Being a classy person is not about putting on airs, but about having style and being polite to others by showing a sincere interest in them. Having class is also a matter of self-esteem and self-love. This article will teach you how to face life with class and ease, at the end of the reading you will know what to do to be a classy, generous, selfless, humane and responsible girl.

Step 1. Choose your battles and choose your friends
Few battles really deserve to be fought. Defend only those who are unable to do it on their own, stay away from brawlers. If someone is rude to you, choose to ignore them or, after calming down and thinking, let them know how you felt and look for a solution. You can continue to be courteous while maintaining your position. Even with courtesy, make it clear that you do not tolerate being treated in an offensive way. Never go down to their level, and don't rush to judge others. Surround yourself with positive, polite and polite people who encourage you to be smart and classy.

Step 2. Develop your sense of style
Keeping up to date and following fashion is a must. Try to read fashion magazines and learn what kind of garments can go well with you and get ideas to create your own classy outfit. Try to follow your fashion and create your own style, if you wear something that does not suit you you will not get good results. It is often better to have a basic personal style rather than chasing the latest fashion every time.
Develop good taste in dressing. Be modest and avoid tacky clothing. Necklines that are too deep, skirts that are too short, T-shirts that show the belly and dresses that are too skimpy suggest that the girl who wears them does not respect herself or her body. T-shirts with inappropriate writing, logos or sexual double meanings could make you seem desperate for attention. Classy women are not

Step 3. Take care of your hygiene
Always remember to be clean. Comb your hair well, make sure your nails are clean and in place, brush your teeth and always take a shower or bath. When you spray the perfume, don't overdo the quantity. Contrary to what many believe, excessive doses of perfume are unpleasant and will not make you look cleaner. Washing is very important, smelling of sweat is not at all pleasant nor will it make you look classy. Don't keep your hair dirty or you will look very scruffy.
Take care of your skin. The skin must always be cared for and cleansed of imperfections. Wash your face every day and remember to use sunscreen or wide-brimmed hair if you go out in the sun. Try to treat your skin with a mask once a week

Step 4. Never show your fists
People may find it an annoying habit.

Step 5. Speak gracefully
It is a sign of good manners. If your tone of voice is too high it will seem that you want to attract attention at all costs. Speaking too loud in public is not only bad manners but shows little interest in those around you. Listen to what people have to say to you and always try to look them in the eye.

Step 6. Don't drag yourself
Good posture is an important, and rare, trait. It will also be good for your health.

Step 7. Behave yourself
It is fun to participate in a party but forget irresponsible and immature attitudes. If you are at a reception, try to socialize as much as possible, but speak calmly and don't get all your attention. If you drink, don't overdo it and stay within your tolerance limits. Drunk women aren't classy at all. And if you are not the right age, DO NOT DRINK.

Step 8. Improve your conversation skills
Classy women don't talk about sex or other topics to avoid in public. Rather they should focus on some intellectual topics (books, art, politics, contemporary events) or on fashion and travel.
Increase your vocabulary and avoid dialect expressions. Don't swear and never make racist, homophobic or intolerant comments. They will only make you look rude and annoying

Step 9. Smile
Classy people are sociable people, they are those who always have a smile on their face. It is a completely free way to improve your appearance.
- Be gentle. If you are a classy girl and you want others to appreciate you, you have to be nice. It is always nice to be appreciated, so kindness in turning to others will help you. Being classy is not the same as being a snob, since it is a sign of rudeness it cannot be a characteristic of a polite person.
- Always be polite and friendly to the people who are serving you, such as the waiters etc. If you really want to understand which class people are and which are not, look at how they treat those in a lower social position than theirs, rather than how they address their fellow men and superiors.

Step 10. Your hair needs to be tidy, clean and straightforward
Loose hair with a headband or even a ponytail is very popular today.

Step 11. Don't just take care of your image
Parents will appreciate a girl who cares about her education, or her work ethic, much more than her nails. In the same way the authoritative personalities will think.
- Be responsible. Classy girls leave things as they found them. Unless they are in a restaurant, where it is not your duty to clear and set the table, classy people always insist on taking care of their belongings, throwing out their waste, carrying their own luggage, without waiting for others to do it. for them. And when someone does it, rather than behaving like a snob and ignoring both the gesture and the existence of the person who did it, true classy people immediately notice it and express their gratitude.
- Be socially aware. You have to be courteous but don't jump through hoops to please others. If you do, you may one day meet someone who takes advantage of it. Limit your time and availability and draw boundaries so others understand your limits.

