Almost all of us want someone to love and who loves us. If you genuinely love a woman and want to make sure your feelings are reciprocated, start by trying to figure out if she is interested in you. By showing her that you are worthy of her love, by fueling the flames of attraction, by supporting her, and by building solid communication with her you can help her fall in love with you. There are no guarantees in love, but these tips should help you and give you ideas to win the heart of your loved one.
Part 1 of 4: Understanding Attraction

Step 1. Learn some chemistry
Don't worry, there are no questions. The attraction, however, is a purely chemical fact, and specifically, due to a group of substances called "monoamines". These substances send messages between the brain and the body and are the reason why love can literally make your skin tingle or make you forget your name in the presence of the woman of your dreams.
- Dopamine is a "feel good" neurotransmitter responsible for rewards and motivation, among other things. When you are in the presence of an attractive person, dopamine is released in the brain, which makes you appreciate the time you spend together and makes you want to see them again.
- Norepinephrine, in some cases known as norepinephrine (not to be confused with adrenaline) is responsible for sending messages to your central nervous system. It helps you decide what to focus on at each moment. When you lose track of time and spend 5 hours with someone you like, norepinephrine has decided that the woman you love is more important than all the other information around you.
- Serotonin regulates many functions, including mood, sleep, body temperature, and libido. When your skin starts tingling in the presence of someone special, it's because serotonin has caused your body temperature to drop, making your skin more conductive to electricity. Real magic!
- Humans are also capable of secreting pheromones like other animals do, although scientists are unsure of how they work. We can't consciously smell pheromones, but your body can detect those of others, determining what it finds attractive and what isn't.

Step 2. Understand that it's not all up to you
Since so much depends on the chemical reactions inside a person's body, don't take it personally if the woman you're interested in doesn't reciprocate your feelings. It probably has nothing to do with you. Studies show that the brain decides what's attractive in less than a second, and it's not something you can control.
Research has also shown that women who take hormonal contraceptives may have different preferences for men at certain times of the month. Biochemistry is indeed a bizarre science

Step 3. Learn the language of love
It's not about the sweet words you need to say when talking to a woman, but about learning to identify the messages your body language conveys when attracted to another person. There are some basic messages your body language communicates when you are interested in a person:
- I'm available.
- I am open and approachable.
- I'm interested.
- I am fertile.

Step 4. Check his body posture
Imagine you meet a woman you are interested in in a bar. You don't know if he reciprocates your interest. Study how he positions the body to find clues.
- "Open" body language includes relaxed, uncrossed arms and legs and upward gazes from time to time. "Closed" body language is characterized by crossed arms or legs, tension in the body, and attention elsewhere, on things like the telephone.
- The direction of the feet can also tell you something. If they're pointed at you, they probably appreciate the interaction.
- If he's holding something between you, like a purse or pouch, he may be trying to create some distance. If he catches your eye, smiles, and moves the bag to the next chair, you can be pretty sure he's saying "I'm available".

Step 5. Look for eye contact
The eyes are the window to the soul. They also give a lot of clues as to whether someone is interested in you. Eye contact communicates a lot of messages, including some you may not know.
- Look the woman in the eye for 4-5 seconds. You smile. If he looks back and smiles back, you might be lucky.
- Making eye contact with the person you're talking to indicates interest and engagement. If she looks at you 70% of the time when you are talking and 50% of the time when she is talking, she is probably interested in the interaction. You can signal your interest by following the same reports.
- When we are excited, our pupils dilate. If his pupils are dilated, he may be happy to see you.

Step 6. Conquer her with a dazzling smile
If she smiles back, it may indicate that she enjoys your interaction. However, remember that some people smile when they are nervous or uncomfortable. See which muscles he moves when he smiles.
Sincere smiles, or duchenne, use the muscles around the eyes in addition to those around the mouth. Fake smiles often only set the muscles around the mouth in motion (although some people are very good at pretending). If he doesn't smile with his eyes, he may not feel comfortable or is trying to please you

Step 7. Study some biology
Human beings experience some physiological reactions when they are attracted to another person. While these aren't universal reactions, they can give you clues as to whether a woman is just being polite or if she really cares about you.
- To blush. When we are aroused, blood rushes to the cheeks - one of the reasons some women use blush. People can still blush even when they feel nervous or embarrassed, so don't rely on this as your only clue.
- More swollen and red lips. Blood doesn't just reach the cheeks. It also goes into lips that can appear fuller and redder - hence the use of lipstick. Licking your lips is another common sign of attraction.

