A good night kiss is the most romantic and most emotional moment on a date. If you feel that there is attraction between you, and you had a good time together, at the end of the evening you will begin to wonder if and when to kiss good night. What is the right time? When is it best to wait? Read on and find out how to do it.

Step 1. After going out together, when you are about to say goodbye, try to get a little closer to the person you like
By doing this, you may not be able to understand if your partner is ready, but at least you will increase the chances of being able to kiss if the opportunity arises.

Step 2. Evaluate your partner's reaction
You won't be able to take too long to analyze the situation because the right moment for the kiss passes very quickly. For example, if you took the girl home, and she doesn't let you near the door, through that distance she can tell you that she isn't ready to kiss you. If the partner prepares the house keys right away it may not be an encouraging sign, also observe if he keeps his lips tightened or if he refuses to look for the whole look, if he does it perhaps he does not want a kiss. To know how to behave in that moment, try to interpret his body language to avoid embarrassing rejection. Take the step only if you feel the situation is favorable.

Step 3. Create the "moment"
Remember that you do not have much time to act, the right moment for the kiss is a moment that runs out quickly, and with it your chance to succeed. Try to create an "awkward pause" in the conversation. Studies have shown how uncomfortable people are in dealing with sudden silences. When this happens, fill the moment with a smile and get ready to make your move.

Step 4. Make eye contact with your partner
If he keeps returning your gaze it could be an invitation to make the first move. If he is looking at you but looks away before you can even do anything, consider it a gesture of tension and try to create another moment if it is not too late.

Step 5. Come closer to kiss
Don't overdo it, especially if it's your first time kissing that person. Try not to kiss with your tongue and do not make any particular movements. Get as close as possible with your face, bend over until you reach his lips and surprise your partner with a kiss! If you want you can place your hand on his neck.
- If your partner is enthusiastic, then you could increase the intensity and involvement of the kiss, but make this decision only if you feel that he is clearly encouraging you. If you have any doubts, it is better not to overdo it, and leave the person to wait for the next meeting and fantasize about something more, rather than kissing with extreme passion but then realizing that the partner is not sure, or maybe he has already regretted it.
- Much more embarrassing it will be if she dodges and pulls her lips back. But don't worry, if that happens, quickly apologize, smile or laugh at it, and leave the scene with your head held high.

Step 6. Keep kissing if you know your partner likes it
At this point he may invite you to come into the house, but that's only a possibility, so don't hope too much.
- After the kiss, don't say “I love you” right away, unless you're sure you think so. Don't say anything you're not really sure about, just let your kiss talk.
- When you are about to leave, look back at least once to seek his gaze, maybe he is still looking at you as you leave.
- If you understand that that person hesitates to enter the house, it means that they are waiting for your kiss. Do not hesitate.
- If you find that he is trying to get away, or if he clearly says "No" then don't force things. Ask her if she wants to kiss you, if she won't let you do it, or if she tells you she wants to think about it, then just say goodbye with a "good night" and leave the scene, maybe she thinks it's still too early. Don't force anyone to kiss you if they don't want to.
- Say phrases like "This evening was wonderful" or "I hope we can go out together again." Be interested and let him know that he is a special person.
- If you want to be really tender with a girl, you might as well kiss her hand or forehead. But pay attention to the kiss on the forehead, some women may not like it because it is not very seductive and more like a father / daughter or grandfather / grandson gesture of affection.
- Try not to kiss your partner for the first time in front of friends, both yours and his. It has to be an intimate and lonely moment between the two of you, choose a moment when you are alone.
- If your partner looks the other way, do not grab his face with your hands so that he can turn and kiss you. It is an intrusive gesture and anything but romantic.
- Don't kiss everyone, in any situation. If your behavior is too aggressive you could be accused of harassment.