4 Ways To Avoid Getting Bored When You Have Nothing To Do

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4 Ways To Avoid Getting Bored When You Have Nothing To Do
4 Ways To Avoid Getting Bored When You Have Nothing To Do

Sometimes it may seem impossible to avoid getting bored: maybe you feel like you are a prisoner of routine or there is no one to have fun with. In reality, boredom is just a mindset that you can easily change. Be interested in the environment around you, try a different activity than usual or learn to do something new. There are endless ways to free yourself from boredom when you have nothing to do, wherever you are.


Method 1 of 4: Avoid Getting Bored at Home

Avoid Being Bored When You Have Nothing to Do Step 6
Avoid Being Bored When You Have Nothing to Do Step 6

Step 1. Learn a new game

Knowing a card or board game such as checkers or chess is very useful if bad weather forces you to stay indoors or if the electricity goes out. There are also portable versions with which to spend time on long car journeys. There are tons of simple and fun games that you can play with friends or alone.

  • Involve friends or your family in a classic board game like Monopoly, The Goose Game (also try the Candy Land variant) or Pictionary. Challenge them to a difficult game of Settlers of Catan or Scarabeo.
  • Turn on the console, if you have one, and choose a game you haven't played in very long. Simulation games like "The Sims" are great options when you get bored, because the game experience is different every time.
  • The cards have the great advantage of being able to be taken anywhere. If you want to have fun on your own, learn how to play Solitaire, Mahjong Solitaire or Spider. If you have company, offer some classics like trump or broom, or try other games like go fish, gin rummy or poker.
  • There are also many short and simple games that do not require any tools, such as the Chinese morra or the charade.
Avoid Being Bored When You Have Nothing to Do Step 7
Avoid Being Bored When You Have Nothing to Do Step 7

Step 2. Learn a foreign language that has always fascinated you

Search the library for introductory texts or watch tutorials on the internet to learn basic words and phrases. Maybe you would like to be able to speak a second language such as Spanish or Japanese.


learning a new language stimulates the brain, which opens the way to new opportunities and forms of entertainment. It's also a great way to keep busy in your free time.

Avoid Being Bored When You Have Nothing to Do Step 8
Avoid Being Bored When You Have Nothing to Do Step 8

Step 3. Learn to play an instrument

See if it's possible to take classes at a recreation center near you or look for online tutorials that teach the basics and how to read sheet music. Choose the instrument you like best, be it guitar, bass or tuba.

Study the techniques used by different musicians and choose the learning method that you think is most suitable for you. For example, if you want to learn how to play the guitar, you could take the time to listen to new guitarists to study their technique

Avoid Being Bored When You Have Nothing to Do Step 9
Avoid Being Bored When You Have Nothing to Do Step 9

Step 4. Find a TV series or movie to watch when you want to relax

You should opt for old series to run marathons with or for several weeks to keep you busy for a long time.


Watch a recent TV series, movie or web series on providers like YouTube, Infinity, Netflix, or Amazon Prime. Depending on the case, you can watch some programs for free or take advantage of a free trial period. In addition, some websites such as Popcorn TV allow you to stream movies and TV series for free.

Avoid Being Bored When You Have Nothing to Do Step 10
Avoid Being Bored When You Have Nothing to Do Step 10

Step 5. Listen to new music to enliven the dullest moments of the day

Most people just passively listen to music they know well, hearing it in the background while doing other things. Update your playlist with new pieces; it must be music that makes you want to get up and dance or that helps you pass the time while doing housework or moving from one place to another. In this way, listening will be a real activity and not a simple frame.

  • Applications like Spotify, Google Play Music or Apple Music can suggest new songs similar to the ones you love.
  • Try podcasts - they are free online radio broadcasts, downloadable through iTunes. There are programs of all kinds: comedy, information, music, entertainment and much more.
Avoid Being Bored When You Have Nothing to Do Step 11
Avoid Being Bored When You Have Nothing to Do Step 11

Step 6. Create decorative and at the same time useful items for your home

Look around to see if you find any material: colors, scraps of fabric or small objects with which to improvise an art project. This can be a great way to pass the time having fun and add a new decoration to your home.

  • You could make a festive or seasonal wreath for the front door, paint pots for a new herb garden, or turn your shell collection into a gorgeous wind chime.
  • Stock up on materials for the next time you get bored. If you are often looking for things to do at home, take the time to select some materials for art and DIY. You don't have to devote yourself to a new hobby (unless you want to!); you can just try out different crafts, like making pottery or beaded jewelry, until you find an enjoyable pastime.
  • If you're more interested in DIY home repairs and work, you may want to learn how to work wood or repair the roof.
Avoid Being Bored When You Have Nothing to Do Step 12
Avoid Being Bored When You Have Nothing to Do Step 12

Step 7. Try a new recipe

If you enjoy cooking for fun or have never tried it before, find a recipe to experiment. Look for inspiration in a recipe book or on a cooking website like Giallo Zafferano. Once you're done, invite friends over for dinner to let them taste your creation.


an interesting idea is to prepare sweet potato croquettes or, to enjoy a healthy and gluten-free dish, courgette lasagna.

