This article will show you different ways to be proud of yourself, whatever your differences and whatever the judgments of others about you.

Step 1. Be yourself
If you are not yourself, how can you be proud? Therefore, do not try to be as others want you and do not get involved in social conditioning.

Step 2. Base your confidence on real goals and strengths
Give yourself an honest self-assessment, for better or for worse. Privately acknowledge everything about you, the best and the worst. If both those who praise you and those who criticize you agree on a factor that concerns you, it is probably the truth. It may be helpful to know about negative contexts and try to mitigate them when they are inappropriate, and to be truly forgiving when necessary. Perform your assessments following your definitions of right and wrong, behaving like a weather vane will only put you in trouble.

Step 3. Be confident
Pay attention to your strengths, your achievements and your triumphs. Make sure you are really proud of yourself and happy to be yourself. If not, it is important to understand why. Have you been realistic in judging who you are and what you can do? Do you listen to those people who try to make you feel bad about yourself and believe their erroneous criticisms? Have you been insulted to the point of being ashamed of yourself? Try to describe yourself accurately using only positive terms.

Step 4. Be proud of yourself
But don't overdo it, you could easily be confused and considered arrogant in showing excessive pride in yourself.
The main difference between sincere pride and arrogance is the way you treat others and their goals. Accept compliments with a polite "Thank you" on both your best deeds and simpler things like a haircut. Praise others with equal honesty whenever you wish to do so and for anything they feel proud of. When someone you know excitedly reveals that they've scored high on a business you didn't even know existed, smile and show your approval. Don't worry about not having the proper information to judge that result. In front of a proud person, who has worked hard to achieve something, always be happy for them and promptly encourage those who need it. Honestly congratulate those who have achieved their goals, leaving aside any sort of envy or judgment, at the right moment you will notice that others will do the same with you

Step 5. Surround yourself with friends who love and respect you as you are
True friends will know how to stand by your side despite any differences you may have.
The best way to do this is to accept them as they are, no matter how different they are from you. If you are a cat lover, understand and accept that your dog-loving friends are as excited about seeing a dog as you are about seeing a cat. The greater the differences between you, the richer your life will be, and the easier it will be to relax and just be yourself with all your individual quirks. If you don't feel like your ethnic group stereotypes, look for a different one to fit in more easily

Step 6. Ignore the hateful and mean comments of others if they concern your way of being
Nobody has the right to change who you are. Only you have that choice. When people make rude comments to you, show your disinterest in their negative opinions. You can even try to respond by saying, "I don't care, it looks like you need to be hugged." Kill them with your kindness, they will be annoyed and will lose the desire to provoke you.
- A good way to handle insults is to turn them around and find out if they can become compliments if expressed in more positive terms. "You are full of yourself" could mean "You are picky in choosing who to spend your time with and who to devote your attention to." In fact, you have the right to avoid those who constantly tend to criticize others so as not to run into unnecessary tension. "Too stubborn" could mean "Convinced and not easily influenced." Most insults contain a positive quality when viewed from the correct point of view.
- In the case of the truth, the same judgment will be passed by both your friends and your enemies. If you want to mitigate it or develop opposite qualities, it will take commitment, introspection, and willpower, so don't do it just because others are targeting you.
Step 7. Understand and accept that criticisms are sometimes completely false
People let themselves be influenced and accept criticism thinking it is wrong not to do it. Very often, however, people criticize to manipulate others or to get them to believe in some stereotypes that have nothing to do with their true nature. "You are really lazy" can hurt anyone who hears it, especially being a person who is constantly animated and unable to relax. A spontaneously lazy person who has made up his mind consciously may respond by saying, "Yeah, you should try it too sometime. Often these words imply" because you don't want to stop doing what you are doing to do what I want you to do."

- A person who calls you stupid, but does so out of a matter of race, gender, religion, social class or economic level, is unable to see your intelligence and the fact that you spend a lot of time in intellectual pursuits, the truth that contradicts that belief could confuse or shock you. Don't always believe those who are full of prejudices. Much of their life is spent in preserving their worldview and rewriting their truths about others. It can happen to anyone. Whoever you are, there will be people who will hate you and be so afraid of you that they can't see you as you really are. The best thing to do is avoid them, don't believe their words, and don't let them get in the way of your life. In turn, however, do not show yourself fearful or intolerant with this category of people, always avoid extremism and consider people in their individuality.
- Another reason for destructive criticism is protection. People suffering from mental illness, alcoholism and other problems tend to project their negative qualities to the maximum on others. In case they are jealous of your success they may believe in your scam because that is what they would have done in your place. This does not turn you into a cheater and you shouldn't worry about the decisions made as long as they have followed your own ethics. You may also receive insults similar to laziness from these sources. But if the person who utters them is an alcoholic who hasn't been able to detox, pay bills, or look for a job for months, you'll know it's his protective instinct that speaks.
- Be positive.
- Be yourself.
- Be happy.
- Be sure of yourself.
- Be proud without denigrating others. Royal pride in real achievements is always happy to congratulate others and encourage their success. Arrogance must always stand out when someone else has something to be proud of. "Our little dog is so cute." it should be followed by "Oh yes it is, and that's a fabulous picture." Not from "Our cat won first prize in a regional competition."
- Know that your parents will always be proud of you.
- Don't try to change others to be like you, respect them as they are.
- Don't get caught up in group conditioning, whatever people say. Especially from those who have some reason to complicate your life.
- Don't be too proud to admit you were wrong and to apologize.
- Don't let yourself be influenced by the judgment of others. Even when you are in a negative situation surrounded by people who categorically reject you. Developing internal resistance is possible, as is identifying different attitudes and ideas. It may not be easy, but it will be of vital importance to your soul.