Step 12. Choose your words carefully
A classy woman listens more than she talks. Having a good vocabulary is important, but don't use a word if you're not sure you know its meaning. Express yourself clearly. Also, do not correct others if they use incorrect grammatical forms. Differences in background, origins and upbringing can lead people to adopt a different language, and many use colloquial expressions to affect others. Besides, it is irritating to be corrected and belittled by a "perfect" girl.

Step 13. Know what you are talking about
Intelligence is the key. You don't have to be a bookworm to be smart and you don't have to show it at all costs. However, not being aware of major contemporary events won't make you look like a classy girl. Review as many topics as you can, you will give the impression of being well informed.

Step 14. Don't swear
Many feel that using the word "swear" too often reveals a certain inconsistency of character. You will make a better impression if you don't make frequent use of these types of expressions, and even better, if you completely remove them from your vocabulary.

Step 15. Be steadfast but not bossy
Avoid passive - aggressive attitudes, one day they could betray you. Being calm and determined is a sign of maturity, depth and confidence. Class requires balance, and determination is the prime example.

Step 16. Look for the base colors that best suit your complexion and eye color
For instance:
- Blue eyes: Orange (complementary), Midnight Blue, Purple, Bright Green, Gray, White, Black, Turquoise, Blue-Plum, Dark Red. While the colors to avoid: Bright Red, Lime Green, Candy Pink, Brown, Light Blue, colors with visible shades of white.
- Brown eyes: All Pink, Charcoal, Very dark colors, Yellow (to emphasize the shades of the eyes, despite its bad reputation) Green. Colors to avoid: none, brown is a neutral tone, so it goes well with everything.
- Green eyes: Purple (to highlight the eyes), Dark Red (red is the complementary color of green), Midnight Blue, Black, Brown, Creamy White. Colors to avoid, gray, even if it could recall the shades of your eyes, yellow, bright red, white (too John Travolta), orange and green (because it does not highlight the color of your eyes).
- Complexions: For reddish complexions, shades of blue or pink (after a few exercises) are recommended. For light skin, blue, purple, green and all colors that come close, such as purple red, as well as black and gray. Colors to avoid Yellow and all similar colors, including red and white. Consider wearing orange red. For skin with yellowish tones, any warm or neutral color. If you have dark or very tanned skin, you can wear any color. Especially in gold color you will look beautiful. If you have red hair: gold, beige, coral, purple, very dark or very bright green (avoid the "Christmas Fir" color) and dark blues.
- You smile. It is the most selfless thing you can do.
- Be smart A classy girl always has speeches to talk about. Learn about topics that you find interesting or useful in life. Read books and increase your vocabulary, not the word "how" all the time, is a sign of poor training and nervousness. People will admire you because you are bright and casual, they will please you.
Value your virtues.
If you have some dowry and some talent, if you know how to paint, dance, sing, play an instrument. Don't hide, test yourself. Display your photos and let people see how good you are, or play an instrument in front of someone. If you like acting, join a theater company.
- Don't dye your hair an unnatural color. Avoid piercings and tattoos if you can. If you really want a tattoo, choose an elegant or poetic theme. Don't think about vulgar subjects, the name of your favorite band or other extravagant things.
Tattoos and piercings.
The way you present yourself is an important business card, whether you are judged by someone you know or someone who could decide your future (such as a potential employer, a superior who will decide your promotion, etc.). So think carefully before getting a flashy tattoo or piercing done. Even if appearance does not automatically correspond to someone's inner qualities, it is still a reflection of how the world sees us. Tattoos and piercings are forms of expression but they can be quite difficult (and expensive) to remove when you no longer want them. If you are not sure if a tattoo or a piercing could affect your future in any way, decide not to do it and find other ways to express yourself, such as poetry, hobbies, artistic creations, etc.
- If you slip, apologize. Apologize to anyone you may have bumped into and continue on your way. This is class!
- Try to make a difference in someone's life. Do it with conviction regardless of his social status.
- You may be considered a snob by some. Ignore them! Maybe they say it out of insecurity, or just out of envy because they don't have your class and your values.
- Changing your behavior may seem difficult. In this case, remember that it is a gradual process. A classy person is simply one who proves to behave regularly in an appropriate manner. Focus on your behavior and attitudes.
- Don't be hateful!