Halloween is the symbol of trick or treat. Have fun scaring your friends and family with the original pranks that follow.
Method 1 of 10: Dress up as a werewolf

Step 1. Put on the following clothes:
- A pair of yellow shoes that don't make too much noise.
- Black / pink tight pants.
- Black or dark blue hooded sweatshirt.

Step 2. Once you've gathered all the necessary clothing, get yourself a werewolf mask
If you can, put some glow-in-the-dark paint on your teeth.

Step 3. Secretly follow your friends as they go trick-or-treating
When you see them approaching bushes or a dark area, run ahead and hide. Be careful not to be seen!
If you've painted your teeth, light a flashlight near your face and turn your back so your friends don't see you

Step 4. Make a rustling noise in the bushes
Walk on twigs to make noise, while your friends walk, pop out of the bush growling and showing your teeth while walking on all fours.

Step 5. While they yell, run in the opposite direction home
If you know the area well, change your way to make sure they can't follow you.

Step 6. After taking off your costume, distribute the candy
Act like nothing has happened.
Method 2 of 10: Use Fake Blood

Step 1. Decorate your house with a Halloween theme
In this way, the children will not suspect anything. Hang smiling ghosts, cute witches, dancing skeletons, etc. Alternatively, you can decorate the house in a very scary way to make visitors anxious with dark lights, fake bones, fake blood (you can use ketchup or already made fake blood), etc.

Step 2. Prepare a bowl full of sweets in front of the house, making sure you only have good cupcakes
Children will be attracted to your candy and will want to come to your house to get it.

Step 3. Get a scary mask (for example, a monster mask, but not of a famous person) and a scary outfit
Note that white costumes are ideal and necessary for the next step.

Step 4. Pour the fake blood all over your costume, leaving white spots where appropriate
If you decide to wear the mask of serial killer Jason from the movie "Friday the 13th", put fake blood on your face too. Your costume must give the impression that you have just killed someone.

Step 5. Hide in a place where you will not be seen and from which you can easily emerge
- If your front door has a peephole, hide behind the closed door. But make sure you don't hit anyone when you open it.
- You can also hide behind bushes or in the shadows of decorations.

Step 6. Wait for the children to approach your home
Skip when you see that they are getting the treats, or after.

Step 7. After he suddenly pops up, the kids will be scared
As you jump, let out a creepy scream for better effect. While the children run away, chase them for a while or immediately go back to your hiding place when no one is looking at you.
Method 3 of 10: Scare the Sneaky Way

Step 1. Make sure your friends invite you to their house for a sleepover or to spend the evening

Step 2. Before going to your friend's house, put on the following clothes:
An orange ski goggle.
You can borrow a mask from a friend (not the one you want to prank at)
- Black clothes.
- A camouflage jacket.

Step 3. Go to your friend's house and stand in front of the window
Look at the ground to avoid eye contact.

Step 4. When your friends see you, stay still for 5-10 seconds before revealing your identity
Meanwhile, your friends should be very scared.
Method 4 of 10: Scare the Kids

Step 1. Put on the scariest mask you can find
Buy a mask that you know will scare children.

Step 2. Hide in a place near your home, such as in the bushes or behind the door
Make sure you can open the door quickly without hitting anyone.

Step 3. Leave the bowl of sweets ready at the front door
Hang a large sign next to the treats that says, "Just have a treat."
If you hide behind the door, be sure not to unhinge it when you open it

Step 4. If a "smart" kid takes more than one treat, pop out of your hiding place and yell "I SAID TO ONLY TAKE ONE

Step 5. Watch your victims flee in terror
Don't laugh until they're away; then, get back into position and prepare for the next victims.
If you can, go up to the roof of the house and slide some fake blood drops when the child takes the second forbidden dessert, or ask an accomplice to do it for you
Method 5 of 10: Pretend you are a decoration

Step 1. Put on some old clothes, a scary mask and some newspaper by impaling them on a chair in front of the backyard a few days before Halloween
That way, the neighborhood kids will think it's a decoration.

Step 2. On Halloween night, put on the clothes you put on the chair
Stand still as a decoration until the children come near the house; then, jump and scare them.
Method 6 of 10: Surprising Trick-or-Treat Kids

Step 1. Decorate your home for Halloween
It is advisable to prepare more 'cute' decorations than usual to better surprise your victims. Scary decorations are not recommended, especially if you don't want to scare the kids right away.

Step 2. Prepare a crate at the beginning of the driveway leading to your house
Cover it with a blanket or black sheet. Make sure the crate door faces the side of the path and is hidden but easy to access.

Step 3. On Halloween night, dress up as a scary zombie or ghoul
Put on your face or wear a mask and ruined clothes. Make your disguise convincing.

