How to Bathe Naked: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

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How to Bathe Naked: 14 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Bathe Naked: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

Many people have also put bathing in an Adamic costume on the list of "things to do absolutely in life", and it is understandable, since it is a fun experience like swimming, but with a pinch of extra thrill! With the right conditions you can bathe completely naked without getting caught and have a good memory for the rest of your life.


Part 1 of 3: Planning the Adventure

Skinny Dip Step 1
Skinny Dip Step 1

Step 1. Choose the place wisely

Public nudity is illegal in many countries, and even in those where it is allowed (for example on beaches) there may be local restrictions or ordinances. If you have decided to swim without clothes, choose a nudist beach, where naturism is allowed, or a private pool or lake. It is always worth checking local laws before taking a dip.

A friend's pool is your best bet, even if it's not the most exciting. If you have decided to do this in a public place, make sure you have a good plan to avoid getting caught. Going naked is not so much fun if you have to pay a fine in the end

Skinny Dip Step 2
Skinny Dip Step 2

Step 2. Find an ally

Although all of your friends will eventually find out, you will still have valid reasons if a mate supports you. Talk to the people closest to you to see if they too want to follow you in this experience. Unity is strength.

Suppose you went to a party or went out with your friends. After a few nods and a few SMS with the "accomplice" you can address the subject and stir the spirits. When the others see you two so horny, they will be pushed to do the same so as not to feel like the usual, boring troublemakers

Skinny Dip Step 3
Skinny Dip Step 3

Step 3. Choose when to do it

The perfect occasion is probably about to arrive, like a pool party, which gave you this idea. If not, though, you'll need to plan when to swim naked. Is it better in the morning or at night?

  • It would be best to do this during a vacation or at the end of a party. In this way, everyone is very active and draws energy from the event. If there is no party scheduled, organize one yourself!
  • Night swims add a sense of adventure and help shy people out of their shells. However, day dives are by no means forbidden, especially if they take place in a private place. You also won't have to worry about tan lines.
Skinny Dip Step 4
Skinny Dip Step 4

Step 4. Give your friends at least a day's notice

Sure, spontaneous nude baths are a good thing, but organized occasions work better. If you are surrounded by the right people, you can try to take off your clothes in the hope that others will follow you, but it would be better if everyone knew what you are going to do.

Why this notice? Many people are shy and worried about their appearance. With a little notice, you give them time to shave and, if necessary, use tampons. Let them prepare in time to have a better chance of having a group experience

Part 2 of 3: Bathing

Skinny Dip Step 5
Skinny Dip Step 5

Step 1. Schedule it at the right time

Do not propose a bath without clothes at the beginning of the party or as soon as you get together with friends. Let it mature. Wait until everyone has arrived, ate something and had some conversation. When it seems to you that the atmosphere is the right one, then you can bring the topic up again.

  • You will probably also have to wait for the sun to do its part. Sunrise, sunset and when the moon is high in the sky are all perfect moments for a dip without clothes.
  • If you are about to take an illegal action, the right time is when the authorities are not there. You will need to study the tour schedule to act in the best way.
Skinny Dip Step 6
Skinny Dip Step 6

Step 2. Propose your idea

You can announce that it's time to go for a swim without clothes, or you can go to the water and start undressing. Either way, encourage your accomplice to join you. People will start to get excited about the idea when they see someone else following you.

If you are feeling particularly daring, you can take a dip that attracts attention. If everyone is trying out bomb dips and it's your turn on the trampoline, take off your costume right now. You will make a "great effect" entrance

Skinny Dip Step 7
Skinny Dip Step 7

Step 3. Undress with confidence

You will not feel comfortable being naked if you are very critical of yourself or really shy about your physical appearance. Take off your clothes without hesitation and focus on the parts of your body that you like. Nobody is perfect, so learn to appreciate the body you have.

Encourage the people around you not to be shy. If some friends are hesitant, try to help them by showing them that your flaws are no big deal to you and that their looks are perfect. Embarrassment is one of the greatest mental barriers that prevent you from swimming naked

Skinny Dip Step 8
Skinny Dip Step 8

Step 4. Hide your clothes

When you are almost completely naked, take a minute to put your clothes in the right place. If you are in a public place, you should think about an accessible hiding place for you, but not for strangers. In other words, find somewhere nearby but sheltered.