Step 8. Get a little closer
Don't invade a person's personal space, but if you're sitting at a bar and she gets up to get some sugar, you might as well get some napkins. This will give you a chance to get her to smell your pheromones.
If you're already interacting with the woman of your dreams, get a little closer or tilt your head. These cues not only indicate your interest in the interaction, but they help launch the chemical messengers of love we talked about earlier at her

Step 9. Take risks with a bold move
You can try a "pickup phrase" or some approach phrases to break the ice. Remember, though, that you don't need to sound like a maniac or be too arrogant for these phrases to be effective. Scientists suggest that there are 3 types of openings, of different effectiveness:
- Direct: these are honest openings, no frills and straight to the point. For example: "Hi, you are very pretty. Can I get you a drink?" or "I'm pretty shy, but I'd like to get to know you better." In general, men prefer to receive these approaches from potential romantic partners.
- Harmless: These phrases allow you to start a conversation, but don't get to the point right away. For example: "What coffee would you recommend?" or "There is an empty chair at my table, would you like to sit here?". In general, women prefer to receive this type of approach.
- Funny or cheesy: These approaches involve the use of humor, but they can also be mundane or even tacky. They are the typical "pickup phrases", like "Did you hurt yourself when you fell from the sky?" or "Do you know what would look really good on you? Me!". In general, men and women regard these as the least desirable options.
- Your relationship strategy will play a role in choosing an opening. Studies suggest that people who seek long-term relationships more often use honest and direct openings, while those who want short-term relationships more often use manipulation and dishonesty. If you are looking for true love, always take the honest approach.
Part 2 of 4: Getting started

Step 1. Give her a reason to notice you
Do something noticeable to hit her. However, don't try to become something you are not. Being yourself (maybe the best version of you) is the best way to make sure she's interested in you, and not the role you play to get noticed.
- Take care of yourself. Eat healthy, exercise, and dress in clothes that express your personality. You don't need to be a model or an Olympian, but keeping yourself tidy, clean and groomed will allow you to show that you are a healthy person, which humans instinctively find attractive.
- Studies have shown that women value social traits, such as compassion and friendliness, the same (or even higher) value than physical beauty. Do something that shows you care about other people. Volunteer at the local soup kitchen, donate blood, help a friend in need, organize a charity auction. Prove that you are worth more than you can see. She will be impressed with your contribution to the community and curious about what else you have to offer.
- Show your fun side. Research shows that men and women view humor as one of the most attractive qualities in a potential partner. Joke and make other people laugh, just avoid belittling them or being mean or cynical, because they are sure ways to turn off the mood right away. Being a little playful can definitely give you some advantage.
- You excel in a field you are skilled at, preferably in his company. What do you do well? Maybe tennis, rock climbing, or football, humor, math or debates? Whatever it is, try to excel in that area.
- Send signals with your body language. Women have a tendency to be more skilled at interpreting body language; you can use this to your advantage. For example, try enlarging your body, widening your shoulders, and nudging your friends to let them know that you are trying to get their attention.
- Get involved. Remember: luck favors the bold. If you stay indoors all the time, you are probably not making the most of your time. And if you don't test yourself from time to time, you'll never see any results.

Step 2. Show confidence in your means
Men and women are attracted to self-confident people. Arrogance, on the other hand, is often a negative character, so make sure you are able to maintain a certain balance.
- True confidence in one's own means comes from within. It's about knowing who you are, accepting yourself, and knowing that you are a great person. You don't need the approval of others to feel good about yourself. When you are confident, you can inspire that confidence in others.
- Arrogance occurs when you base your self-esteem on external sources, such as compliments or personal successes. Often this attitude stems from a basis of insecurity. You may feel like you have to belittle others to feel better about yourself, or that everything in life is a competition between you and the rest of the world.
- It's okay to accept compliments and praise, especially if you are grateful for other people's contributions to your success. For example, if you are a sports champion, you probably have a great team helping you. After winning a major match, accept praise for your good performance, but remember to extend those praises to your teammates as well. This kind of attitude demonstrates real confidence and not arrogance.

