Do you always feel bored, hyperactive and naughty? Don't sit there! Use your energy to scare your friends - it's the perfect medicine for boredom! To get started, all you need is a creative mindset, courage and a little madness. Use common sense with these tricks - don't do anything that will get you in trouble.
Method 1 of 7: Saying Strange Things

Step 1. Say strange things
A surefire way to scare people is to say things in public that are strange or unpleasant to an ordinary person. You can try to talk to people directly or do it so they can't help but eavesdrop. Here are some ideas:
- Go to a restaurant and ask for a takeaway lunch.
Have an excited conversation on the phone. Speak loud enough for everyone to hear. Say weird things like "Keep eating it! It doesn't matter how many pages are left!", Or "Shoot. I'll pay you for this".
Freak People Out Step 1Bullet2 - Talk in a funny voice, such as Dart Vader, Yoda, or Donald Duck.
- Develop a particular way of expressing yourself. For example, you could say "gringo" after each sentence, as if you were a character in a western movie.
- Ask strangers for help with unusual problems. Try asking someone "What year is it?" and when you get a response, be concerned or surprised. You can try other questions, such as "What country are we in?" or even "Which century?", "Which continent?", "What planet" "," What galaxy? ", etc. Alternatively, you can try asking something really weird, like" What section of the universe? " or "What are our coordinates?".
- Ask for bizarre advice. For example, walk into a gardening store and ask an assistant "How long should I let the soil cook?" Or "How long do I have to water the asparagus before they get wings?".
- Have conversations with inanimate objects. In a clothing store, for example, walk up to a mannequin and say, "Oh, hi Franco! How's the construction of the house going? Really? Ah, I'm sorry. I hope your wife will be well soon! Bye!".
- Surprise people with completely random outings. Approach people on the street and say "Hi" or "I like cheese", then ask what they prefer: green hair or silver eyes?
- Say things like "The end is near" or "They are looking at us and are about to come and get us".
- Make random sounds. Say nonsense words like "Iiiiii!" or "Mmmm!" For no apparent reason.
- Whisper often, or always. Whisper random words to someone or mutter scary phrases.
Method 2 of 7: Making Noise

Step 1. Make noise
Blurting out loud, emotional phrases is a surefire way to astound, frighten and upset the people around you. Make decisions reasonable about when and how to be noisy, though: don't scream where you can get into trouble or cause serious accidents, like in a movie theater, in an exam room, or in the presence of the police.
- Sing out loud, or in another language. Choose annoying songs. Sing with unusual styles - such as foul rap like an opera singer and famous Italian songs as if they were death metal.
- You react recklessly to small problems. When a little inconvenience happens to you, react louder than necessary. If you notice that your shoe is unfastened, yell, "OH YES! AGAIN! JUST WHAT IT WANTED!" When you get down on your knees to fasten your shoe, he continues: "OH NO, BE AWARE, NO ONE SHOULD STOP TO HELP. KEEP WALKING!".
- Pretend you have a very loud voice. In normal everyday conversations, speak very loudly, but pretend that it's your normal voice and that it is difficult for you to speak softly. Don't scream, though - it's more fun if you can convince people that your situation is real.
Method 3 of 7: Looking Weird

Step 1. Make your appearance strange
The first impression is what counts: if you can look really strange, you will be able to scare people without even opening your mouth!
- Wear weird or themed clothes for no reason. Try dressing like it's Christmas Eve in the middle of June.
- You give the impression that you are having a really bad day. Dress totally unkempt - leave curlers in your hair, smudge your makeup, style your hair oddly, or leave a slap mark on your face (you can use makeup or the traditional method).
- Wear clothes of the wrong size. Try disappearing inside a huge jacket or squeezing yourself inside a shirt two sizes smaller!
- Wear clothes the wrong way. Try wearing the shirt or pants inside out, or, if you are really brave, try wearing the shirt as pants and the pants as a shirt.
Method 4 of 7: Making Pranks