Sometimes in the group, there is someone who thinks it's fun to steal other people's clothes and you have to take that into consideration. However, quantity and visibility can also be a deterrent to these actions - you can leave all the clothes in a big pile in front of everyone. This way no one will be tempted to approach and pick them up

Skinny Dip Step 9
Skinny Dip Step 9

Step 5. Consider taking off your underwear only once you're in the water

A more modest approach to this experience is to dive with your underwear still on and then take it off underwater. You can always say that you were so excited at the idea that you couldn't wait to undress completely. Subsequently, partially hidden by the water, you can remove the last items.

Others are likely to find this very comforting, as most people feel uncomfortable getting naked (and jumping around) in front of friends. If you do this, perhaps even the most hesitant friends will follow you

Skinny Dip Step 10
Skinny Dip Step 10

Step 6. Play in the water

Swim, splash and dive. Be very careful not to rub yourself against other people, unless you are sure they don't mind. Try to make the experience light and pleasant and not disturbing.

As you play, keep an eye on your surroundings, especially if you are in a place where you shouldn't be. If there is someone who does not want to participate, ask them to supervise the area, so they will feel less embarrassed and excluded

Part 3 of 3: Behave Smart and Stay Safe

Skinny Dip Step 11
Skinny Dip Step 11

Step 1. Never swim naked if you are drunk

Even if, when drunk, you are more likely to do crazy things, like naked bathing, avoid it! It is too dangerous to swim under the effects of alcohol. Imagine if one of your friends started drowning and you were too drunk to help him: nothing good can come of such an idea.

If someone is drunk, they consider the idea of taking a bath completely unacceptable. Make sure in advance that the party is rather quiet or that people have had time to dispose of alcohol before jumping into the pool

Skinny Dip Step 12
Skinny Dip Step 12

Step 2. Do not allow to take photographs

A simple party or fun time quickly gets ruined by a photo scandal (any celebrity can tell you that). Also, if you are in a place where it is illegal to swim naked, you certainly don't want evidence. All cell phones and cameras are not allowed in the pool.

Again, be nice to your friends. Most people don't want their intimate photos to go public. A party night could become something to regret

Skinny Dip Step 13
Skinny Dip Step 13

Step 3. Don't do it if you don't feel comfortable

If you have changed your mind or there is something that does not convince you at that particular moment, then avoid swimming naked. Nobody is pressuring you, you won't be considered bad for it. Even if you were the first to propose the bathroom, know that you are not required to give any explanation. You just don't feel like it.

This rule is especially valid if someone is present who makes you uncomfortable. Suppose you went to a party and, all along, a slimy person who has his eye on you has been courting you in a creepy manner. Don't swim naked in front of this person, otherwise you will only attract trouble. You need to be surrounded only by trusted people

Skinny Dip Step 14
Skinny Dip Step 14

Step 4. Don't do it alone

Consider these two situations:

  • If you are in a public place, do not swim naked alone. You could get caught, someone could steal your clothes and valuables, and a lot of unfortunate mishaps arise. It is best to do it in a group.
  • If your friends aren't up to it, don't bathe alone. Suddenly you would become "the naked person who makes everyone else uncomfortable". It will become your label and it will be very difficult to get rid of it. Reserve the swim in an Adamic costume for when everyone wants to do it.


  • A good strategy for bathing naked with another person is to say: "I'll undress if you do it too".
  • Learn the difference between admiring and lewd looks. Looking with admiration at the body of another naked person is completely innocent, but avoid staring at it. A gaze that is too intense could be considered rude and annoying.
  • If you are a male, try to stop erections in the bud or you will make others uncomfortable.
  • Think about the people you know and who have done it before you. If you have a good friend who is already experienced, ask them to join you.


  • Check that the place is appropriate. Make sure that the pool party is not accessible - not even visually - to children. You could be arrested if you bathe naked in the presence of minors.
  • In some countries, public nudity is illegal. To avoid problems and fines, limit yourself to private pools.
  • Be very careful when you propose bathing in the nude as a group activity: someone could interpret it as a perversion.
  • Don't force anyone - it's a very fun experience, but not everyone wants to do it. Respect those who disagree.
