How to Test Humility (with Pictures)

How to Test Humility (with Pictures)
How to Test Humility (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Mother Teresa once said: "Humility is the mother of all virtues: purity, charity and obedience. It is in being humble that our love becomes real, devoted and ardent". These words seem full of truth, but you don't need to be Mother Teresa, or even a religious, to show humility in everyday life. Being humble means accepting your limitations and making an effort to make the world a better place without wanting to take full credit for it.


Part 1 of 3: Developing a More Humble Mindset

Delegate Step 1
Delegate Step 1

Step 1. Don't think you are too good for everything you do

People with excessive egos have a tendency to think that they deserve a better job, a better partner, or even more interesting and more "right" friendships. But your life is what it is, and if you want to make things better, then you will have to work hard to achieve them instead of acting like you are being treated unworthily. To show humility, commit to accepting the life you have, trying to improve it without complaining.

If you act like you're too "cool" to go to school, people will walk away from you. Rather, try to be grateful for what you have and try to achieve more if that's what you want

Change Teen Diapers Step 20
Change Teen Diapers Step 20

Step 2. Be optimistic

Humble people are naturally optimistic because they don't waste their time complaining about all the bad things that happen and they don't fear the future. On the contrary, they are grateful for what they have and think the future holds good things for them. Humble people don't expect goodness to be offered on a silver platter, but they believe it comes after hard work.

  • Try to be enthusiastic about all the things the future holds, instead of thinking that a catastrophe could strike you at any moment.
  • While it's good to prepare yourself for the worst, you should find the bright side in all situations.
Communicate Effectively Step 25
Communicate Effectively Step 25

Step 3. Accept that you are not the best at everything

To get into a humbler mindset, you have to accept that you are not the best at everything, or even at nothing. No matter how great you are in sports, singing or writing, there will always be someone who will know more than you, and it's not that bad. Instead of acting like you always have the last word on everything, accept the fact that you are constantly evolving and improving and know that others can help you on this path.

If you act like you are the best, you will give the impression that you are arrogant. Instead, show people that, despite being proud of your knowledge and skills, you always want to do more

Communicate Effectively Step 18
Communicate Effectively Step 18

Step 4. Know that humility is not synonymous with false modesty

It is one thing to be humble and quite another to show modesty. If you've spent all weekend working on a project and the next Monday your boss tells you you did a great job, don't say, "It was nothing." Tell him that you are happy that he liked it and that you are happy that you put all your strength into it. You may think that by playing down your successes you will seem more modest, but in reality you will appear more arrogant.

Sure, getting some praise can make you a little uncomfortable. However, you should accept compliments when they are deserved, instead of acting like they are nothing important

Develop Psychic Abilities Step 5
Develop Psychic Abilities Step 5

Step 5. Recognize your flaws

If you want to show humility, you need to be aware that you are not perfect. If you think you have no flaws, then you will not learn anything new and you will not grow as a person. Instead, it's important to be self-aware and know what you need to improve, so you can be humble in front of others. A truly humble person knows he has a lot to work on and strives to get there.

  • Of course, it can be humiliating to admit that you have to work on your communication skills or that you are not the most orderly person in the world. However, this kind of admission can also lead to self-improvement.
  • In addition to recognizing one's flaws, it is important to be able to accept the aspects of one's person that cannot be changed.
Answer Interview Questions Step 8
Answer Interview Questions Step 8

Step 6. Don't brag

To show humility, you should avoid bragging or showing off as much as possible. While you probably want to talk about your accomplishments, you should avoid using them to show off what you can do. If you have worked hard to achieve something, talk about it, but without flaunting wealth, charm or success, otherwise people will get the wrong impression of you. On the other hand, if you trust that you are a really interesting person, others will realize it without you saying it.

  • Humble people are much more focused on praising others than talking about their own accomplishments.
  • The next time you find yourself talking about your accomplishment, ask yourself if you're doing it to brag or just to share something you're really proud of.
Live a Good Life Step 16
Live a Good Life Step 16

Step 7. Be grateful for what you have and what you don't have

If you truly intend to show humility, then you must try to be grateful for everything the world has given you, from health to the lovely kitty who lives in the house with you. Don't take anything for granted and know that reading an article online is a privilege. You should also be grateful for all the hardships and challenges you have faced, as they have led you to become the person you are today.

  • Of course, some people have a much better chance than others. Just know that what matters is what you do with your luck and that you should be grateful for what you have been given, instead of complaining about what you don't have.
  • Gratitude is essential for true humility. Try to make a list of all the things you are grateful for and add new ones whenever you think of something else.

Part 2 of 3: Take action

Treat a Girl Step 11
Treat a Girl Step 11

Step 1. Stop talking

One way to show humility is to spend more time listening instead of talking. If you do nothing but talk about yourself and share your ideas, then you are less likely to learn from others or appreciate what they have to offer. Since listening to others, giving some of your time, can be a vehicle for humility, listening to other people will make them feel even more important and appreciated.

