How to Take a Bath (with Pictures)

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How to Take a Bath (with Pictures)
How to Take a Bath (with Pictures)

Whether you want to wash or just soak in hot water and relax, bathing can be a very enjoyable experience. Before getting into the tub, however, you need to make some preparations to make sure your bath is as comfortable and relaxing as possible.


Part 1 of 3: Preparing the Bathroom

Take a Bath Step 1
Take a Bath Step 1

Step 1. Place a bath mat on the floor

Before you begin, consider placing a mat on the floor so that the water that splashes out of the tub soaks the mat without spreading throughout the room. Also organize yourself to hang the towel in some easily accessible place when you get out of the tub, so as not to drip onto the floor. It is also advisable to choose the clothes you will wear at the end and place them in some area where they do not get wet.

Take a Bath Step 2
Take a Bath Step 2

Step 2. Rinse the tub thoroughly

Before you fill it or start bathing, run a little water to get rid of any dust or dirt that may have accumulated since the last time you washed.

  • You can also consider rinsing yourself in the shower before taking a bath. This way the skin is clean and you avoid leaving traces of dirt that could float in the tub.
  • If the tub has not been used for some time, you can take a cloth and clean the walls by running the water to make sure all the dust is removed.
Take a Bath Step 3
Take a Bath Step 3

Step 3. Make sure the drain is tightly closed

Each tank has a different closing mechanism. There may be a lever to turn to prevent water from flowing into the pipes.

In other tanks, it may be necessary to insert a cap manually. If this is your case, take the cap and insert it into the drain hole, making sure that it adheres hermetically so as not to disperse the water

Take a Bath Step 4
Take a Bath Step 4

Step 4. Start filling the tub with water

Each tub has different taps and depending on the model there may be two knobs or just one. If you don't have running water, you can heat some stones over a fire and put them in the water. Move them a bit in the tub to heat the water and then remove them.

Take a Bath Step 5
Take a Bath Step 5

Step 5. Adjust the temperature to your taste

When the water begins to flow, adjust the temperature so that it is hot or cold according to your wishes. If you used the stone method, add a little cold water until the temperature is comfortable. Some people like to take a cold bath, although most prefer to immerse themselves in a warm, relaxing bath. Fill the tub about three-quarters of its capacity.

The time required to fill it depends on the size of the tank itself and the water pressure. It may take 3 to 10 minutes or more if the tub is very large. During this time, feel the water with your elbow or wrist to check the temperature. You have to touch it with these areas because the hand easily gets used to the heat and cannot perceive the actual temperature, unlike other parts of the body. However, be careful as the water can be very hot

Take a Bath Step 6
Take a Bath Step 6

Step 6. Add the bubble bath or other cleansers while the water is still flowing

With the tap running, pour a small amount of liquid bubble bath into the tub. Pour it right under the tap so the detergent mixes with the water, allowing bubbles to form. Read the instructions on the bubble bath package carefully so you don't put too much on it; if you pour too much, the tub can overfill with bubbles, which are difficult to manage. Other products you can add are:

  • Bath bombs. It is a solid form of bubble bath that releases a great scent, as well as creating pleasant bubbles or foam.
  • Essential oils. If you prefer a bubble-free bath, but still want to immerse yourself in scented water that helps you relax, try adding a few drops of essential oil. Consider relaxing scents like lavender, rose, eucalyptus, peppermint, cedarwood, chamomile, or jasmine.
  • Bath salts. You can add bath salts to the tub as an alternative to essential oils. These salts do not create bubbles, but they release a wonderful scent.
Take a Bath Step 7
Take a Bath Step 7

Step 7. Turn off the faucet

Keep in mind that when you enter the tub, the volume of the body raises the water level, so do not completely fill the bathtub, otherwise you will make a lot of water flow out and wet the floor.

Take a Bath Step 8
Take a Bath Step 8

Step 8. Turn on the heating in the bathroom

On cold days, it may be difficult to get out of the tub once the warm, relaxing bath is finished. You can turn on a heater in the room, if you have one, to make it easier to get out of the hot water and better face your day (or evening). It is definitely better to find yourself in a warm environment, once you have finished the bath, rather than drying yourself in the cold air.

If you don't have a space heater or some form of room heater, close all windows and bathroom doors. The steam from the hot water can heat the environment and make the moment you come out of the tub less traumatic

Take a Bath Step 9
Take a Bath Step 9

Step 9. Add a relaxing touch to your bathroom

What to wear depends on your personal tastes. You can light a candle to prepare the mood for relaxation, put on some music to listen to while you immerse yourself in the tub. If you light a candle, remember that it is essential to follow normal safety procedures to make sure you do not cause a fire. Other ideas for creating a relaxing atmosphere are:

  • Grab a magazine or book and read while immersed in water (just be careful it doesn't fall into the water!).
  • Light up some incense (this works especially well if you don't use a bubble bath or other scented soaps).
  • Do not bring electronic tools to the bathroom. If they accidentally fall into the water, they could electrocute you!

