If after a long day spent working or studying you are in the habit of taking refuge at home, it has probably happened many times that your friends have put you under pressure to let you out. In fact, you have surely noticed that someone makes you weigh the choice, saying between the lines that you are strange or that you live like a hermit, as if you couldn't have fun at home. Going out every night and staying up late is not for everyone. There are people who are happy with the familiarity and comfort that only their own home can offer. In fact, a party lover may not have a better life than someone who prefers a more intimate experience: even being on your sofa can enrich and satisfy. Stay-at-home people are hooked on numerous worlds with books, hobbies, gardening, and other interests to cultivate at home that end up being neglected if you just go out. However, if you sometimes feel insecure, because this choice is not particularly popular, and you get defensive when you refuse to spend a crazy night down in the city, it is time to restore dignity to the life of a couch potato.

Step 1. Being a stay-at-home is a perfectly valid choice
In a world that far prefers extroverts and partygoers, it's common to wonder if this lifestyle is somehow bizarre and unbalanced when you compare it to that of others. However, you don't have to feel embarrassed - it's a matter of taste. Sociable people generally do well and revitalize themselves when they go out and surround themselves with people, but not everyone has to be like that. For example, if you are an introvert, it is likely that spending too much time in the company of large groups of people can drain your energy and overwhelm you. Similarly, rather sensitive individuals may find that constant exposure to deafening noises, crowds and overly stimulating events excessively loads their sensory perception. All of this just reflects your way of being, and there is nothing to be ashamed of.
Understand that revelers love chaos, noise, stimuli, and maybe even melodrama. Going out allows you to fuel the need to be noticed and to attract the attention of others. Staying at home is quite the opposite, because it means cultivating one's inner self and not giving importance to what people think

Step 2. One thing must be recognized:
there will always be someone who will make fun of couch potatoes. There are people who have it in their DNA, it's a matter of genes, and they feel the urge to remind everyone what the meaning of life is for them: you can't have fun staying at home. Of course, such a judgment is completely based on their idea of fun, and it is highly likely that every time they stayed home it was out of obligation, because they might have had no money or had fallen ill. As a result, it is obvious that their memories are bad. Just like there's no problem wanting to be the life of the party, being a couch potato isn't a sentence. The important thing is to recognize each other: everyone should live and let live.
- Many teenagers and young adults feel the pressure of having to have fun as much as they can, thinking they need to stay home just to sleep and shower. According to some common stereotypes, couch potatoes are usually elderly, and it is often imagined that one's grandparents are in this role. Consequently, it is difficult to understand that it is possible to be a couch potato at any age, or that perhaps in life you face several stages, not necessarily definitive.
- You should definitely compromise in some cases, for example when your friend or brother is celebrating their birthday or a special party is organized in the workplace with a guest of honor. On the other hand, don't feel like you have to go out with friends and acquaintances every night just to fit in with what they prefer.

Step 3. Think about the reasons why you will be staying at home more often
While you don't have to justify yourself for wanting to do this, it will sometimes help to clarify to yourself why you'd rather stay in your room than go to the mall, nightclub, or picnic. In this way, you will be able to have the answer ready to help others understand that you are happy, satisfied, calm and stimulated by this choice! Make a list of the five key reasons you like being a stay-at-home. Then, come up with valid explanations about it, to share with people who will try to criticize your decision.
- Help friends and family who care about you, but who insist, understand that you are satisfied and that you do not miss anything. Explain that being forced out against your will would be an abrupt and far from welcome change. Nobody will be happy if you hate every single moment of a date.
- Politely explain the difference between being alone and being alone, taking advantage of this to confirm that you are not alone at all.