  • You can also approach humility by realizing that others have a perspective that is just as good as yours and that those around you are also filled with worries, doubts, and hopes.
  • Become an expert at listening to people without interrupting them or giving advice, unless desired.
Be Special Step 4
Be Special Step 4

Step 2. Recognize the merits of others

If you want to show humility, the best thing to do is learn to recognize the merits of others. If you've received praise about a business relationship, remember to mention colleagues you couldn't have done without. If you received a compliment for the goal you scored in a football match, don't forget to mention that you couldn't have achieved it without your teammates. You are rarely 100% responsible for your success, so it's important to take the time to acknowledge the merits of all the other people who have contributed to the success of something.

In fact, you will also feel better recognizing that other people have worked hard. If you take all the credit without it, you will prove that you are selfish rather than grateful

Be a Better Girlfriend Step 10
Be a Better Girlfriend Step 10

Step 3. Admit your mistakes

A characteristic of truly humble people is the ability to admit that they are wrong. If you have made a mistake, it can be a test of humility to let people know that you have made a mistake and that you are sorry for it. You don't have to deny it or put it under the rug. If you intend to show humility, then you need to accept that you are not a perfect person, clearly admit your mistakes and apologize.

  • When you apologize to others, make eye contact, be honest, and state that you will not repeat the mistake. Show that your apologies are sincere and that you are not making them just because you feel compelled.
  • Of course, actions speak louder than words. To be truly forgiven, you will need to work hard not to make the same mistake.
Be a Gentleman Step 18
Be a Gentleman Step 18

Step 4. Get in line

If you are ordering something to eat, if you are queuing at the cinema ticket office or waiting to catch the bus, let other people pass by from time to time. Those who show humility know they are not the most important person in the world and give way to others because they realize that their time is no more precious than theirs. While this is not a simple matter, you should let people get ahead of you if you really intend to show humility.

  • There is a real sense of humility in the expression "After you". Make an effort to realize that your time is not worth more than anyone else's and give other people a chance to move on.
  • It goes without saying that overcoming others when you stand in line is the opposite of behavior that shows humility.
Empower People Step 8
Empower People Step 8

Step 5. Ask for advice

You will show humility by admitting that you don't have all the answers and by turning to someone else. When something is bothering you or perplexing you, ask a friend for advice or invite a colleague to share their experience. Don't be ashamed to admit that other people have something useful to tell you and that you are interested in learning and improving as a person. Those who are truly humble know that there are no limits to knowledge and, therefore, always ask others to share what they know.

  • Don't be afraid to admit that you don't know something. In fact, many people love to share their knowledge with others and will be ready to help you.
  • You can also give some compliments when asking for advice. Saying something like, "Hey, I know you're a math wizard, while I just can't understand this problem," you will value the other person, as long as they appear to be sincere appreciation.
Be Noticed Step 6
Be Noticed Step 6

Step 6. Praise others

Another way to show humility is to acknowledge other people's successes. Praise other people as much as you can, whether it's a colleague who has worked hard on a presentation or your sister who has had the ability to cope with a difficult situation. Praising people in front of others, as long as you don't embarrass them, can also be a great way to show how much you appreciate them and to show humility in front of their strengths.

  • Get in the habit of congratulating others when they succeed in something. This can enhance both you and the other person.
  • Of course, make sure the praise is deserved. It is not appropriate for those in front of you to think that you flatter them to get something in return.
Be Mature Step 26
Be Mature Step 26

Step 7. Compliment

If you want to show humility, then you should always be willing to compliment other people, whether it's their appearance or some character side. As long as your compliments are sincere, you will make other people feel better about themselves, while you will show humility. Those who are truly humble recognize that other people have infinite qualities that deserve praise.

Even a simple sentence like, "I love your earrings, because they bring out your eyes" can really brighten a person's day and cost no effort

Part 3 of 3: Living a Life of Humility

Help Your Community Step 8
Help Your Community Step 8

Step 1. Volunteer

If you consistently engage in volunteer work, then you will be able to live a life of humility. Whether it's helping children and adults learn to read at your city library or contributing to a charity canteen, volunteering can help make you grateful and help people who they really need you. It can be a source of great humility to spend time with people who are grateful for your help. You will become more generous and you will not get the impression that everything is due to you.

