Stress, nutrition and lifestyle play an important role in skin health. The products to keep her beautiful and healthy are so varied and numerous that making a decision can be complicated and frustrating. By reading this article you will find that it is possible to take care of your skin with much more effective methods than simply using hot water and soap, as the outward appearance of your skin is closely connected to what goes on inside your body.
Part 1 of 3: Establish and Maintain a Beauty Routine

Step 1. Wash your hands carefully
If you don't, bacteria and oils on your fingers could get into your pores, causing infections and breakouts. Washing your hands may seem like an obvious step, but it's really easy to forget about it. Observe how many objects you come into contact with during the day and note the number of times you unconsciously touch your face. To ensure that facial cleansing is not counterproductive, always wash your hands before starting.
- Wash your hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds.
- Remove any jewelry from your wrists and fingers to prevent them from trapping soap residue on the part in contact with the skin.
- Don't forget to carefully clean your fingernails and the area between fingers as well.
- Dry your hands with a clean towel or a special blast of air, but don't rub them too hard to avoid damaging the skin.

Step 2. Wash your face with a specific cleanser
Using your fingertips, massage the cleanser into your skin in upward circular motions. Rinse the product off with warm water and a sponge or face cloth.
- The variety of commercially available cleaners is very large. Some form a soft foam and are gentle on the skin while others contain micro-granules that allow for a light exfoliation.
- If your skin is prone to blackheads, choose a non-comedogenic cleanser to reduce the risk of clogging its pores. The advantage of these products is precisely to leave the skin pores completely clean and free of residues.
- Don't use soap. Normal soap has an alkaline pH that deprives the skin of its natural acidity, making it dehydrated and vulnerable to attack by bacteria. Most common foamy skin products are unsuitable for proper skin cleansing, especially those that contain sodium lauryl sulfate.
- Avoid those products that give you the feeling of tight skin after rinsing and adjust the temperature of the water so that it is warm, but not hot. Sudden changes in temperature can risk dilating the capillaries permanently.

Step 3. After washing your face, apply a toner to prevent infections and to prevent bacteria from being reabsorbed by the skin
Take a cotton pad to distribute the toner on the skin and remove any residual cleanser. Opt for a moisturizing, alcohol-free toner; let it dry naturally on the skin.
- The use of the cleanser deprives the skin of many of those properties that make it naturally elastic, smooth and radiant. The tonic will allow you to help restore optimal levels.
- Choose a water-based toner. Water-based tonics are rich in antioxidants and free of chemicals that can damage or dehydrate the skin.
- Avoid alcohol-based tonics. These products typically contain an astringent substance that can be irritating and damage the skin's natural ability to repair itself.
- Avoid scented tonics. Although they impart a pleasant fragrance to the skin, like normal perfumes, they can cause unwelcome allergic reactions. In such an event, the skin could become irritated and even damaged.

Step 4. Choose an appropriate moisturizer
Oil-free creams and lotions are only suitable for those with very oily or acne-prone skin. To hydrate your skin during the day, choose a product with a high SPF, at least 15 or 30. To moisturize your skin at night, choose a cosmetic that is very nourishing or designed for your specific skin problems.
- If possible, apply your moisturizer at least twice a day: once in the morning after washing your face and once in the evening before bed.
- Choose an oil-free product. Your body produces enough sebum to ensure healthy skin. Any excess fat could aggravate skin problems.
- Try using a moisturizer that contains jojoba oil, its texture is very similar to that of the skin's natural sebum. Among its properties we can also include that of reducing blemishes and scars.

Step 5. Do not dehydrate the skin
Do not be afraid of the sebum, it lubricates the skin and protects it from wrinkles, it also favors the escape of residues from the pores. When you remove the skin's natural oils, you also get rid of its water. Consequently the production of sebum will increase, but it will not be distributed correctly on the skin because the dry cells will have blocked the pores.
- If you have very oily skin and prone to breakouts, consult a dermatologist or cosmetic doctor for expert advice, they may sometimes recommend that you undergo some specific tests.
- If you have very dry skin, apply a special serum after using the toner and before massaging the moisturizing product on the skin.
- To prevent the skin from looking shiny due to excessive sebum production, use mattifying tissues with which to dab the most problematic areas. Remember that you will need to tap them and not rub them on your skin.

Step 6. Exfoliate your skin one to three times a week
You can do this in different ways, choose the one that best suits your skin type. To get a good result, some people prefer the more aggressive products while others rely on the more delicate ones. Remember to always cleanse your face properly before scrubbing.
- Choose a scrub product with a mild formula (usually cream, which has small, rounded, dissolvable spheres rather than rough, chopped shell-like particles) to avoid the feeling of tight skin.
- Exfoliate your skin after washing and treating it with toner.
- Be careful not to exfoliate too long or too aggressively to avoid worsening your skin problems. Excessive rubbing of the skin, even with natural materials, can damage the pores and be abrasive. Then exfoliate gently, especially in the most sensitive areas such as that of the eye contour.
Part 2 of 3: Feed Yourself Properly

Step 1. In order to cleanse your skin from the inside as well, include green leafy vegetables such as broccoli, kale and spinach in your diet
Note that the more intense the color of a vegetable, the more beneficial it is for the skin.
- Most colorful vegetables are excellent sources of antioxidants, substances that naturally counteract the aging process. Taking a regular amount will help you fight wrinkles and inflammation, it will also prevent damage caused by UV rays.
- Opting for beautiful and healthy looking veggies will help you have equally healthy and attractive skin. The intense color of the vegetables is given by a special antioxidant (carotenoid). Eating vegetables such as peppers, tomatoes and carrots will cause your body to absorb the carotenoid, giving your skin an intense and natural glow.

