Many people are afraid of the paranormal, be it ghosts, telepathic powers or other supernatural phenomena; the truth is, there is no real reason to be scared of it. While fear can make everything seem very real, it's important to take a closer look at what's frightening you to regain control. By weakening your anxieties, learning to feel safer in your usual environment and questioning the world around you, you will be able to stop being afraid of ghosts and other paranormal phenomena, finally enjoying life in the present moment.
Part 1 of 3: Overcoming Your Fears

Step 1. Face your fears
If you are afraid of ghosts and believe that there is one in your house, the most natural reaction may be to run away. You may not know, however, that scientists have discovered that the only result of running away from one's fears is to become even more anxious, risking reacting even more rashly. Instead of rushing elsewhere, find the courage to face what scares you.
- Determine what really intimidates you and why.
- Ask yourself "What is the worst that could happen if my fears were real?"
- Also try to understand what are the reasons for your fear. Most worries are based on deeper disturbances, which may have to do with fear of death or loneliness, for example.

Step 2. Ask yourself questions that prompt you to reason
Often, the fears are irrational in nature; ask yourself some practical questions that might help you feel better. Formulating these kinds of questions and answers allows you to put the situation into perspective in order to help you calm down. Don't just respond by saying "I don't know". If you don't know the answer, do some research to find it. Here are some examples of questions you might ask yourself:
- How likely is it that there really is a ghost?
- Could ghosts kill me? Is their purpose just to annoy and scare people or are they really dangerous?
- What am I afraid could happen to me if I met a ghost? Could he eat me, scare me with a loud "boo" or suddenly open all my closets?
- And what would I do or tell him?

Step 3. Fight fear with humor
Especially in times of tension, a sense of humor can help you play down and regain control of yourself. You can use this technique in any situation, including when you are afraid of ghosts and other paranormal phenomena.
- Try to imagine that all monsters and ghosts are clumsy and ridiculous, like the ones you see in cartoons. Visualize the crazier creatures that come to your mind, the more bizarre they look the less fearful you will feel about them in the future.
- Whenever you feel anxious or scared, think back to those ridiculous characters you imagined. It's hard to keep feeling scared of a ghost that is much more like an awkward, smiling caricature than a ghost.

Step 4. Question the existence of ghosts
Once you've undermined the foundations of your fears by imagining them as unthreatening creatures, it's time to take another step towards the goal of stopping believing in their existence. What you need to do is question your beliefs and what you think you know about the world of the paranormal.
- The best way to dissolve your fear of ghosts and other paranormal phenomena is to question the evidence for their existence.
- Honestly ask yourself "What is the evidence that ghosts or other paranormal phenomena exist?".
- Try to remember that you have lived in this world for years and that you have never been haunted or attacked by a ghost before. If you have never experienced a true paranormal attack before, you can safely assume that you will never experience it.
- You will soon realize that most of the "evidence" for ghosts to exist is based on sensations and insights rather than hard, observable facts. Ghost hunters actually exist, but scientists in no way confirm the existence of the object of their hunt.

Step 5. Talk to a therapist
In some cases, the anxiety may be too much to manage on your own. If the fear of ghosts and paranormal phenomena is negatively affecting your daily life and you are having difficulty getting rid of these fears, you can consider seeking help from a psychotherapist.
- In general, it is advisable to seek therapy when anxiety and fears are long-standing and tend to persist or worsen.
- The fear of the paranormal could be linked to some traumatic events from your past. Your therapist can help you identify and process the causes of your anxiety in order to leave your past problems behind.
Part 2 of 3: Feeling Safe

Step 1. Evaluate the environment around you
Many people begin to be afraid of ghosts and other paranormal phenomena when they feel insecure in the context they are in. For example, you may be afraid of being surrounded by paranormal creatures if walking alone in the park at night you spot movement in the shadow of a moonlit tree. In that case the fear would put you on the alert, even if in reality there is nothing to worry about. The best way to combat that fear is to confirm that your surroundings are peaceful and harmless.
- Before going to sleep, make sure you have closed the door and windows of the house. That way, if you feel like you've heard a noise in the middle of the night, you can be sure there can't be a stranger.
- Get rid of the things that scare you. For example, if in front of your room there is a branch that crawls against the wall of the house, cut it so you don't have to ask yourself what the real reason for that noise is every time the wind blows.
- Don't let anything dangle from the ceiling or the door jamb of your bedroom. At night, they may seem like creepy figures to you and you may be convinced that they are ghosts.
- Try leaving a small night light on while you sleep. Having a light source available could help you dispel any doubts when you believe that something is hiding in the dark.

