Having a great personality does not mean trying to resemble others: this is undoubtedly the first consideration to make. Instead, it means understanding what makes you special and passing it on to people. There is always room for improvement, but it is essential to feel good about yourself first and foremost. When you meet someone who you think has an interesting personality, this feeling probably stems from the genuineness and serenity they communicate - they certainly haven't studied to be who they are. Moral of the story: be yourself.
Part 1 of 2: Cultivating Your Personality From Within

Step 1. Always be honest with yourself
Uncomfortable situations always cause discomfort. Don't try to be different. When they introduce you to someone, don't worry if you have nothing in common. Just chat about this and that, be friendly and ask questions.
For example, imagine you went to a party because you want to make friends with someone and you find yourself talking to someone you don't particularly like. Politely, end the conversation. You don't have to pretend

Step 2. Be happy
Always try to see the glass as half full, be optimistic and smile. A serene person is irresistible. This does not mean that you have to be fake or hide your feelings: if there is something that bothers you deeply, you certainly don't have to smile for the occasion. Just make sure you see the bright side and show others that you are a happy person.

Step 3. Don't try to be popular
If you seem to go out of your way to please others, you are unlikely to make a good impression. It is essential to cultivate a circle of trustworthy friendships, people you love and who love you back. Don't fret for having many friends for the sole purpose of "making up": choose people who you find actually enjoyable to hang out with. If in the end there will be many, better this way. If it's only three, that's okay anyway.

Step 4. Cultivate your interests
To have an interesting personality, it is essential to propose interesting conversation topics. No, you shouldn't study astrophysics, you just have to have passions. If there is something that excites you, you will probably be able to talk about it in an equally exciting way. It doesn't really matter what you like to do. Try reading every day. Watch movies. Look for new hobbies. Try to experience what the world has to offer.

Step 5. Try to have an opinion
This tip is similar to the previous one: when you talk to others, you need to propose conversation points that you find interesting. Develop an opinion on politics, sports, animals, parenting or any other issue. You don't have to agree with your interlocutor, the important thing is to have a civil conversation. People appreciate the personality of someone who knows how to express an articulated opinion on different topics.
Having an opinion will help you talk to others and make your conversations more interesting. If someone you recently met makes a statement that you disagree with, don't be afraid to respectfully express your opinion. She'll likely think you're interesting, while she might not feel as stimulated if you just agree
Part 2 of 2: Expressing Your Personality Outside

Step 1. Ask questions and show interest in others
It's a pretty easy habit to cultivate, and it's rewarding to enrich your personality. People like to talk about themselves: if you are curious and sharp, you should be able to discover interesting information about your interlocutor. Try to investigate deeply. Keep asking questions until you get closer and closer to the subject he loves to talk about. For many it may be work, family or children. Try to understand what stimulates him, you will see that the conversation will be exciting and profound.
For example, if you've recently met someone, try to figure out what makes them interesting. You don't have to ask questions in bursts, but create a balance between talking about your experiences and listening to him. Perhaps you have a great passion for mountain biking and discover that your interlocutor also has a mountain bike. However, don't start talking about how good you are - ask him lots of questions to find out why he enjoys this hobby

Step 2. Pass on your self-esteem
You don't have to try to change, but keep in mind that there is no single type of self-esteem. Believing in yourself doesn't mean becoming extremely outgoing and talkative overnight. Every day, remind yourself that you are a wonderful person. Believe in your personality and it will become like a magnet for others. It is useless to pretend. People feel fascinated by people who convey sincerity.

Step 3. Try to have a good sense of humor and be cheerful
People will thank you for bringing a wave of positivity into their life. Don't make jokes at the expense of others. Try to bring yourself in a positive way in front of the whole world. When you have a problem, try to laugh about it with those around you, instead of getting out of sorts and complaining. Everyone will appreciate this part of your personality and you will probably be happier with it too.

Step 4. Try to be nice
This is essential. It doesn't matter who you are: if you are nice, the only reason a person would hate you is envy. Never be unpleasant: if someone is unpleasant with you, try to imagine the reasons that push him to behave in this way. Perhaps he is facing a very difficult stage in his life, but in reality he is a very good person. Try to expect the best from others. You don't have to be naive, it's okay to have a hint of skepticism, but that can't justify being rude.

Step 5. Always be relaxed, calm and in control of yourself
You have to try to keep the aplomb in every context. You'll earn a lot more respect, especially if you stay calm in situations that generally panic among others. Try to take things as they come, with no ups and downs. You can learn to do this consciously - others will highly respect your ability to remain calm.
For example, if something bad happens, find ways to put others at ease and make them feel less tense. If a professor asks you to give him an essay a week in advance, don't sulk and don't complain - ease the tension with a joke

Step 6. Keep the door open for new reports
Don't judge a person too quickly and don't assume you already have all the friends you need. Even if someone seems like the kind of person you tend to hate, give them a chance. On the other hand, you probably want others to treat you the same. It's the golden rule: treat others as you would like to be treated. You don't have to try to make friends with people who are more popular than you or who you think will benefit you. Evaluate the people presented to you based on the different specific cases and surround yourself with people who make you feel good. Always be open to new friendships and romantic relationships.
- Don't try to be different, you just have to change your personality for the better to evolve.
- Don't be self-centered. Don't flaunt or try to get others to notice you in a negative way.
- Look for new hobbies. It is essential to have an interesting personality. Discover your passions.
- If a person doesn't think you have an interesting personality, don't take it. Not everyone will like it - that's normal.
- Establish a scale of values and stick to it. Try to understand what is important to you and stick to your beliefs. Having moral principles is essential and people will respect you for it.
- Don't force others to think like you.