Step 4. Before the children arrive, hide in the crate
Make sure you are not visible.

Step 5. When the children arrive, do nothing
Don't pop out of the cashier when they arrive or you'll ruin the joke.

Step 6. After the children have taken the sweets and walked down the driveway, he suddenly comes out of the cashier
Chase them or crawl menacingly while yelling or growling. Your victims will be scared.
Method 7 of 10: Dress up as Jason from the Friday the 13th movie

Step 1. Dress like Jason and put fake blood on your costume (machete, mask, etc.)

Step 2. Bring a pack of fake blood or ketchup with you and meet your friends in a dark area
Give him fake blood or ketchup.

Step 3. Explain the joke to them and wait for the children to arrive in the driveway

Step 4. Pretend to kill your friends and splash the fake blood
Make the scene realistic! Your friends will have to fall to the ground as if they had really been hurt; keep spattering his fake blood making sure no one sees the package.

Step 5. Start walking slowly towards the children who witnessed the scene with the machete in plain sight. Do not laugh and don't smile so as not to spoil the effect. If you just can't hold back your smile, make sure you look mean and scary. Do a little practice in front of the mirror to create a convincing expression.

Step 6. If the children don't run away when you get close (although they probably will), raise the machete high when they are a few feet away from you

Step 7. Don't laugh until they're out of sight - and make sure your friends hold back too
Now, you can laugh at the successful joke.
Method 8 of 10: Pretend You Have Been Murdered

Step 1. Ask an adult to help you scare your friends (your father or brother, better avoid a woman)
Ask to dress up as a killer and buy a normal costume for yourself.

Step 2. Go trick or treating with at least three friends
Decide which way to go. Choose streets you know well and find a dark and hidden spot (for example, a corner).
It is advisable to choose the spot in the evening to better see the areas that will be shaded

Step 3. On Halloween night, go trick or treat and approach the place you have chosen (in this case, a street corner)

Step 4. Pretend you hear a very loud noise (a scream, a laugh, etc.)
). You can also ask the adult to make the noise, but make sure it is a convincing and scary noise.

Step 5. Tell your friends that you want to go see what happens
However, ask the group not to come with you and make sure no one follows you.

Step 6. Turn the corner
Head to the alley where your friends won't see you.

Step 7. Meet the adult at the designated point
Make fake blood splash on your costume and fake the sound of a chainsaw. Yell out.
You can record the sound of a chainsaw on your phone for a more convincing effect

Step 8. At this point, your friends are likely to come and see what's going on
They will see you covered in blood.

Step 9. Ask the adult to laugh badly and run to your friends
The group should run away; otherwise, tell him it was just a joke.

Step 10. Clean yourself up
Then rejoin the group (if you want).
Method 9 of 10: Use a Hanging Skeleton

Step 1. Buy a fake skeleton
Also buy some rope.

Step 2. Tie the rope around the skeleton's neck

Step 3. Go to the second floor of your house
Find a window located above your front door.

Step 4. Measure 2 or 3 meters of string
Hang the skeleton so it looks like it's hanged.

Step 5. When the children arrive, throw the skeleton out the window
Be careful not to hit anyone.
Method 10 of 10: Make the Statue

Step 1. Go to your garden disguised as a statue
Try to stay very stopped!

Step 2. When the children arrive, observe them
Do not move.

Step 3. Whenever the children arrive, follow them with your gaze

Step 4. After they have taken the sweets, suddenly jump towards them and scream like crazy
Don't laugh until they're gone.

Step 5. Return to the original position and wait for more children to arrive
- For Method 2, for a scarier effect, he suddenly comes out holding a chainsaw. The chainsaw can be used for all Halloween pranks because it is very scary!
Alternatives for Method Five:
- Sit down without moving, or pose as if you were a decoration. When the children arrive shout your sentence and move around them instead of jumping.
- Lean against a wall and pretend you're lame. Spread out some newspaper or straw from the pants or mask to give the effect of a home-made decoration. Wear sunglasses under your mask to keep your eyes out of sight.
- Call your friends on Halloween morning and tell them you are sick, that way, you will surprise them more with jokes. To be even more believable, call them the day before.
- Be creative. If the children tell you that you are not fearful, keep chasing them and scare them.
- Test your pranks with a sister or brother to make sure they are fearful.
- If you're not going trick-or-treating, or before you go, find a spot near your front door where the kids can't see you. Put the bowl of treats behind a friend or family member who will distribute them; when he turns, he comes out the door and scares the unfortunate.
- Don't get caught by your friends.
- Method 10 is also effective if you will take a photo and cut the holes for the eyes. However, you will not be able to jump.