Step 3. Establish an action plan
There is no need to write it and it doesn't have to be complex. Decide the strategy to follow and find the best way to win the girl's heart. If you behave like an amateur you will probably have fewer chances.
- If you are in love with a girl, you should work hard to win her over. When love hits us, it often has the strength of a moving train and makes us feel helpless. It's normal.
But if you want to find love in general, try to socialize with many different women. You'll increase the chances of finding one to really bond with, and a girl's rejection won't seem so bad if you have other options. This strategy also brings other advantages:
- You will have a clearer idea of what you want. We often don't know what we want until we see it. Get involved and you'll likely find a woman you naturally feel comfortable with, instead of trying to make hopeless relationships work.
- Socializing with many women does not mean being a "playboy". If you want to find love, hang out with multiple people, but make romantic bonds with only one woman at a time. Don't enter a relationship hoping to exploit or manipulate the other person.
Get a Woman to Fall in Love with You Step 13 Step 4. Commit to getting to know her
Find out who he is, what he believes in and where he comes from. He will appreciate your interest in him. Ask open-ended questions and participate when they answer, without prejudice and without jumping to conclusions.
- Most people love to talk about themselves. That's the way the world goes. Don't forget to join the conversation and reveal information about yourself, but get her to talk about a topic she likes and everything will be easier.
- One way to get someone to talk about themselves is to ask smart questions. For example, ask her about her passions ("What do you love to do?"), Her inspirations ("What motivates you?") And her goals ("What do you want to achieve?"). The questions that make her talk about the future can help her see you in that scenario. Questions about the present have a tendency to stay more on the surface.
- Social psychologist Arthur Aron has created a list of 36 open and creative questions you can ask to get to know a person better.
- Now is not the time to bad mouth your ex or insult your boss. This level of negativity can make a woman uncomfortable. If you say negative things about other people in her presence, she will wonder if you might not do the same by talking badly about her to someone else. Limit yourself to the positive arguments.
Get a Woman to Fall in Love with You Step 14 Step 5. Take your time
These things take time. Don't expect to win a person's heart in a few days. Perseverance is your best weapon. Set realistic expectations so that you won't be disappointed if he doesn't fall in love with you right away.
- If she gives you her number, great, but don't beg her. Call her when you can, but don't overdo it. Sometimes, give her a chance to call you!
- Don't reveal your life story in one night. If you really like a woman, you may be tempted to "sell yourself" to her best to make her understand why you are the man for her. Instead, try going slowly. Leaving an aura of mystery around you gives her a chance to have questions to ask you and won't make you seem desperate - or worse - as if you can't set yourself a limit.
Part 3 of 4: Developing a Connection
Get a Woman to Fall in Love with You Step 15 Step 1. Give her a compliment
Give personal and heartfelt compliments to have the best effect. And be reasonable. Give her compliments that let her know that you like her more than a friend, but not to the point that she thinks she is desperate or trying to get compliments back. Studies have shown that women are interested in men who show their interest, but without being pushy.
- First of all, compliment her on her skills. Nature has given her her forms, but she has "worked" for her intelligence and her talent. Compliment her when her beautiful personality comes out.
- If you want to compliment her on physical appearance, try to choose personal elements and not limit yourself to a banal "Wow, you have beautiful eyes". You could say, for example, "Your eyes have such an unusual blue tint. Do your parents have blue eyes too?" Pointing out that you are paying attention is also a good tactic. For example: "Have you cut your hair? Short hair looks great on you."
Consider complimenting things you find unique and interesting. Almost all women have heard it said hundreds of times that "They have a beautiful smile". Look for evidence that you are truly involved with her as a person. For instance:
- "It's really easy to talk to you. I have a feeling I could talk to you all day."
- "I like the way you think."
- "You had a lot of courage to talk like that."
Get a Woman to Fall in Love with You Step 16 Step 2. Start flirting
Find a way to start flirting gently. If you really like the girl, it will be very difficult at first, but it will feel more natural to you once you build some confidence and as you get to know her better.
- Smile and look her in the eye. A woman can understand a lot from your eyes. A smile is also important. Smile to convey happiness and look her in the eye to convey confidence.
- Imitate her body language. You won't have to be a parrot. But if she is relaxed and open, follow her example. If he gestures a lot with his hands when he speaks, you too can start integrating them into the conversation.
Find jokes that only you can understand or learn to tease her in a playful way. "Private" jokes are a great way to flirt and bond at the same time. They give both of you a sense of being part of something that only you know. Try to get jokes like this out of all your experiences.
When you joke in a playful way, make sure that she understands that you are making fun of her. Give her a wink to let her know that you are being sarcastic or tell her openly that you are joking. It is best to tease her about something she does very well so that she doesn't have to try to figure out if you are serious.