Part 2 of 3: Bathing

Take a Bath Step 10
Take a Bath Step 10

Step 1. Take off your clothes

If you will be wearing the same clothes after bathing, be sure to place them somewhere where they won't get wet with some accidental sprays. Consider placing them on a counter or shelf. However, keep in mind that the heat of the water can create a lot of steam, which means that the clothes could get a little damp.

  • If you are concerned about your clothes getting wet, it may be a good idea to undress in your room and wrap yourself in a towel or bathrobe to enter the bathroom.
  • However, keep in mind that this is your bathroom; if you prefer to wear a bathing suit rather than take off all your clothes, feel free to do so. However, in this way, it may be a little more difficult to wash yourself completely.
Take a Bath Step 11
Take a Bath Step 11

Step 2. Test the water again before entering the tub

Before diving, it is important to check the water temperature again so as to avoid getting burned. As mentioned, use your elbow for this operation. If it is too hot, wait a few minutes before entering. Or, if you don't want to wait, you can empty some hot water and add some more cold water. When the temperature seems to be suitable, test again to make sure it has cooled down adequately.

Create a Spa Day at Home Step 1
Create a Spa Day at Home Step 1

Step 3. Get in the water and relax

Taking a bath can be a very pleasant experience. Immerse yourself in the water until you are submerged up to your neck. If you wish, also put your head under water to wet your hair and face. Once you feel perfectly comfortable, lie down and let the warm water and the scents of the bubble bath or essential oils help you relax.

You can close your eyes and let your mind wander freely, but still be careful, falling asleep in the bathtub can be very dangerous. You could drown! Listen to some music or read that book you never got to finish

Take a Detox Bath Step 18
Take a Detox Bath Step 18

Step 4. Consider washing your hair and body while in the tub

The bathroom does not necessarily have to be just relaxing; you can also take advantage of the opportunity to scrub away the dirt while removing your worries. Lather your hair with a shampoo and / or conditioner or use a vegetable sponge to scrub and wash the skin.

However, know that washing in the tub means making the water a little dirty when you rinse yourself. For this reason, it might be a good idea to take a quick shower after a bath

Look Pretty at School Step 10
Look Pretty at School Step 10

Step 5. Rinse off in the shower (optional)

After you soak in the bath and lather, you can rinse off by taking a quick shower. This way you can easily remove all traces of soap from the skin. If it remains in contact, in fact, the detergent can irritate the skin or dry it.

Lower pH in a Hot Tub Step 12
Lower pH in a Hot Tub Step 12

Step 6. Dry and drain the water

After the bath and after having relaxed well, get out of the tub and dry off with a towel. Be careful when walking with wet feet on the floor as it can be slippery. When you have wrapped yourself in a towel or bathrobe, open the cap of the tub or turn the switch to drain the water (depending on the type of bathtub you have).

Once the tub has been emptied, a clean cloth should be used to remove any remaining soap residue. Or, if you prefer, you can rinse the tub with water

Take a Bath Step 16
Take a Bath Step 16

Step 7. Apply a moisturizer to the skin

Hot water tends to dry out the skin, so you should put on body lotion after taking a bath. This step is optional.

If you have sensitive skin, consider using a mild, odorless cream that won't irritate the skin

Part 3 of 3: Try Different Types of Baths

Take a Bath Step 17
Take a Bath Step 17

Step 1. Take an oatmeal bath

This helps soothe irritated or itchy skin. If you suffer from a skin disease such as eczema or have recently come into contact with poison oak, you can take an oatmeal bath to relieve itching or irritation.

Take a Bath Step 18
Take a Bath Step 18

Step 2. Take a detox bath

It is a good idea to take a "detox" bath if you have recently been ill or if you think that your lifestyle has recently made you accumulate toxins in your body.

Take a Bath Step 19
Take a Bath Step 19

Step 3. Take an Epsom salt bath for pain relief

This can help you relieve pain, injuries and other medical conditions that are putting pressure on your body and mind.


  • If you plan to take a bath to relax rather than wash yourself, consider taking a shower earlier, so as not to dirty the water in the tub when you immerse yourself.
  • Bring a cold or refreshing drink with you. A hot bath tends to make you thirsty, so having a drink next to you can help.
  • You can think about applying a face mask before entering the tub. Leave it on your skin and then rinse it off when you're done with the bath.
