How to Have an Aggressive Personality: 7 Steps

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How to Have an Aggressive Personality: 7 Steps
How to Have an Aggressive Personality: 7 Steps

Are you feeling aggressive today? Having an aggressive personality isn't exactly something to aim for, as it will mostly just drive others away. However, there are some situations where you feel you've had enough and want to show a small part of your dark side, just to warn people and make them realize that there is a limit to everything.


Method 1 of 2: Show your stubbornness

Have an Aggressive Personality Step 1
Have an Aggressive Personality Step 1

Step 1. Be determined

This means going to great lengths to complete an assignment successfully. Be extremely decisive, it is essential to get the job done.

Don't take "no" or "not now" as an answer. Dab people with comments like "why not?" and "why not now?" and "I want it done now!" Don't be lenient

Have an Aggressive Personality Step 2
Have an Aggressive Personality Step 2

Step 2. Know when to say "no"

If you really don't like doing something, then don't do it! Being aggressive means being able to resist, and respond negatively to inappropriate requests.

If someone you don't like touches you, yell "No!" There is no time to argue, you just made it clear that you are not available

Have an Aggressive Personality Step 3
Have an Aggressive Personality Step 3

Step 3. Make it clear when you are not interested in something or what people have to say

If someone tells you something you don't care about, just tell them.

Method 2 of 2: Fight for yourself

Have an Aggressive Personality Step 4
Have an Aggressive Personality Step 4

Step 1. Make people understand that it will not be possible to take advantage of you

Be confident, and don't let anything upset you.

Have an Aggressive Personality Step 5
Have an Aggressive Personality Step 5

Step 2. Make sure your feelings are taken into consideration

Let people know clearly how you feel. If they treat you unfairly, respond harshly by expressing how you feel. Others should care about your feelings.

Have an Aggressive Personality Step 6
Have an Aggressive Personality Step 6

Step 3. Let people know what you think

Why go around and tell little lies when you can just get to the point and do what you have to. If someone ever tells you something you don't like, respond by saying "I don't like what you just said!"

Have an Aggressive Personality Step 7
Have an Aggressive Personality Step 7

Step 4. Confront those who try to discredit or judge you

If someone corrects you, give them a dirty look. A glance can put a person back in his place.

If someone asks you why you are so aggressive, respond by saying "I'm not. Mind your own business!"


  • Remember, being aggressive doesn't mean being rude. You can remain a polite and civilized person without being considered a wimp.
  • Being aggressive is being determined, not showing anger to people. Be courteous and friendly. Know when to be good or bad.
  • Of enormous importance, don't act like you are better than others.
  • To be persistent, you don't have to look like it. You can seem like an ordinary and normal person.
