"Balle" is a multiplayer card game that requires a lot of courage, deception and getting rid of all the cards in your hand. It's also a lot of fun - just don't get caught lying! If you want to learn how to play "lies" perfectly, follow these steps.
Part 1 of 2: Playing Balle

Step 1. Shuffle and deal a deck of 52 cards
The cards must be distributed equally among the players. To keep the game from getting too long or complicated, you should be 3 to 6 players, although you can play 2 to 10 people. Some players may end up with a few more or fewer cards than others, but it won't affect the game in the long run. Before you begin, remember that the aim of the game is to first get rid of all the cards in your hand.

Step 2. Decide who starts
It can be the dealer, the one who has the ace of spades, the 2 of clubs or the one who has the most cards (if they have not been distributed equally). This person puts one or more cards face down on the table and tells the others what they are. The starter should put down an ace or two.

Step 3. Continue placing the cards on the table clockwise and in ascending order
For example, if the first player has already put one or more aces the next one should put one or more two, the third of the three or the other two and so on. When it's your turn and you have to lay down your cards and say "One ace", "two twos" or "three kings" and so on. But you don't necessarily have to have laid down the cards you bid - that's the beauty of it, bluffing.
- If you don't have "any" of the required cards, though, it's best not to pretend to put down 3 - and definitely not four. If you say you have put 3 cards on the table that you don't have, there is a real possibility that a player has at least two and will therefore understand that you are lying, yelling "bullshit!"
- You can even play dumb. Let's say it's your turn to put the queens down, and you have two. Try saying, “What do I have to put down?” And look confused through your cards before putting them down. Your purpose is to be honest when you are lying, and to make them doubt when you are telling the truth.

Step 4. Say "bullshit" when you think someone is lying
If you know someone is lying because you have the cards they say they have put on the table, because they are starting to run out of cards, or because you have the feeling that they are lying, then say "bullshit!" After the person in question has laid the cards down and stated what they are. This accusation will force him to turn over the cards he has placed on the table to show everyone what they are.
- If the cards are not the ones declared and whoever said "bullshit" was right, the liar player takes all the cards on the table and adds them to his.
- If the cards "are" what the player declared and the accuser was wrong, all the cards on the table go to him. If several players have forced someone to reveal their cards and are wrong, the cards are split equally.

Step 5. Continue playing after someone says "bullshit"
After "bullshit" is said, a new hand begins, and the player who played last starts it. As you progress through the game, it will become more and more difficult to bluff, especially if your cards dwindle. In the end, it's a matter of luck and how good you are at not letting any emotion show on your face - just try not to make moves that are too risky, and don't say "bullshit" unless you are absolutely certain that the player in question. is bluffing.

Step 6. You win if you run out of cards
Once a player has all of his cards on the table, he wins. Of course, most people will say "bullshit" on the last hand, but you can play with cunning or speed, saying "bullshit" when he plays the one right before you hoping to start a new round. Balle is a strategy game, and the more you play it, the better you get.
- After a first winner is announced, you can continue playing by elimination if you like.
- If you only have one card, don't tell or let others know you are going to win.
- You can also try a bold strategy - if you only have one card, you can pretend to count them and say, "Oh great, I only have a three!" Even if you are unlikely to be successful, you can enjoy making fun of other players.
Part 2 of 2: Game Variations

Step 1. Play with two or more decks of cards
It is ideal if there are more than five of you playing. It will make the game last longer and it will be difficult to tell who is bluffing.
You can also use decks that are missing cards or even those with duplicates. It can be a great idea to recycle decks of cards that are not good for normal games

Step 2. Change the order of rank
Instead of playing the cards in ascending order, play the cards in descending order. Start with two, then move on to ace and then kings, queens and so on. You can also play by putting down the "higher" or "lower" suit than the one placed by the player before you. So if he rolls a nine, you can roll a ten or an eight.
You can also allow the next player to put down the "same card" as the player before him, this will make it easier to play a card that you actually have in your hand

Step 3. Allow players to put more cards on the table than stated
Better to establish this rule first so that you don't accuse yourself of cheating. If this rule is followed, a player can say that he has put down three cards, but secretly play a fourth. You can always shout "bullshit" to this player to check that he hasn't put any extra cards on the table. If you are right, he will have to take all those on the table.

Step 4. Allow players to lay down their cards even when it is not their turn, but not to the most recent player
You all follow the same rules, but everyone can arrange their cards if the current player takes too long to play their turn.

Step 5. Allow players who have all four cards of the same rank to discard them when it's their turn
- After you bluff and get away with it, you can say "popcorn", "peanut butter", "daddy" or make a cow cry to make it clear that you screwed everyone. It's not mandatory, of course, but it makes the game more fun.
- Having a lot of cards because you got caught isn't necessarily a bad thing - you'll have a little bit of everything and nothing to lose. You can tell the truth, or you can bluff at full blast, because you still have a lot of cards.
- Don't shake your cards, especially if you're about to win. Nobody needs to know how many you have.
- A good tactic is to distract your opponents when it's your turn. It is perfectly legitimate to distract your opponents so as not to show them what you are doing, and it helps.
- It may seem obvious, but it always says "bullshit" when a player puts his last cards on the table. Most everyone bluffs in the end. If you are wrong, he still wins, but if you are right keep playing and he will probably lose.
- Be prepared for a long game, especially if there are many of you.
- Be sporty, even if they catch you bluffing. This game can get out of control if people take themselves too seriously or refuse to confess when caught.