Step 2. Don't watch scary movies
You may be a fan of horror movies, but if you are scared of ghosts it is best to avoid these kinds of programs. Watching movies about ghosts and other paranormal phenomena will only actively feed your imagination, giving you more things to worry about.
- If you can't avoid watching horror shows and movies, at least make sure you turn off the TV at least an hour before bed.
- Giving yourself a break from that world of scary things before sleep serves to reduce the chances of waking up during the night thinking about some of those paranormal phenomena.
- In the evening, try to watch a light and fun bedtime program feeling relaxed and cheered up rather than terrified.

Step 3. Create a ritual to help you relax
In many cases the fear of ghosts and other paranormal phenomena can be linked to anxiety. When you are feeling anxious, it can be helpful to practice a personal ritual that helps you calm your mind and relax your body.
- If you want, you can establish a ritual for different times of the day; however, don't overlook the importance of finding a way to relax before bed.
- Find time to relax and let go of the stress of the day. It is very important to be constant, the ideal is to repeat the ritual every day. Performing the same relaxing gestures every day helps you know what awaits you on each occasion, increasing the chances of being able to reduce feelings of anxiety and uncertainty.
- You can try taking a hot shower or bath, going for a long walk, or using some relaxation techniques, for example by doing yoga, meditating or practicing progressive muscle relaxation.

Step 4. Develop your self-esteem
Another way to combat anxiety is to improve your self-image. You may think that this theme is not directly related to your fear of ghosts, but the truth is that some studies have shown that developing your self-esteem allows you to better manage anxiety and related disorders, including the restlessness caused by the world of. paranormal.
- Recognize your strengths and achievements. By identifying your past skills and accomplishments, you can begin to feel stronger and more confident about yourself.
- Allow yourself to enjoy your achievements.
- Turn your successes into empowering self-affirmations. For example, if you are proud of how you played a game of basketball, encourage them to think that you really are a great player and a valuable member of your team.
- Another way to develop your self-esteem and reassure yourself is to repeat to yourself that you are capable of dealing with anything, even the unknown.

Step 5. Reaffirm your safety
Every night, you should remind yourself that you are safe from all danger. Likely, your fear of ghosts is related to being alone, being in the dark or, in some cases, being able to die. By confirming to yourself that you are safe, you may be able to counter some of the worries that develop in stressful times.
- Remember that ghosts don't really exist.
- Even if you are convinced otherwise, do not forget that they are immaterial beings, without a physical body. For this reason there is no chance (if they really exist) that they can harm you or anyone else.
- Almost certainly, your fears are related to deep, hidden traumas that you have not been able to fully process. Doing inner work will help you feel safer and overcome the fear of ghosts.
Part 3 of 3: Becoming Skeptical

Step 1. Recognize the power of suggestion
Some studies have found that even the most skeptical tend to consider the possibility that there is a supernatural way if they are convinced that they are involved in a paranormal investigation. Even as a skeptic, reflecting on the world of paranormal phenomena to try to explain ghosts, you will end up being conditioned by them and believing that you have witnessed something supernatural.
- Resist the temptation to perform superstitious rituals, such as making the sign of the cross, crossing your fingers, touching iron, etc.
- Wear a rubber band on your wrist. Whenever you find yourself practicing or believing in a superstitious ritual, snap it against your skin to bring your full attention back to the present moment.

Step 2. Look for logical explanations
Most of those who think they have seen or heard a ghost were in a rather dull and uninspiring place. The human brain is constantly looking for patterns and is capable of detecting almost any sudden change that affects them. When they register an inconsistency that they are unable to explain, some people assume it was a ghost or some other otherworldly phenomenon.
- Generally, there is a logical explanation for everything that happens to you at any given moment. Just because you can't spot or understand it doesn't mean it's a ghost.
- If you fear that your house is haunted by a ghost, it is most likely because you are home alone and (subconsciously) trying to detect any irregularities that deviate from the familiarity of the environment.
- There are other scientific explanations for paranormal phenomena. For example, atmospheric / geomagnetic activities, altered states of consciousness, malfunctions in brain chemistry due to stress and hormonal fluctuations.

Step 3. Accept the existence of coincidences
Anywhere in the world, lucky breaks happen every day. Coincidences happen all the time and often some seem really difficult to explain. However, just the fact that you can't give a logical explanation to something doesn't necessarily turn it into a paranormal or supernatural phenomenon.
- Remember that fate, luck, or supernatural interventions don't really exist. What happens in our lives is determined by chance not by ghosts.
- Resist the temptation to categorize or label every situation or person in advance. Wait until you have an experience before deciding if it is good or bad and think about how opportunities present themselves.
- Do something that helps distract your mind from fear; for example, listen to some music or watch a funny program on TV.
- If you are religious, you can try praying. Doing so could help you feel more secure and safe, while distracting you from fears.