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Avoid Being Bored When You Have Nothing to Do Step 13

Step 8. Make some cookies or some other simple dessert to relax

Many people cook baked desserts when they are bored or stressed, particularly in the evening, when the tension built up during the day is felt. It's a great way to have fun and satisfy your sweet tooth. You can find hundreds of cookie recipes online and in cookbooks.

Instead of making the usual chocolate or oatmeal cookies, be bold and make a dessert you've never tried before.

Combine chocolate, peanut butter and cream cheese to make a delicious parfait; unleash your imagination and try to create a dessert with noodles; or prepare some tasty and crunchy fried sweet ravioli.

Method 2 of 4: Avoid Getting Bored in a Public Place

Avoid Being Bored When You Have Nothing to Do Step 1
Avoid Being Bored When You Have Nothing to Do Step 1

Step 1. Read the latest news to keep yourself informed

Look for articles that are of particular interest to you or that relate to your work or studies specifically. You could investigate new software that you think will help you work better and propose it to your boss, or you could go ahead with research for a school project that you already know you will need to do.


check the latest news on ANSA, Rai News or important newspapers such as "la Repubblica" and "Corriere della Sera"; or read about topics you have a personal interest in in an online magazine you like.

Avoid Being Bored When You Have Nothing to Do Step 2
Avoid Being Bored When You Have Nothing to Do Step 2

Step 2. Start a writing project to unleash your imagination and creativity

It is a discreet activity that you can do anywhere. Always carry pen and paper with you; a small notebook and a pen or pencil are enough to have the most fun with the minimum cost. Keep them in your pocket or purse and take them out to write or draw whenever you fall prey to boredom.

  • If you like the idea of writing but can't find a subject, try free writing or flow of consciousness exercises - they can help you structure the idea of a story, play or poem.
  • Look for ideas online to get an idea or challenge yourself to write a story by respecting certain constraints, for example by deciding to use only words of one or two syllables.
Avoid Being Bored When You Have Nothing to Do Step 3
Avoid Being Bored When You Have Nothing to Do Step 3

Step 3. Download a game on your mobile

Simple smartphone games or other entertainment apps are a great way to pass the time while standing in line or waiting for a class to start. Try free games like Candy Crush or Animal Crossing, which have game limits and are suitable for short periods of time, or download more challenging games like Clash of Clans or Pokemon Go for longer.


the net is full of free online games to play alone or with members of a community. Visit reputable websites that offer a large collection, such as Kongregate, Armor Games or Miniclip (also available in Italian). They are perfect for when you are at home or with a friend.

Avoid Being Bored When You Have Nothing to Do Step 4
Avoid Being Bored When You Have Nothing to Do Step 4

Step 4. Use social networks to interact with other people

Scroll through the News Feed of your Facebook or Twitter profile and chat with friends and family. Visit social news platforms like Reddit and search for the news and topics that interest you most.


take a look at the Subreddit Italiani page on Reddit Italy to find interesting and fun content on the most diverse topics. There are also local subreddits dedicated to individual regions and cities.

Avoid Being Bored When You Have Nothing to Do Step 5
Avoid Being Bored When You Have Nothing to Do Step 5

Step 5. Discover a new comic or a new story online to read on the go

Thousands of writers and artists publish free stories and webcomics on the internet, and many of them have archives with years of material. Look on sites like EFP Fanfiction and Webcomics.it to find the most popular stories and comics. Bookmark some stories you think you'll like and read them when you have nothing to do at school or work.

Once you have found a site you like, check if the manager also provides an app or another option that allows you to download the story to your phone, so you can also read it offline and save data traffic

Method 3 of 4: Having Fun Outdoors

Avoid Being Bored When You Have Nothing to Do Step 14
Avoid Being Bored When You Have Nothing to Do Step 14

Step 1. Have a conversation with your neighbors to get to know them better

Depending on where you live, talking to your neighbors may be the best way to avoid boredom. Compliment them, comment on the surroundings (the weather, public transport, a street artist) or introduce yourself if you've never met officially.

You never know what you can learn from your neighbor and what opportunities can come from getting to know him better. You may find that he is as passionate about gardening as you are or that he plays guitar and is willing to give you some lessons for free

Avoid Being Bored When You Have Nothing to Do Step 15
Avoid Being Bored When You Have Nothing to Do Step 15

Step 2. Establish a physical activity program to do outside the home

You can go to a gym and develop a personal training program (push-ups, sit-ups, weight lifting) to work on on your own. Get friends to ride a bike, skateboard, or just play in the park with you.

  • Consider more structured physical activities like dancing, yoga, or running. Such activities also offer excellent opportunities to make new friends.
  • It can be a little difficult to start exercising, especially if you are not a very active person. You will have more fun and it will be easier for you to stick to the program if you do it together with other people with a similar level and goals to yours.
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Avoid Being Bored When You Have Nothing to Do Step 16

Step 3. Try playing a team sport

It's a great way to fill weekends, especially if you enjoy spending time with friends. If you've always wanted to play football or volleyball, check if there is a chance to join an amateur team in your area. Usually it involves playing home games once a week - a good excuse to spend time away from home.