Step 4. Let yourself be carried away by everything you love to do at home, the sanctuary where you can take refuge from the outside world
This is where you can manage to build the Taj Mahal with toothpicks, read the "Lord of the Rings" for the fifth time, do a movie marathon and feed your snake without anyone else getting in the way and judging you. Many activities, whether physical or intellectual, would not be feasible if you did not have a personal space to reflect, be in peace and have some privacy. And your home offers you all this. For someone, perhaps even for you, it represents an extension of the love that is nurtured towards a pre-established routine and personal way of being, which reaches out to a home environment. For example, once you get into the rhythm of organizing a movie marathon every Friday night, writing poetry every Saturday, and knitting cat clothes every Sunday afternoon in front of a beautiful landscape, it won't be worth disturbing this peaceful and it is repeated on a regular basis, because it will satisfy you. Among the activities you could do best at home include the following:
- Read an interesting or thought-provoking book or complete an entire saga!
- A quiet home encourages writing and reflection. Find a fixed point and maybe have a nice view; it will be uniquely yours to write novels, blogs, short stories, opinion articles or other topics and so on. They are all possibilities to let your creative streak emerge.
- Get creative in the kitchen. If you have a working kitchen, you won't need anything else to become a chef. You can bake desserts, prepare first and second courses, barbecue … If you also love to write, you could dedicate a book to your culinary creations.
- Movie marathons. Only at home can you retrieve the movies and TV shows you missed, or see the ones you loved and continue to adore. In fact, if you've been left behind with a television series, search for it on the internet, make a huge bowl of popcorn, and curl up under a blanket to watch it from start to finish.
- Make time for your furry friends. Dogs don't mind socializing outdoors, but many other animals can't be carried around; examples are cats, reptiles, rodents and so on. And dogs also like to spend time indoors (in fact they are happy wherever you are comfortable). You can spend quality time together with a four-legged friend.
- Transform yourself into an artist. At home you can create anything you want, knowing that no one will judge the results, unless you ask. You can do chores after looking for inspiration among the recycling bins, otherwise you can collect leaves and stones in the garden.
- Invite your friends for a board game match. Bring out all your old games, prepare delicious snacks, choose some quiet music and offer comfortable chairs: you will spend a nice evening with friends, with a pinch of competitiveness. Video games are another idea.
- Exercise. You don't have to go to the gym to train effectively. Buy fitness DVDs, watch videos online, or go for a run to relieve the stress that has built up during the week.

Step 5. Enjoy the Zen atmosphere at home as your friends and colleagues frantically wander around the club
Leading a couch potato life means having more time to relax and rejuvenate after a long day at the office or school. Learn to stop and savor every single moment in order to maximize the time spent at home. You can really relax in a home environment, just implement measures specifically aimed at rest to do so. You could try meditation, yoga, contemplation, preparing a home spa in the bathroom, naps and lazy afternoons in a hammock.
- Living in a Zen home environment means making sure it's clean and tidy. If you're running from place to place all week and bending over backwards to get it all done, the time you spend quietly, especially over the weekend, will have to be devoid of endless to-do lists. To have nothing to think about during your leisure time, do regular cleaning.
- Share this lifestyle with someone. If you live with a couch potato, try to stay together and do some activities in company; you could meditate, discuss the merits of a novel, discuss sociological questions amicably, or contemplate life.

Step 6. Make time to be with your family within the relaxed environment you have created
Parents are sometimes forced to live as couch potatoes, because it is easier to look after young children. Instead of feeling obligated to follow this lifestyle because of your responsibilities, consider it a wonderful opportunity to spend time with your loved ones, dedicating yourself to activities that will bring you even more together. Here are some ideas:
- Organize family games. An evening dedicated to this activity can be ideal to find a beautiful connection with your children. Choose a game suitable for their age group and gather everyone around the table to interact and have fun. Make it a tradition that they will remember fondly even when they grow up.
- Start a family project. Whether it's painting your garden shed or creating a special gift for grandma's birthday, make some time to spend all together at home, busy with a creative task.
- Redecorate or renovate. Has your child grown up and wants to change their room? Get everything you need for his room several months in advance and then show off your decorating skills, having him help you in choosing colors and decorative objects.
- Crouch with your kids on the sofa on a rainy afternoon. Savor and live every minute spent with them embracing them and staying at home in complete tranquility.

