Have you ever prayed for something, then having the impression that you were not heard by God because it did not come true? Remember that praying is not the solution to getting what you want. Increasing faith and finding happiness in His guidance will help fulfill your desires. Once your relationship with God is strengthened, you will begin to receive what you want from life.

Step 1. Ask the question - not in a negative way - seeking an answer with unwavering faith in the Father's will and His favor to do good deeds towards those He loves
Do what you can.

Step 2. Present your requests with faith and with a positive attitude (not begging and pleading), as the greatest teachers have always prayed to the "Father", for example:
"Father, I pray to act well in this situation and try to remember everything I need to face it and get good results. Lord, I await Your blessing so that Your will be done in my life." This approach is valid at work, at home or at school. Ask our Almighty Father to guide you. Always ask for His permission and His blessing for everything you do; don't forget to pray to make your wishes come true.

Step 3. Study, make sure you understand your responsibilities and the subject; learn and show yourself as someone who does not have to be ashamed because he has done his part and aligned his desires to God's will
Trust, God will make you strong.

Step 4. Be a good worker or student who knows your strengths and abilities
Know your privileges in asking for help with something and overcome your doubts. God blesses those who believe in Him and act with faith and trust in Him. The second thing you need to do is work hard to make your wishes come true. Always think positively about your wishes. Remember the saying, "If others can do it, why can't I do it too?"

Step 5. Pray:
it is the key you need, your faith not only puts the key in the lock, but opens it if you believe God's answer: "You must believe". God promises to show you His will in John 16:13, "But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you into all truth, for he will not speak of himself, but will say all the things he has heard and will tell you the things to come ". Jeremiah 33: 3, "Call on me and I will answer you, and tell you great and impenetrable things that you do not know."

Step 6. Thank God in advance:
"I know you have given me a healthy mind and body. Help me show Your love to others." Pray gratefully: "Endure in prayer, watching over it with thanksgiving," Colossians 4: 2.

Step 7. Forgive those who wrong you
Forgive to be forgiven! Act as a reconciler and bring peace …

Step 8. Make the things you say accord with faith:
according to the spiritual law you can do it. "Words of faith in God" are the most powerful things in the Universe. God said, "Let there be light" and there was light. His will was done. It is just as if the force of gravity tells you that you will not be able to walk for long in the air. Therefore you must believe that God's promises (His will) are laws as certain as gravity. Believe to receive.

Step 9. Rejoice at the answer that is already in you
Here's what it is: yours. You have to keep praising God for the answer, whatever it is - even if you don't agree with the timing or the way it comes.

Step 10. Choose to fulfill the conditions, such as continuing to do "good", "believe", "commit" (in all ways) - and please the Lord

Step 11. Align your desires with the good:
loving and helping others, with what is "humble, acceptable, good and pleasant" for others and especially for the Lord …

Step 12. Raise your head to the sky
Keep believing; look to the sky and wait for the answers to come, and leave them to the power of "God's will". If your dreams don't come true, don't get depressed and above all don't lose hope. Always remember that God may have prepared a better wish for you. Also remember that in all failures and successes there is always a reason. When God closes one door, He opens another.
Method 1 of 1: How to Be Blessed

Step 1. Pray, but first learn to respect and glorify God in your own way
.. and to respect His will to fulfill "the true desires of your heart" based, for example, on how you treat others and "measure justice" for others.

Step 2. "Be in accord with God", so if the heart's desire comes from believing, from not doubting, from love, from kindness, from fairness, from Help, from giving, from to forgive and from not expecting anything in return, there will be a reward - perhaps on this earth - because the "desires of your heart" are right according to God's view.
He sees everything.

Step 3. Do not expect God to "bestow gifts" on anyone who disrespects and abuses a gift or who mistreats others, cheats and lies, is unfair and unreasonable with the weaker ones, etc
It will never work!

Step 4. Expect consequences for "wrong and bad desires" (because they are incorrect, selfish, offensive) - especially if these offenses are not confessed and not one repents, and if one does not forgive others for similar offenses.
God knows and that's right.
Justice will be done and you will receive "the desires of your heart", so watch out for bad attitudes, otherwise your "rewards" may be the opposite of your desires, long or short term

Step 5. Decide to fulfill your "wishes in God" with good deeds, then:
(1) seek him diligently (2) believing that "He is" and (3) that "He rewards" those who seek him with the heart.
No one is perfect, but "God is always right". He knows how to accept His grace, gifts, shares His skills and knowledge, and forgives those who seek forgiveness and does not despise the weak and the desperate

Step 6. Have faith
Remember, God's answers come in His time, not yours, but don't give up, no matter how difficult the situation is. And think that He is already answering your prayers… it's that little thing called "faith"! "Do not grieve because of the wicked; do not be envious of those who work perversely … Trust in the Lord and do good … Take your delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. Forgive your lot in the Lord. … "Psalms 37: 1 - 5
- You should always shake off negative thoughts and situations! Always keep positive thoughts and move forward without letting obstacles interrupt your path! Think positive and go!
- Your prayers of faith never die, but ascend to the Father.
- There is no limit when you focus on asking God to have his will done in your life. Let him take control!
Get ready to see your desires fulfilled in God's will and do your part by preparing to ask and receive.
Entrust your business to the Lord and your projects will succeed. Proverbs 16: 3
- God cannot lie. He said, "Pray that God's will be done on earth, in faith, and you will receive."
- Ask and you shall receive.
- Never ask yourself if God listens or if He doesn't care, because He is always interested and respects the faith.
- You could also go on a fast and set aside less important matters to help you be humble and manage your will, aligning your desires with God's will.