Dropsy is a disease that affects goldfish. Technically, it's not a disease itself, but a bacterial kidney infection in goldfish. With dropsy, the kidneys retain body fluids causing the fish's belly to swell. In the advanced stage of the infection, the fish scales will become protruding. By the time you start noticing these symptoms, your chances of survival are already very low. However, if the infection is treated immediately, the fish can survive. Other symptoms include: lethargy, loss of appetite and a sick appearance.

Step 1. Remove the diseased fish from the tray and place it in isolation in another tray
Dropsy is usually not contagious, so there is no need to disinfect the tank as it could be harmful to the health of other healthy fish, if any.

Step 2. Add Epsom salt to the water (2 and a half teaspoons for every 30 liters of water)
This product will help get excess fluid out of the fish's body, making it feel a little better. Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) is different from other aquarium products (sodium chloride based).

Step 3. Add Maracyn or Kanamycina to the tank where you quarantined the fish to treat other possible bacterial infections

Step 4. Give the fish specific antibacterial food to facilitate healing
- If dropsy treatments aren't effective and your symptoms get worse, you can end the life of the fish with clove oil. It is considered the most humane way to kill goldfish.
- The best treatment for dropsy is to prevent it. This infection is caused by poor hygienic conditions of the tank water and the consequent stressful conditions of the fish. Change the water regularly and optimize parameters such as temperature, chlorine elimination, pH measurement, oxygen dissolution, and complete elimination of ammonia and nitrates.
- Goldfish are predisposed to infections when their scales weaken due to injury or stress. Add specific products to the water to strengthen the scales.