  • Find out about sports initiatives for children and adults at the Sports Office of your municipality. The easiest way to do this is to call or check the website, where you may find a section dedicated to the different sports disciplines and associations and their programs.
  • If you can't find a recreational sport to practice, organize outdoor games with a few friends, such as ultimate frisbee or flag-stealing.
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Avoid Being Bored When You Have Nothing to Do Step 17

Step 4. Garden to have something to do on a daily basis

Taking care of plants is very relaxing, it makes you feel in touch with nature and gives you something to do every day. Go to a nursery and choose seeds and potting soil to create a garden in your backyard; or buy small potted plants or herbs to look after easily on the balcony or windowsills.


growing fruit and vegetables is also an excellent way to vary your diet.

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Avoid Being Bored When You Have Nothing to Do Step 18

Step 5. Take daily walks or hikes

Spending half an hour or an hour away from home every day can go a long way in improving your mood. Go out during your lunch break: eat for a walk or improvise a picnic. It will help you clear your head and get rid of the feeling of restlessness.

  • If you are hiking or a long hike, bring a book with you to have something to do in case you get tired. Also, you should use electronic devices as little as possible, as they will prevent you from fully enjoying the landscape.
  • If you have a pet that can be outdoors, take it for a walk or play in the park - it's a great way to break the monotony.
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Avoid Being Bored When You Have Nothing to Do Step 19

Step 6. Volunteer

It would allow you not only to help those in need, but also to meet new people and spend time outside the home, all completely free. Contact volunteer organizations and ask if and how it is possible to participate in initiatives. You can also check on the internet which associations operate in your area.

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Avoid Being Bored When You Have Nothing to Do Step 20

Step 7. Spice up your nightlife with something new or unusual

Boring evenings are often the result of a routine social life. Seeing the same people in the same club, cinema or restaurant every weekend can get tedious. Change Scenario: Try going to a new disco club, theater or camping trip. Find something new to do that frees your evenings from monotony.


check the events scheduled in your city in a local newspaper or on the internet; see if your council, school, club or other organization has a calendar of events that might interest you.

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Avoid Being Bored When You Have Nothing to Do Step 21

Step 8. Camp in your garden to change your night routine

Sleeping under the stars can be a new and fun experience that can erase boredom in a heartbeat. Observe the sky, hear the sounds of nocturnal animals and enjoy the fresh air in the light of the moon with family and friends. If the weather is good, all you need is a sleeping bag and a pillow to enjoy a night under the stars.

But be sure to check the weather forecast before you decide to sleep outside, so as not to risk finding yourself in the rain

Method 4 of 4: Preventing Boredom

Avoid Being Bored When You Have Nothing to Do Step 22
Avoid Being Bored When You Have Nothing to Do Step 22

Step 1. Use your imagination to transform the environment around you

No matter where you are, you always have your brain available to have fun. With just your imagination you can have wonderful adventures or even just think of ideas for a new hobby. Don't underestimate the power of fantasy and what you can create with it.


try to create your own fantasy world. You can spend hours imagining what characters look like and what they do, and even inventing new animals and ecosystems. It can be as much a way to spend an afternoon as it can be an idea for a story or a series of works of art.

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Avoid Being Bored When You Have Nothing to Do Step 23

Step 2. Observe the world around you with curiosity

A curious mind never gets bored, because it finds everything interesting. Start by exploring and examining the city you live in. You may discover something you did not know that could inspire you with ideas for some new business.

Ask yourself questions about everything you see. How was that building built? Who painted those graffiti on the wall? What techniques did they use to make the clothes displayed in that shop window?

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Avoid Being Bored When You Have Nothing to Do Step 24

Step 3. Behave spontaneously to break the mold

Over-analyzing the situation is often a major obstacle to overcoming boredom: if you try to find the "perfect" activity, you will end up doing none. Stop ruminating and take action. Try to deviate from habits and usual mental patterns. Spontaneity is able to give life a touch of unpredictability that makes everything much less boring.

  • Call a friend you haven't seen in a long time and ask them out.
  • Get dressed, go out for a walk and enter the place you've always wanted to try.
Avoid Being Bored When You Have Nothing to Do Step 25
Avoid Being Bored When You Have Nothing to Do Step 25

Step 4. Practice meditation to avoid falling prey to boredom easily

It's easy to get bored or nervous when standing in line, waiting for a person, or during those short periods of time when you can't find anything to do. Sometimes distracting yourself with a book or cell phone isn't enough to solve the problem. Meditation is about focusing on your thoughts and appreciating the little things instead of being bored or bothered by them.

The Buddhist tradition of mindfulness emphasizes living in the present moment and thinking about the life you have rather than the one you would like to have.
