How to Plant Garlic: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Plant Garlic: 13 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Plant Garlic: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Growing garlic is possible in almost any climatic condition. It's a vegetable that takes a long time to grow, but you'll eventually be able to pick your own fresh garlic and store it for the winter or share it with friends. You can grow it in a pot or in the garden and it will be easy to harvest in mid-late summer. Keep reading!


Part 1 of 3: Preparation

Plant Garlic Step 1
Plant Garlic Step 1

Step 1. Find the garlic to plant

You can try what you buy at the supermarket, but you will have a better chance of success if you buy the seeds or cloves in a nursery that knows the varieties best suited to the climate in which you live. You can also do a search online if you want particular types of garlic, some strains are more resistant to cold climates.

  • Often the garlic you find in grocery stores comes from remote areas and may not be suitable for your climate or soil type.
  • Additionally, commercial garlic is treated with chemical preservatives and is more difficult to grow.
Plant Garlic Step 2
Plant Garlic Step 2

Step 2. Prepare to plant in the fall or spring

If you live where winter is harsh, it is best to plant in the fall; garlic is in fact able to withstand the cold well and, if you plant it early, you allow the bulb to become bigger and tastier than planting it in spring. However, if you live in a warmer region, choose the latter option.

  • In the fall, do it 6-8 weeks before the frosts.
  • In spring, start as soon as you can work the soil, in February or March.
Plant Garlic Step 3
Plant Garlic Step 3

Step 3. Prepare the garden

Choose a spot in full sun and with well-draining soil. Work the soil to a depth of 10 cm with the help of a garden rake or hoe. Enrich the soil with compost and specific nutrients to get healthy and strong garlic.

If you wish, grow it in pots. Choose a large enough container and fill it with very rich soil

Plant Garlic Step 4
Plant Garlic Step 4

Step 4. Plant the garlic cloves

Divide the bulb into individual wedges trying to leave the dry skin intact. Bury them at 10cm intervals and 5cm deep. Make sure the root part is facing down and pointing up, otherwise the garlic will grow upside down. Cover the cloves with earth and compact it gently.

Part 2 of 3: Care

Plant Garlic Step 5
Plant Garlic Step 5

Step 1. Arrange a lot of mulch

If you have decided to plant the garlic in the fall, cover the area with 15 cm of mulch to protect it from the winter cold. Remember to take it off in the spring.

Plant Garlic Step 6
Plant Garlic Step 6

Step 2. Cut the flower buds in the spring

With the arrival of summer, the stems should sprout from the ground; it eliminates the flowers because they absorb the energies needed to form the bulbs.

Plant Garlic Step 7
Plant Garlic Step 7

Step 3. Water the plants

Wet your garlic every 3-5 days. When the soil appears dry and dusty, water is needed. During the winter and autumn the plant should not be watered.

Plant Garlic Step 8
Plant Garlic Step 8

Step 4. If necessary, add fertilizer and weed out

If the garlic stems appear yellowed or flabby midway through development, you can help the plants with some fertilizer to invigorate them. Keep the area free of weeds that compete with garlic for nutrients.

Part 3 of 3: Collection and Storage

Plant Garlic Step 9
Plant Garlic Step 9

Step 1. Collect the bulbs when the stems begin to yellow and die

At the end of the season (July / August) the plants begin to turn yellow; the time has come to harvest garlic.

  • Don't wait too long or the bulbs will shrivel and won't be good to consume.
  • If you harvest it too early, it will not store properly.
Plant Garlic Step 10
Plant Garlic Step 10

Step 2. Remove the bulbs from the earth without breaking them

Use a spade to loosen the soil and shake the bulbs to remove excess soil. You can leave the stems attached to the garlic.

Plant Garlic Step 11
Plant Garlic Step 11

Step 3. Let the bulbs dry for 2 weeks

Before consuming it, the garlic must "season". During this period the outer skin becomes dry and hard; keep the bulbs in a cool, dry place.

  • You can remove the stem and dry the bulbs individually in a container. But make sure there is good ventilation.
  • Another technique is to compose bunches of garlic (with the stems attached) and hang them in a cool, dry place.
Plant Garlic Step 12
Plant Garlic Step 12

Step 4. You can use garlic when the peel becomes dry and papery

The wedges should be firm to the touch and easy to divide.

Plant Garlic Step 13
Plant Garlic Step 13

Step 5. Save the best bulbs for the next season

Set the larger ones aside to plant them in the fall, before frosts, or in the spring. Choose the ones that look best to you to ensure a great harvest.


  • In temperate climates, garlic can also be planted during the winter.
  • If your soil is sufficiently acidic you won't need to use quicklime. Check that the pH value of the soil is between 5, 5 and 6, 7.
  • If you are planting garlic in several rows, leave a gap of 30 cm between them.
  • If you want more details on garlic care, read this article.