Step 1. Play jokes
Pranks, deceptions, and teasing can help you torment friends with hilarious results. Below you will find some ideas for pranks that will literally frighten your friends.
- If you have a class with an alternate teacher, exchange the name with a friend's name for the class. Even if your friend doesn't help you, say: "NO. I AM MARIO ROSSI! HE IS CARLO BIANCHI!".
- Pretend to be a lost foreigner. For example, learn some phrases in Japanese and then speak only in that language, as if you do not understand English. You can also try other exotic languages, such as Swahili.
- When you are in an elevator, stare at your bag and say "Are you okay? Do you have enough air in there? Yes, you can eat your clothes …". For added effect, give answers with weird ventriloquist voices.
- Put your friends in awkward situations. Make your friends believe they accidentally said something that hurt your feelings, but make sure the motivation you give is ridiculous. For example, if your friend said "Hey, do you want to go cycling after school?", Look at him with sad eyes and say, "The last time I rode a bicycle … I never saw again. my cat Fuffi ".
- Tell everyone that you have changed your name. The name can be serious or funny, but be very serious when trying to convince people that it's your real name. If they don't drink it, annoy them until they do. When the person has finally agreed to call you by that name, change it again.
- Celebrate absurd holidays, such as "Pirate's Day" and "Groundhog Defense Day". Print some t-shirts and show your holiday spirit! Scream good wishes to everyone.

Step 2. Play a part
Pretending to be a different person (or something different) can have very frightening effects. You have a great chance to practice your acting skills - the crazier you act without laughing, the better! But remember that impersonating police officers or government representatives is a crime!
Run to a store and ask what year it is. When you get the answer, you run out screaming "It worked, it worked!" (better if you wear old-fashioned clothes).
Freak People Out Step 6Bullet1 - Act like a character from a TV show you like. Better to choose a character with a distinctive voice and costume. For example, you could try wearing a skirt and jacket and talk to everyone as if they were Dr. House and you were Dr. Cuddy.
- Pretend you're on the run from the law. Have a friend wear a dark suit. In public, run like you're trying to escape or hide from someone. When people have noticed you, make sure your friend walks in on the scene right away, following your tracks, and let him chase you.
- Imagine you are a fictional character. Dress and act like a witch, robot, zombie, vampire, werewolf, ghost, sorcerer, etc. For example, if you choose the vampire, wear a cloak and hold your hand in front of your face as you hiss "AHHH! The sunlight! I'm burning!".
- Pretend to be a seer. Make strange premonitions in public. For example, if you are in a fast food restaurant, look at the menu for a few minutes, squinting and rubbing your temples. Approach the person in line in front of you and say "Don't try the fries" or something like that, then mysteriously walk away so as not to answer any questions.
- Pretend you are part of a tragic love story. If you are near a bench, pretend to die on it as if you were on your deathbed. Get a friend to accompany you: you could dress up as a prince and princess or another classic couple. Hold your partner's hand and say things like "I will always love you". You could even say more absurd things, like "Tell my mom I love … meatballs".
Method 5 of 7: Close and Too Intimate

Step 1. You give people too much confidence
Saying and doing things that are too intimate for a situation is very embarrassing and disturbing. Scare people off with one of the tips below, or choose one yourself.
- Make a marriage proposal to strangers in bizarre places. Make sure you choose places that have romantic value, such as fountains, bridges, or the supermarket.
- Ask for advice on very personal issues. Getting people involved in problems no one would want to deal with can be pretty scary. For example, try asking strangers for advice on how to cure hemorrhoids!
- Act like you are an old friend of a stranger. Talk to a stranger as if you have known him since you were children. For example, make some crazy jokes that only a friend could understand and try to get him to give you a secret handshake that you make up on the spot.
- Make bizarre romantic comments. Imagine being in love with someone, but being clumsy beyond hope. Approach someone and say something like "Hey … I, um … I, um. I like your glasses".
- Expose your personal problems to the world. On the phone (or with an accomplice), have a heated discussion about something extremely personal, childish, or unimportant. You might try saying something like "I can't believe you ate the last cookie! This is right up to you. You walk into people's lives and take, take, take but you never give anything!".
- It interweaves a normal conversation with very shocking revelations and continues with the normal conversation as if nothing strange has been said. For example: "Can you guide me to the library? I grow horns when there is a full moon. Is it this way?".
Method 6 of 7: Dance as if there were no tomorrow

