How to take a bath with Himalayan salt

How to take a bath with Himalayan salt
How to take a bath with Himalayan salt

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Pink Himalayan salt can be added to foods, drinks and baths to bring numerous health benefits. Adding salt to the bath water can balance the body's pH, lower blood pressure, and thoroughly cleanse the skin. By mixing water and salt correctly and taking a few small precautions, you can reap the benefits of this treatment.


Part 1 of 2: Getting Ready for the Bath

Take a Himalayan Salt Bath Step 1
Take a Himalayan Salt Bath Step 1

Step 1. Take a shower

Wash your body thoroughly before attempting a cleansing salt bath. You must remove all additives, such as perfume, soap residue or conditioner, which could alter the composition of the bathroom. Also make sure to give the tub a good rinse after you have finished using the necessary products to wash yourself.

Take a Himalayan Salt Bath Step 2
Take a Himalayan Salt Bath Step 2

Step 2. Fill the tub with water

The water temperature should be the same as your body temperature or slightly higher. Baths with pink Himalayan salt should not be done with boiling water. If you have a thermometer, make sure that the temperature is around 37 ° C.

Take a Himalayan Salt Bath Step 3
Take a Himalayan Salt Bath Step 3

Step 3. Add salt as the tub fills with water

As the water flows, add enough salt to make a 1% solution. This means you should use about a pound of salt for a full-sized tub, which has a capacity of about 100-120 liters of water.

Himalayan salt can be purchased online, at a herbalist's shop, or in some organic food stores

Take a Himalayan Salt Bath Step 4
Take a Himalayan Salt Bath Step 4

Step 4. Let the salt dissolve

Fine salt should dissolve quickly, while salt with larger grains may take longer. If you are concerned that yours may take too long to dissolve, pour it into a large bowl the night before and cover it with warm water. The next day, pour the entire contents of the bowl into the tub as it fills.

Take a Himalayan Salt Bath Step 5
Take a Himalayan Salt Bath Step 5

Step 5. Add essential oils if you want to use them

Essential oils can enhance the relaxing or regenerating effect of the bath. If you decide to use one, such as eucalyptus or lavender, pour in about 3 drops as the tub fills. Do not add more, as it may irritate the skin.

Part 2 of 2: Bathing Safely

Take a Himalayan Salt Bath Step 6
Take a Himalayan Salt Bath Step 6

Step 1. Ask your doctor if you can take a bath with Himalayan salt safely

Salt-based baths can exert considerable pressure on the circulatory system. Consequently, if you have coronary circulation problems, heart disease, diabetes, or are pregnant, always consult your doctor to make sure you can bathe safely.

Take a Himalayan Salt Bath Step 7
Take a Himalayan Salt Bath Step 7

Step 2. Have a glass of water handy

While taking a bath, you risk getting dehydrated pretty quickly. Make sure you have a glass or bottle of water near the edge of the tub so you can sip it while bathing.

Take a Himalayan Salt Bath Step 8
Take a Himalayan Salt Bath Step 8

Step 3. Stay in the tub for about 20-30 minutes

Immersing yourself in a salt water bath can put a strain on the circulatory system and muscles, so don't stay in the tub for more than 30 minutes. Even after a short dive you will risk feeling weak when you get out of the water.

Take a Himalayan Salt Bath Step 9
Take a Himalayan Salt Bath Step 9

Step 4. Rise up carefully

When you finish taking a bath, empty the tub and slowly stand up. Grab a sturdy object, such as the edge of the sink, as you try to get out of the tub. If you start to feel dizzy, sit down immediately and sip some extra water until you feel able to get up.

Take a Himalayan Salt Bath Step 10
Take a Himalayan Salt Bath Step 10

Step 5. Rest while you air dry

Salt water can be left on the skin without any problems, so there is no need to rinse or pat the entire body with a towel. Take advantage of the drying times to rest at least 30 minutes, as you will need time to recover from the purification process.

It's best to take a bath just before bed, as you won't have to engage in other types of physical activity for the rest of the day

Take a Himalayan Salt Bath Step 11
Take a Himalayan Salt Bath Step 11

Step 6. Do not do this treatment more than 1-3 times a week

Since bathing with Himalayan salt can be quite intense, it shouldn't be done every day. Start by making it once a week, then go up to 2 or 3 times if you find the experience very pleasant.