  • Volunteer to help others, not to brag. There is no need to tell all your friends what you do just to show off. Of course, if you're really proud and want to talk about it, that's a different kettle of fish.
  • Giving your time to help others can make you realize that you don't always have to give yourself priority. This way you can live a life of humility.
Say Goodbye to Coworkers Step 17
Say Goodbye to Coworkers Step 17

Step 2. Don't make comparisons with others

To introduce gratitude into your life, you should avoid comparing yourself to others, whether it's your neighbor, your best friend, or even a famous person. Be grateful, appreciate what you have, and enjoy life for what it is, instead of thinking that you need to own the things your best friend or co-worker has to be truly happy. If you spend your life making constant comparisons with others, then it will seem to you that what you have is never enough and you will not be able to be humble and grateful for all that has been given to you.

  • You can admire other people and be inspired by them to improve yourself. But if you want what they have, you risk falling into the bitterness that will prevent you from enjoying life.
  • Don't gossip about people and don't demoralize them because you envy them. Those who are humble only speak well of absent people.
Think Like a Graphic Designer Step 7
Think Like a Graphic Designer Step 7

Step 3. Be open to learning

People who show humility are the first to admit that they don't know everything. Whether it's a piece of advice from a colleague or a friend's opinion, it's important to be open to new possibilities and new acquaintances. Show others that you think you have a lot to learn from them and avoid being stubborn or acting like you know everything. Even if you seem to be an expert on a certain subject, remember that you can always learn more. You will be able to show your humility if you admit that you are in constant apprenticeship.

  • Don't be defensive when someone tries to teach you something. If the other person has good intentions, try to listen carefully.
  • It is not convenient for people to consider you as someone who believes they have all the answers, otherwise they will not want to share their experiences with you.
Take Action to Fight Human Trafficking Step 18
Take Action to Fight Human Trafficking Step 18

Step 4. Make kind gestures while remaining anonymous

If you want to show humility, then there is no need to point out your every act of kindness. Give money to charity or donate old clothes without telling anyone. If on a car you notice that the parking ticket has expired, add a quarter of an hour. Help raise funds for a project you care about. Post a kind comment on a person's blog in full anonymity. Find the time to do something beautiful without wanting anything in return, and you'll be well on your way to being humble every day.

  • You will be truly humble if you alone know how much good you have done to the world.
  • You can also write these experiences down in your journal if you really feel like sharing them.
Be Mature Step 6
Be Mature Step 6

Step 5. Don't complain too much

It is rare for humble people to complain because they realize that life is precious and that they have so much to be grateful for. Of course, we all have bad days and nothing happens if you let off steam once in a while, but you shouldn't get into this habit if you want to show humility. Remember that many people have a harder life than yours and that by complaining about every little thing that happens to you, instead of focusing on the positive ones, you will not be able to be humble.

  • People are attracted to those who are positive and enthusiastic. If you complain all the time or build all reports about accusations and recriminations, then you are less likely to live a life of humility.
  • Whenever you notice that you have protested or complained about something, try to counterbalance it by making two positive comments.
Live a Good Life Step 17
Live a Good Life Step 17

Step 6. Spend more time in nature

There is a real sense of humility in being in contact with nature, whether it's a long walk in the woods or spending a day just lying on the beach. Nature can remind us that there are things greater than ourselves and our problems and that we should have some regard for the world instead of being obsessed with all our little problems or unfulfilled ambitions. Getting into the habit of spending more time in nature can help you stay humbled.

Your problems won't seem so bad when you find yourself at the foot of a mountain. As trivial as it may seem, by immersing yourself in nature, you will realize that you are just a grain of sand in the universe and that you should be grateful for what you have, instead of complaining about what you want

Keep Toddlers Entertained on a Rainy Day Step 11
Keep Toddlers Entertained on a Rainy Day Step 11

Step 7. Spend more time with the children

Children possess an innate sense of wonder and are constantly fascinated by the world around them. If you want to practice humility more often, then you should make it a habit to spend more time with children. They will help you see the world through new and younger eyes, regaining some of the magic that you seem to have lost due to the daily grind. To show humility, make it a habit to spend more time with them, whether it's your kids, kids you meet in volunteer work, or a friend's.

  • You may think that you have a lot to teach children, but you will feel humbled when you see that they too have a lot to teach you. Hear their point of view on the world and see how it can help you become a more humble and grateful person.
  • When you are among the children, you will be able to renew your sense of wonder. This way you will become more aware of the world around you and will not take anything for granted.
Do Gentle Yoga Step 13
Do Gentle Yoga Step 13

Step 8. Do yoga

Yoga is a practice that allows you to be grateful for the body you have been given and the time you spend on this earth. While it can also be great exercise, the most important thing is that yoga gets you in touch with your mind and body, without taking any of your breaths for granted. To live a life of humility, you should practice yoga regularly.

By taking two or three lessons a week, you can transform the way you view the world. If you feel you don't have time for yoga classes, you can always do it indoors


Don't be defensive when you receive constructive criticism


  • Humility does not mean allowing others to humble you or carry a heavy burden on your own.
  • Sometimes remember to say "no" and make time for yourself.
