation going.
- If you feel really uncomfortable talking to the person you like and you have a friend who knows them, take them with you and ask them to carry on the conversation for you.
- If you need an excuse to create an opportunity to meet, approach them and say you've heard around that you need help with your math homework (for example). Introduce yourself and give him / her your number then tell him / her to call you if he needs help. It's also a good excuse to see this person again after your first meeting!