Being a "lady" means showing that you have class, manners and manners. Being a classy woman does not imply being a snob but demonstrating dignity, consideration and moderation in your daily actions. If you want to know how to become a "classy woman", follow these tips.
Method 1 of 3: Part 1: The Appearance

Step 1. Improve your posture
Having a good bearing is an important part of having class. Make sure you keep your back straight both when sitting and when standing; avoid letting yourself go at all costs. It is a sign of laziness and bad manners, so make sure you always keep an upright position and your head up.
Try to hold this position even when you are alone, so you will get used to holding it with others as well

Step 2. Maintain good hygiene
This involves showering daily and wearing clean, stain-free clothes. If you are doing something that you risk getting dirty about, change once you're done. If you find yourself in a situation where you know you sweat a lot (dancing, for example), bring an extra shirt with you in case you need it.

Step 3. Look after your appearance
Brush your hair several times a day as needed, and be prepared to hold your hair up if it falls out in front of your eyes. Don't brush them in public though, because doing it isn't elegant - wait until you're alone in the bathroom.

Step 4. Use a classy trick (optional)
If you like to wear make-up, use make-up appropriately. For the day, a natural makeup is best. Little or nothing is better than a smudged makeup. Remember that heavy or poorly applied makeup tends to look cheesy.

Step 5. Dress elegantly and simply
The key is to dress with dignity. You don't have to carry expensive stuff. Keep your clothes looking their best. Nothing ripped or too revealing, it wouldn't be classy at all. It is more important that the clothes fit you well, are wrinkle-free, appropriate for the occasion and cover the essentials.
- This means don't wear clothes that are too short (skirts or shorts), too translucent, or anything that shows off your tummy.
- If you really want to show something (neckline, shoulders, or a slit), make it one. For example, an evening top with a prominent neckline should be paired with a long skirt or trousers and should have appropriate sleeves that cover the shoulders.
- Remember that when in doubt, it is better to dress a little more formal than the other way around. If you don't know what to wear for one occasion, it is better to look prettier than the others than to give the impression that you have made no effort to look after yourself.
Method 2 of 3: Part 2: Behavior

Step 1. Always use refined language
Don't swear or use vulgarity. Profanities are one of the least feminine traits there is.
If you think your conversation loses its tone without using some vulgar expression, remember that this is only temporary. By replacing with non-vulgar expressions (of which you can have a potentially infinite resource), you will notice how your language becomes more and more specific, expressive and interesting

Step 2. Speak in an articulate manner
If you want to have an elegant tone, then you need to speak clearly, avoid muttering or speaking loudly. A classy woman speaks confidently and clearly enough for others to understand. Avoid saying "um," or "that is" every two seconds because that would sound very unrefined.
Read regularly to improve vocabulary and variety of expressions

Step 3. Think about others
This is the key to having class, and, without consideration, you could be perceived as a snob. Pay particular attention to the needs of the elderly and remember not to feel superior to anyone. Always be polite. Classy women don't use words to offend or hurt other people.
- If you have to confront someone or put them in their place, express your opinion clearly, in moderate language and without yelling. It is important to find the right time and place for this type of clarification.
- If you want to have class, you will have to treat waiters, strangers, friends of friends or neighbors with the same respect you would give to your closest friends.

Step 4. Make people comfortable
Classy women are social and get along well with others. The trick is to make others comfortable and to make them feel accepted. If it's not easy for you, work on improving your interaction skills and being charismatic.
By improving your conversation skills, you can easily make those around you feel good and give the impression that you are well-mannered and informed

Step 5. Perfect your manners
A good start is to be polite and always say thank you; better once more than one less. Also, a strong understanding of manners is useful if you feel insecure in social events, because you will always know how rich it is to behave in certain situations.
- Learn how to behave at dinners, parties, work and dates.
- Remember that it is always rudeness that is always pointed out by others regarding lack of manners. Unless the situation clearly requires it (their behavior can harm someone or goes well beyond the limits of moral tolerance) it overlooks someone's gaffes and shortcomings.

Step 6. Avoid gossip
Mischievous gossip or bad talking behind other people's backs is not very ladylike. While you may be angry or upset, gossiping about another person won't solve your problem. If you want to be a classy woman, you will need to restrain yourself and avoid saying something bad about others, unless you want to get yourself into trouble.
Likewise, keep your Facebook posts classy. Stay on the positive side instead of yelling at "the people" who got it wrong

Step 7. Fight for yourself with dignity
Being classy and polite does not in any way imply having to bully others or defend opinions that are not your own. If you think your opinion might be too heavy or hurt someone in the audience, don't lie but change the subject. If someone asks you a cheeky question, don't feel like you have to answer, make a joke or try to get around it.
When it is necessary for you to defend yourself, express your opinion without using insults and without getting carried away by emotions
Method 3 of 3: Part 3: Have That Something Extra

Step 1. Get a culture
Read novels and find role models for etiquette and manners to follow. Jane Austen is exceptional at portraying morals, good manners and bad manners in detail, and is a must read for anyone with a desire to become a woman of class. Reading classic novels has the benefit of making you an educated woman; the class does not reside in ignorance.
Being cultured also means knowing how to have more sophisticated conversations

Step 2. Find classy friends
If you are determined to become one, then you will need to find yourself a classy company. If your friends demote or don't support your new thinking, you'll need to look for someone to help you achieve your goal. These people should be confident, strong, and perhaps a little more mature so that you can learn from them.
Your friends should elevate you and not the other way around, so you should hang out with people who inspire you to be better than you already are

Step 3. Be a conscientious citizen
Part of being a classy woman involves being a good and conscientious citizen. What does it mean? A lot of things. Do not leave the trolley in the parking lot after unloading the shopping. Let pedestrians cross the road while driving. Keep the door for the elderly, even if you are in a hurry.
If you dropped something at the grocery store, clean up or tell someone what happened to you. Don't leave pretending nothing has happened

Step 4. Forget rude habits
If you really want to commit to being a person of class, then you will need to stop taking those actions that make you look unsophisticated. Here's what to avoid:
- Pop balloons of chewing gum
- Chew loudly
- Burp in public
- Get drunk in public
- Give people the middle finger
- Roll your eyes

Step 5. Take responsibility for your actions
Being able to admit what you've done in life is top of the class. It's not being a victim, blaming others for your problems or saying "I would have done X if Y hadn't …" Stop complaining or making excuses and understand that life is what you decide to do with it, you have the power to be as classy as you want and to have a life as beautiful as you want it.
It's not elegant to complain about things you don't own. It is to admit that you have a lot of work to do to become the person you really want to be
- Reading or / watching movies and novels can be very inspiring. Remember however, that certain things are no longer rigid and formal with in the past.
- Keep your face clean and your hair perfect.