Get a Woman to Fall in Love with You Step 17 Step 3. Touch it, from time to time
In general, friends of the opposite sex don't touch each other much. They may hug each other, but they usually don't hold hands and don't rub against each other. Taking her hand, gently stroking her arm when you say something, or putting a lock of hair behind her ear is your way of saying "Hey, I'm really interested in you."
- Of course, you should only do this if you are certain that they enjoy spending their time with you. Don't touch a girl the first time you meet her and avoid touching her in private areas if you don't get a clear invitation.
- If they don't seem to like or react well to your touch, don't try again. Always respect its boundaries, even if you don't understand them.
Get a Woman to Fall in Love with You Step 18 Step 4. Ask her to go out with you
When you are ready for the final step, you will need to ask her out with you. A date is the perfect opportunity to get to know her better and, perhaps, to steal a kiss.
- When you ask her out, don't be too aggressive, but be clear. Otherwise you risk ending up in the dreaded "friend zone", from which it is often terribly difficult to get out. The best way to avoid this is to clearly express your intentions. Avoid "frightening" her by declaring your love right away (in fact, you really shouldn't), and rather say something like, "I really enjoy spending time with you. Would you like a" real "date? Thus, you will let her know that you want more than a friendship, without giving the impression that yours is a marriage request.
- Do something exciting. An exciting date - such as a visit to a haunted house, a roller coaster playground, or a sporting event - helps release a powerful hormone (oxytocin) responsible for feelings of bonding and oneness.
- At the right time, try to kiss her. If you feel hesitant, it's best to wait until your second or third date. Kiss her briefly and firmly, and whatever you do, don't stick your tongue down her throat.
Get a Woman to Fall in Love with You Step 19 Step 5. Listen carefully
Good communication skills can help you win the woman of your dreams. By actively listening to her, you will show that you are truly interested and involved in what she thinks and feels. This is a very attractive feature. Try some of these techniques:
- Repeat and ask for clarification. Don't assume you understand what he's saying. Instead, ask for clarification, if needed: "I'm not sure I understand you correctly. I heard _. Is that what you meant?" Then give it a chance to explain.
- Encourage her. Ask questions like "What happened next?" or "How did you answer?". Small gestures of encouragement, such as nodding, saying "a-ah", and "go ahead" are also helpful.
- Summarize the most important things. If you shared a lot of information in your conversation, summarize it. This will show that you have been paying attention, and give her the opportunity to clarify. For example: "Ok, so I understand that tomorrow is going to be a terrible day for you and you don't want to be stressed out, so you would like me to pick you up at work to go see a stupid action movie together. Right?".
Get a Woman to Fall in Love with You Step 20 Step 6. Use good communication techniques
Listening is half of communication, but you will also need to know how to speak. Learn to ask questions, avoid blaming, and communicate directly and honestly. It will make a huge difference, and you may be able to impress.
- Ask questions. This is especially useful if you are unsure you understand the situation. For example, she might say she wants advice when, in reality, she just wants one person to listen to her. Ask her, "Do you want me to help you find a solution or do you just need someone to let off steam? You can count on me anyway."
- Use first-person affirmations, not second-person affirmations. Second-person affirmations can give the impression that you blame the listener, and can make people shut down and defensive. Saying, for example, "You always make us late and it bothers me a lot" communicates your feelings clearly, but it will hurt hers as well, and make her stop talking to you. Instead, try a first-person affirmation: "I know you need more time to get ready, but it's very stressful for me to be late. How can I help you find the time you need and get us to dinner on time?"
- Speak honestly and directly. Do not beat around the bush and do not assume a passive-aggressive attitude. Tell her what you think, follow the words with the deeds, and be kind and respectful.
Get a Woman to Fall in Love with You Step 21 Step 7. Be mysterious but available
Women love men with a mysterious image. It doesn't take much to develop one - don't share all the details, don't brag about the things you do, let other people like you (who will speak well of you) - but it's not easy to do it right. At the same time, however, make yourself available. There is nothing more wrong than going out of your way to get a woman and then leave her hanging because you can't be found.
- This strategy will help you maintain your independence. Healthy relationships allow both people to live their lives and pursue their interests on their own, as well as spending time together. If you don't spend every moment of the day thinking about her or chasing her, you will show her that you are independent and confident, very attractive qualities.
- There is no need to play mind games. If you want to call her, call her. If she calls you when you're really busy, tell her you'll call her back. You don't have to wait a certain number of minutes between messages or a certain number of days between phone calls. Live your life and make the woman of your dreams a part of it.
Part 4 of 4: Deepening Your Bond