Step 1. Dance like a fool
A hyper-energetic approach can be very frightening to people. Dancing ridiculously is a great way to use your physical comedy skills. Here are some ideas to get you started.
- Dance in inappropriate places. Try moonwalking at the bookstore or taking a slip in the supermarket queue.
- Stage spontaneous flash-mob style choreography. Learn dance moves or complex cheerleading moves with friends and perform them in unlikely places, like in the supermarket or in the middle of the street.
- Try involving strangers in spontaneous group dances. Take a radio or laptop to a shop or supermarket. Play a group dance song, possibly silly. Start dancing and ask passersby if they want to join. Some people may even do this if you wait long enough.
- Indulge in sudden dance steps. At the mall or other public place, walk naturally, throw yourself on the ground, start dancing, then resume walking.
Method 7 of 7: Frightening People

Step 1. Be creepy
When all else hasn't worked out, acting creepy or awesome will no doubt scare those who see you. Use common sense in this case: don't do anything that will get you arrested. Here are some good ideas.
- Try the old classic: hide somewhere, then suddenly go out and scare a passer-by. In some cases the simplest things are the best.
- Scare people with your looks. Try wearing an exaggerated amount of eye makeup and cover them with big dark sunglasses. Try to look modest and quiet, not scary, or people will avoid you. If someone tries to talk to you, take off your glasses and surprise the victim with your look.
- Walk with your eyes wide open and smile from your mouth to wrinkle the eye area. If someone asks you why you make that face, tell them that the goblins suggested it.
- Bring suspicious items with you. For example, put a label that says "Livers" on your briefcase and carry it with you throughout the day
- Show yourself annoyed by the security cameras. For example, settle in the corner of the elevator and stare at the room with a terrified look. Keep your eyes on the camera even when other people enter.
- Develop a bizarre and frightening talent, such as kicking yourself in the head or turning your eyelids inside out.
- Eat strange foods in public. The perfect foods are those with strong smells. Try olives, pickled onions, or gherkins.
- Name your planner, pencil, ruler, calculator or notebook. Call the object by its name all day. If someone asks you why the diary has a name, look at it oddly.
- Pretend to involve strangers in criminal conspiracies. Approach someone and whisper "I have it in the truck out here. Where do you want me to put it?", Loading the word lo. If he asks what "it" is, say "Sir, he told me not to say it out loud," then run away before he can answer any questions. For added effect, you can wear a high-collared jacket and dark sunglasses to look shady and hard to recognize. If you are later recognized in normal clothes, pretend you don't remember ever talking to the person. For obvious reasons, don't try this prank near police officers, at airports, etc.
- Make sure you try these jokes around people you don't know.
- Don't behave like this all the time in the same area. Eventually they will recognize you and understand that you do it on purpose.
- Once you gain experience, you can spot good opportunities and behave completely insane all of a sudden.
- Do not be vulgar. Getting your boogers out of your nose or blowing flatulence will disgust people, not scare them.
- The point is to surprise people, so do something unexpected and crazy. You can be impulsive, but don't offend or scare anyone.
- Think carefully about what you have been saying for at least a day before, so you will perfect it.
- Don't scare people who might punch back with a conditioned reflex.
- Don't get in trouble with the police. Even if you're just kidding, it's never a good idea.
- When a stranger talks to you, look surprised and whisper, "Can you see me?"
- Don't do it with professors, bosses, important people and, in general, the authorities, unless you care about being fired / expelled / sent away.
- Acting like this can cause problems with store keepers, and people may think you are insane.
- Don't take pictures of the cops, you will arouse suspicion.
- Don't do this in large shopping malls, in front of cameras, or in other busy public places.