Step 7. Feel proud of the money you save by staying at home
For some people, being a couch potato soon turns into a money-saving exercise. You are not tempted to buy what revelers can't give up, spending your hard-earned salary on drinks, paying club entrance fees, buying the latest fashions, eating out and so on. Instead, the stay-at-home knows how to save money by cooking at home, without worrying about what he wears. He prefers activities that cost nothing and is prudent. And no matter how much your hobby or habit of shopping online takes away some money, the chances are that you will buy something you really like and that you will shop thoughtfully to enrich your interests. You will not spend ephemeral. Furthermore, it is likely that the place you live in was not given to you as a gift, perhaps you paid a high rent or it cost you a lot; if you spend more time on it, it will be money well spent. To fully ensure that your lifestyle allows you to save more, here are some extra tips:
- Create a budget that allows you to save as much as possible. If you're not going to be spending as much on socializing or going out for dinner, make sure you actually save this money. Money can easily slip through your fingers if you are not careful, even though you are always at home.
- Make a lot of things from scratch, from what you eat to clothes. The ability to live independently is becoming more and more important nowadays, as people have begun to understand that creating something with their own hands means having quality goods and feeling fulfillment.
- Borrow instead of buying. Go to the library, not the bookstore, go to the video store, don't buy movies, rent everything you need to do an occasional home repair, don't buy equipment. This will save you a lot of money, and space.
- Invest to save on consumption deriving from heating and refrigeration; insulating the house well is a good place to start.
- Save for a future project. Maybe you want to take a trip to get to know new countries or be able to afford a new experience, like starting a business from home. Make sure you have all the money you need to pursue your dreams. In addition to saving money, you could try investing in the stock market. If the world of finance is not your forte, let yourself be helped by a good consultant.

Step 8. Bring the party to your home and entertain your guests
Not all couch potatoes enjoy seeing people at home on a regular basis, but some do. If the idea of inviting your friends and cooking for them appeals to you, or you just want to throw a nice party, you can give your cooking skills free rein and open the doors of your home. Here are some ideas for a party or dinner:
- Throw a family party by inviting both children and adults. If many of your friends have young children, they probably lead a similar lifestyle to yours. Meetings of this type will allow you to experience memorable moments, so organize one "why yes". It can help other couch potatoes get out of the house and slip out of their routine. Prepare drinks and dishes suitable for both children and adults. Offer lots of toys and, if you like, hire an animator for the little ones.
- Plan an evening at home with your friends. You don't have to go to a club to have fun: you can also do it in your home. Buy alcohol and snacks. You can also prepare a deck of cards to make it even more fun. If you like, set up a themed evening, such as a wine tasting, or a special party, inspired by a current or traditional event.
- Have a picnic indoors in the winter. Sub-zero temperatures may also force you to stay by the fireplace, but that doesn't mean you can't bring nature indoors. Lay out checkered tablecloths, take out picnic baskets and, if you like, buy some plastic ants to "annoy" the guests. Ask each guest to prepare a meal while you take care of the drinks and utensils.
- Plan a hobby night out. Invite people who share your interests. Take the opportunity to show off your skills. It might be a good opportunity to teach, exchange tips, and showcase the work you've completed. Bake cookies and make hot drinks: they are ideal for making guests feel welcome.

Step 9. Accept the choice to be a stay-at-home
Adrenaline lovers cannot stand still for a single minute, they need to be always in action and to go out every night. While this approach to life seems to be widespread and widely accepted, you can still live in a more peaceful and relaxed way. If you are a stay-at-home, you have decided to pursue what interests you without putting yourself in the spotlight, nurturing your inner self and getting the most out of your home. Whenever a person who doesn't understand you tries to convince you otherwise, remember that you decide how to spend your time and that it is your choice. You don't have to be persuaded to go against your wishes.
- If you feel slightly embarrassed or as if you are abnormal because you like to stay indoors instead of hanging out, remember that you are only respecting your true needs. And that's no small feat, considering that many people are easily overwhelmed by what's trendy or "in". Being able to voice your preferences will allow you to keep anchored to your values.
- Often it changes gradually, and you will slowly realize your transformation. If you have spent a good portion of your teenage years succumbing to peer pressure, or perhaps it has always been impossible for you to live quietly at home because your siblings bothered you, there may come a time when you will find that deep down you wanted to be a friend. stay-at-home for life, because it truly reflects who you are. This can become obvious when you finally have the opportunity to live in your own space, realizing that you love this lifestyle!
- Try to be open to different situations, even if sometimes it means leaving your comfort zone (home) from time to time.
- You could adopt an animal in a shelter. Not only will you save a life, a study by the State University of New York found that half of the research participants (stockbrokers suffering from hypertension) who took a four-legged friend saw a reduction more stress than those who have not. A pet can make a stay-at-home life complete.
- While it's optional, it can help you spend time with another stay-at-home so you'll be at home together. This will not always be possible however, generally you will have to deal with people who will have to understand and accept the fact that you prefer to stay at home.