Step 2. Eat fruit too
Many fruits are also packed with antioxidants and vitamins essential for healthy-looking skin. Make smoothies by mixing different varieties of fruit to guarantee multiple and numerous benefits through a single and delicious snack. The fruits to choose from are many, here is a list of those particularly suitable for skin care thanks to their properties:
- Berries;
- Papaya;
- Avocado;
- Bananas.
- Aim to eat five servings of fruit each day. Your body will get a regular fill of antioxidants and maintain an adequate level of them.
- Satisfy your need for vitamin C. Vitamin C fights the flu and is a key element in the synthesis of collagen, a vital substance for healthy-looking skin.

Step 3. Monitor your blood sugar level
Taking too much sugar causes an increase in insulin levels and a consequent growth of cells that can clog pores. Fight rashes from the inside by eating less sugar.
- Modify your diet to make it more balanced. A small amount of food belonging to each of the food groups can only be beneficial and not only for the skin, but for your health in general.
- Have small, frequent meals. Instead of sitting at the table three times a day for three large meals, spread out small portions throughout the day, every two to three hours, to maintain a healthy blood sugar level.
- Find out if you are intolerant to dairy products. Some argue that the testosterone contained in milk stimulates the sebaceous glands to overproduce sebum, thereby blocking the pores. This ailment may not apply to everyone, but you can still try to cut down on your dairy intake for a week or two and watch the results. In this case, consult your doctor to find out how to meet your daily calcium and vitamin D needs.

Step 4. Drink more water
Dehydration is a major cause of skin problems. Without water, the skin loses elasticity and becomes dry, while the body does not function to its full potential.
- Water rids the body of toxins. Eliminating toxins naturally is the safest method, so your skin won't be the only one to benefit from it.
- Water improves blood circulation. A healthy circulatory system allows nutrients and toxins to flow properly in and out of the body. Proper skin circulation also ensures bright, healthy-looking skin.
- Drinking more water contributes to the natural synthesis of essential chemicals and other biological compounds that the body needs. Water is a naturally occurring binder, and having it in abundance helps your body create compounds such as vitamin D.
Part 3 of 3: See a Dermatologist

Step 1. For personalized skin care, consult an experienced and established dermatologist
In the face of a skin problem, the main reason why it is advisable to consult a dermatologist is the possibility of treating the skin with specific products and gestures.
- Gather information about possible dermatologists to contact. Make sure they have the appropriate experience and knowledge to deal with your situation.
- Sometimes alone you may not have the necessary means to deal with the most serious skin problems, for this reason it is advisable that you consult a professional.
- Consider the dermatologist as the last resort available. First, try using home remedies and adjusting your diet for at least two months to see if your skin improves. If not, ask an expert for advice.

Step 2. If you want to get rid of acne scars, see a professional
For those who wish to have more beautiful skin, scar removal can be an important priority. The necessary procedures could be expensive, so inquire at several aesthetic medicine centers.
- Removing scars will visibly improve the appearance of your skin. You can try to soften them yourself by using lightening creams or exfoliating brushes.
- You can remove the superficial layers of the skin by undergoing a microdermabrasion or dermabrasion treatment.
- Removing scars can make the complexion more even.

Step 3. Put an end to chronic skin problems
If you suffer from severe acne or other skin problems, your dermatologist may recommend the use of particular products or specific treatments to restore the natural healthy appearance of your skin.
- A dermatologist will help you learn more about your skin, the reasons for its current condition, and how you are perpetrating its problems or causing new ones.
- Preventing and stopping skin problems in the bud will not only allow you to have more beautiful skin, but will keep you safe from more serious conditions such as skin cancer.
- If you don't have a chronic skin problem, but you notice something is wrong with your skin, don't be afraid to go to a dermatologist for expert advice.
- After exercising and before applying makeup, always wash your face.
- To keep your skin well hydrated, drink at least 8 glasses of water every day.
- For even deeper facial cleansing, use a good quality facial mask. Apply it after washing your face carefully, it will act as an exfoliant by opening the pores and removing dead cells. Masks with exfoliating microspheres are ideal.
- For the most natural result possible, always blend your make-up carefully.
- Change your pillow case often to reduce the risk of skin irritation.
- Reduce or completely eliminate caffeine, being a diuretic can dehydrate you.
- Dry your face with a specific towel instead of the one you normally use for the rest of your body to avoid transferring any germs to your skin.
- Exfoliating the skin allows you to open its pores and cleanse the body of dead cells, yet it is good Not never exfoliate it excessively so as not to risk irritating it and making it painful. If you have a particularly dry eye area, you can try moisturizing it with a quality lip balm.
- If you have very severe acne, consult a cosmetic doctor or dermatologist.