Get a Woman to Fall in Love with You Step 22 Step 1. Earn their trust
You don't have to become her best friend, but let her know that she can trust you. Be there when he needs you. If he asks you to keep a secret, do it. If you tell her you will do something, keep your word. Trust is key to developing intimate and lasting relationships and can be broken in a flash.
- Don't start a relationship just for sex. This will make you seem like a person who is not trustworthy. Don't push her to do things she doesn't feel ready to do - you'll just push her away.
- If you have to break a promise, give it an honest explanation. She'll be less disappointed if you tell her what happened and that you're really sorry you couldn't be there. Don't make it a habit to stand up.
Get a Woman to Fall in Love with You Step 23 Step 2. Learn to understand his language of love
People don't express and interpret love in the same way. Some love to receive gifts, others would be just as happy if you washed the dishes every night. Psychologist Gary Chapman argues that people have "love languages" that they use to show love and understand other people's displays of love. Knowing her language of love will help make her understand that you care about her in a way she can understand.
The five languages of love are "Words of Affirmation", "Acts of Service", "Receiving Gifts", "Quality Time", and "Physical Contact".
- The "Words of Affirmation" include compliments, encouragement or expressions of one's feelings.
- "Acts of Service" include housework or errands to show the other person that you care.
- "Receiving gifts" is pretty obvious: gifts, cards, and tangible expressions of affection.
- "Quality time" is uninterrupted time with your partner without distractions.
- "Physical contact" includes all displays of physical affection, including hugging, kissing, or sex.
- On Chapman's website you can find a quiz. You can also ask her friends questions and observe her to establish her primary love language. Alternatively, you could ask her to complete the questionnaire, but you may not be ready to talk "about love" yet.
- See how he treats you. People usually use their own love language to communicate with other people. Therefore, if his primary love language is "Receiving Gifts", he may surprise you with small thoughts, such as gifts or cards. Notice the ways she most frequently uses to show her love and reciprocate.
Get a Woman to Fall in Love with You Step 24 Step 3. Win over his friends and family if possible
Her friends and family are likely to be very important to her and will generally also have a great influence on her thinking and behavior. Conquer them and you will also get close to his heart. It will also show her that you are willing to make a long-term commitment.
- Dress well, use good manners, and be respectful of friends and family.
- Be yourself in their presence. It can be difficult, especially with all the pressures that come with meeting her parents, but it's important to be sincere, honest, and yourself. He will notice if you are different in the presence of his relatives and families are notoriously adept at spotting the pretender.
- Stay approachable, interested, and kind. If his friends tease you without exaggerating, smile without blinking. When the opportunity arises, ask questions about friends' lives and show genuine interest in them. Do nice things for them, like introducing a friend of yours to one of them or improving their self-esteem.
Get a Woman to Fall in Love with You Step 25 Step 4. Recover from errors
In relationships and when you hang out with a person, mistakes are inevitable. What defines you is how you recover from mistakes and that's what gives a woman the chance to truly love you.
Don't be afraid to apologize or admit guilt. When you make a mistake, acknowledge it without blaming anyone else for your actions or feelings. For example: "I'm really sorry I hurt you. I know you're angry because I forgot our date. I really care about you, but I have a very bad memory. Next time I'll put a reminder on my calendar, to make sure I'll never forget. more than spending time with you."
Get a Woman to Fall in Love with You Step 26 Step 5. Keep fueling the romance
The first few weeks and months of dating are wonderful. You are learning so many things about each other and the chemicals in your bodies have gone mad due to physical attraction. As you come into a more stable relationship, this first push may die out (though it can often come back cyclically). Make a conscious commitment to continue building the friendship and relationship between you.
- Find time to be together. You may be busy. You could be having a hard time. Find time to be together, even when you are tired or hurt. Don't let things descend to the level of insults, resentment and contempt.
- Find a hobby or activity to do together. Working towards a common goal can make you feel more connected and connected.
- Leave the technology behind. Spend time without cell phones, televisions and computers, just for you. It's easy to spend time in the same room without even feeling like you're together.
Get a Woman to Fall in Love with You Step 27 Step 6. Be the person you want to be
Eventually you will have to show your true deepest soul for her to have a chance to love you. If you pretend to be someone else, they will only love a caricature of you. So don't be afraid to let your defenses down, be vulnerable, and show who you really are. This will probably be what makes her fall in love.
- Never speak negatively about her friends, even if she does. Be there when he needs someone.
- Surprises don't always have to be expensive.
- Don't make fun of something she believes in, even if you don't share her values. Respect their individuality.
- Make an effort to see her often. Even if he lives far from you, he uses technology to your advantage. Get ready to work harder.