Do you like to have a hairless bikini area, but don't want to spend more than 50 euros at the beautician? Feeling a little uncomfortable with the idea of a stranger being too close to that area, but want to get the hair out? No problem! You just need € 10 and a mirror.
Method 1 of 2: Using Commercial Products

Step 1. Buy good sugar-based wax
You can find it in supermarkets or specialized shops.
A wax with the Roll On applicator is perfect because it dispenses the right amount of wax without waste or potential disasters

Step 2. Cut the strips into small strips
You can buy them (although they are included in some kits) or make them yourself. Better to have strips of different lengths (2 to 5 cm).
If you want to do everything indoors, look for an old T-shirt in the closet or a cotton rag. Cut it into strips as explained above.
Bonus - if you treat them carefully, you can use them again after washing them (if the wax is water-soluble)

Step 3. Wash the bikini area to remove any residue
This is very important - the wax must stick to the hair.
- Trim the hairs to a maximum of 1cm long for easier removal.
- Apply talcum powder to the parts where you will be waxing. This way the wax will stick to the hair and NOT the skin, greatly reducing the pain.
- If the pain increases, apply more powder. Especially if the place you are operating in is hot.

Step 4. Remove the wax that gets on your hands
Keep some paper towels or a rag nearby. If the wax is water-soluble, a damp rag will do just fine.
Or, dip a cotton ball in oil. It removes wax residues perfectly and leaves the skin soft

Step 5. Start at the navel and go down
Apply the wax in the direction of hair growth, in thin strips.
- With one hand, stretch the skin. Use paper towels to hold the skin so it doesn't slip.
- Remove the wax with the other hand, tearing in the opposite direction of the hair growth. You will have better results and it will hurt less.
- Don't put too much wax, or the strips won't stick to the hair.
- Put a mirror between your legs so that you can work on the areas you can't see. A purse mirror is enough.

Step 6. Continue until you have removed all the hair, or until you are satisfied with the result
Since the bikini line is very sensitive, it may take several sessions to pull out all the hair.
- Hair may be easier to remove in certain areas than in others. This depends on how big they are. Better to stop if the skin becomes too red and continue once it returns to normal.
- Use tweezers to pluck out any remaining hair, rather than using more wax.

Step 7. Wash the area
You may have wax residue in unthinkable places.
- Use warm water and apply a soothing oil or cream.
- The redness is normal and will disappear.
Method 2 of 2: Brazilian DIY

Step 1. Get all the materials
Making your own sugar wax is simple, but it's still an art. Take everything you need and become self sufficient.
- 400 g of white sugar
- 30 ml of lemon juice (squeezed) or vinegar
- 180 ml of water
- Strips (you can find them in any retailer of products for beauticians)
- Use a large steel skillet. If you use an old, peeling pan, something unwanted could end up in your wax.

Step 2. Combine the ingredients in the pan over a brisk fire
Boil them and then turn down the heat. Stir occasionally.
- Keep an eye on the pan! Poor cooking can be remedied, if you burn everything you can't.
- If it starts boiling again, turn the heat down further.

Step 3. Pour everything into a clean container when it turns brown
The wax should turn translucent to caramel in color. When you reach this point, immediately pull it off the heat.
- This part is pure science; it can take 6 to 20 minutes. Take a butter knife to feel the texture (don't touch it!). If it's thick and sticky enough, then it's ready.
- Try dropping it into a glass cup. If it forms a ball immediately and does not leave streaks, then it is perfect.
- If it's runny and doesn't look like wax at all, throw it in the trash (not the sink) and start over.

Step 4. Let it cool, but not too much
Let it cool down to a point where it's hot but won't burn you. Unfortunately you will have to learn it the worst way.
If it cools too much, it will lose its viscosity. But you can heat it. If you poured it into a microwave-safe container, spin it in the micro until it is malleable again

Step 5. Prepare the skin
Start from a clean base. Apply talcum powder to the area. Check that it is completely dry!
As you work, you will need to re-heat the wax or apply more talc. Apply more powder if you feel too much pain or start sweating.
The level of pain is up to you. For some women this is not a problem. Don't be discouraged

Step 6. Apply the wax
You can do this with a butter knife. If it's too hot, wait a bit. If it is too cold it will not tear even a hair and you will have to reheat it.
- Apply it in the direction of the hair. Hair must be at least half an inch long for wax to work; in fact the wax must stick to something; but if they are too long things will be more complicated (and painful).
- Place a mirror between your legs to get a view of your private parts.

Step 7. Put a strip on the wax covered part and let it dry
Start from the navel. Dab the strips in some wax to make sure they pull out the hair well.
- You can use store-bought strips or an old cotton T-shirt. Sugar wax is water-soluble and cotton waxes can be reused if you wash them immediately and thoroughly.
- Cut the strips so they are 2.5 to 5cm long. The smaller ones can be used for finishing or for hard to reach places.

Step 8. Tear firmly
Do a couple at a time, the last thing you want is a lump of cotton strips in that area.
Leave the strip on for about 30 seconds, depending on the size. Tear (fast!) In the opposite direction of hair growth.
The faster you are the better; you will feel less pain
- Repeat until there are no more hairs.

Step 9. Wash the area when finished
If you have sensitive skin, apply an oil or lotion to soothe the skin. Use tweezers to remove any threads or scraps.
Of course, also tidy up the area where you worked! The wax is difficult to pull off when it hardens and the sugar can attract ants if left in the air for a long time
- If this is your first time waxing Brazilian, don't expect all the hair to come off. It won't be the work of a professional, so you may not get professional results. With more treatments, the hair will become thinner and more sparse, so it will be easier to achieve better results.
- Since hair is thicker, removing it may cause you to bleed. Clean the area with disinfectant to avoid infections.
- Press immediately after plucking the hair. It will make the pain more bearable.
- Check the temperature of the wax before applying it to the bikini area!
- Do not use the razor if you have left behind some stitches with waxing, you will FOR SURE find yourself with painful irritations!
- Do not use wax if the hairs are longer than 1 cm. It will be unnecessarily painful, and they will not come away. Cut them out before applying the wax. Professionals cut them at least 1 cm if they are thick and in the middle if they are thin.
- Better not to do it alone if this is your first time removing hair in that area. Since professionals can do it quickly and without too much pain, have them do it the first few times, so that the body gets used to it. You will save yourself a lot of pain.
- Better not do it yourself unless you are a beautician. In some cases, improvised beauticians have torn skin and broken blood vessels.
- A pre-hair removal oil makes the difference when it comes to pain. It is recommended for sensitive skin.
- If you don't finish and want to resume later, it is best to wait a couple of days for the area to rest.