3 Ways to Free Endorphins

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3 Ways to Free Endorphins
3 Ways to Free Endorphins

Endorphins are natural opiates secreted into the body for the purpose of relieving stress and increasing the sensation of pleasure. Physical activity is known to stimulate the brain to produce them, promoting well-being and, at the same time, euphoria. However, sport is not the only solution that allows you to take advantage of their beneficial action. Smiling, eating certain foods, and even gossiping can be helpful. There are many ways to naturally promote the release of endorphins and better manage small everyday problems.


Method 1 of 3: Making Endorphins By Eating

Release Endorphins Step 1
Release Endorphins Step 1

Step 1. Taste a piece of chocolate

Have you ever noticed that eating chocolate lifts your spirits when you're feeling low? The reason is that the consumption of this food stimulates the production of endorphins and, consequently, promotes relaxation. Chocolate also contains anandamide, an endocannabinoid that mimics the effects of marijuana, albeit not in an extreme way.

  • Choose dark chocolate because it contains more cocoa, less sugar and additives that compromise the release of endorphins.
  • Give in to your cravings in small doses. Have a bar of chocolate handy and eat a small square when you need a small charge.
Release Endorphins Step 2
Release Endorphins Step 2

Step 2. Go for hot peppers

Cayenne peppers, jalapeños, banana peppers and other spicy variants contain capsaicin, which stimulates the production of endorphins. Try eating a piece of raw chili. As the burning begins to subside, you should feel a little more euphoric. If you don't like the spicy sensation despite the benefits of capsaicin, sprinkle some cayenne pepper on your food to boost your mood in a more gentle way.

Release Endorphins Step 3
Release Endorphins Step 3

Step 3. Indulge in a comforting meal

A plate of pasta in sauce with grated cheese, an ice cream or a dish rich in carbohydrates allows the body to secrete endorphins. People rely on these foods at their most stressful times because they help cheer them up.

  • You can indulge in a tasty and comforting food without upsetting the diet. Try a serving of oatmeal with some honey and milk or a dish of red kidney beans with rice. You can enjoy them without suffering the consequences of consuming refined carbohydrates.
  • To further improve mood, try combining two endorphin stimulants. Put a few drops of chocolate in the oatmeal or add the cayenne pepper to the pastry.
Release Endorphins Step 4
Release Endorphins Step 4

Step 4. Take ginseng

It has been shown that this plant promotes the secretion of endorphins. Numerous athletes choose it to make the most of the endorphins released by the body during physical activity. Try taking a ginseng supplement every day.

Release Endorphins Step 5
Release Endorphins Step 5

Step 5. Smell the vanilla extract

The scent of vanilla has also been shown to stimulate the production of endorphins. Try adding a drop to your coffee or yogurt. It's the smell, not the taste, that works, so smell it while inhaling deeply.

  • You can get the same benefits by smelling the scented essence released from a candle, lotion, or vanilla essential oil.
  • Lavender has similar properties, so it is indicated to stimulate the secretion of endorphins.

Method 2 of 3: Producing Endorphins by Interacting with People

Release Endorphins Step 6
Release Endorphins Step 6

Step 1. Always find a reason to laugh

It is an immediate solution that helps to release endorphins. Laughing creates a sudden sense of well-being, helps relieve stress, and has many other benefits for the body and mind.

  • It is so healthy that some people practice "laughter therapy" to lift their spirits as often as possible.
  • Telling jokes to friends or using a sense of humor is the best way to laugh while making the most of having fun. Try to laugh out loud.
Release Endorphins Step 7
Release Endorphins Step 7

Step 2. Smile, but make sure you're doing it genuinely

The authentic smile, called the Duchenne smile, stimulates the production of endorphins and a good mood. It involves the whole face, including the eyes. It is almost impossible to fake it and it only happens when you feel truly happy.

  • A smile made only with the mouth and not with the eyes does not have the same beneficial effects.
  • To improve your mood with a smile, try looking at funny pictures or talking to someone who makes you happy.
Release Endorphins Step 8
Release Endorphins Step 8

Step 3. Try to do some gossip

According to some studies, gossip stimulates the areas of the brain involved in the pleasure process, favoring the secretion of endorphins. Scientists believe that because we are social animals, gossip has developed as a means of relating, rewarding us with a better frame of mind. So, look for someone and talk to friends and family.

Remember that gossip is about other people, but not necessarily bad. Simply telling your mom about what your brother did or making a joke about your uncle's quirks is a way to strengthen family bonds and lift your spirits

Release Endorphins Step 9
Release Endorphins Step 9

Step 4. Try to open yourself to love

That feeling we get when the person we are in love with walks into the room is the result of an instantaneous secretion of endorphins. Cultivating love in life is a great way to feel happier. It's not something that happens right away because it takes time to blossom, but if you commit to solidifying your relationships, you will end up reaping the rewards. It applies to both falling in love and friendship.

Step 5. Have more sex

Sexual intimacy allows you to produce endorphins giving you immense pleasure. Combined with the passion, the benefits of physical contact and the secretion of endorphins at the moment of orgasm, it makes you feel happy immediately.

Don't hesitate to masturbate! Orgasm causes the body to release endorphins into the bloodstream, instantly improving mood

Method 3 of 3: Produce Endorphins by Exercising

Release Endorphins Step 11
Release Endorphins Step 11

Step 1. Practice any type of exercise

It is a quick, effective and long-lasting way to increase endorphin secretion. All sports promote this process, greatly stimulating a good mood. Forget the famous "runner's high" so coveted by marathon runners, because you don't have to be a professional athlete to reap the benefits of exercise. You can get your body to release endorphins by doing one of the following:

  • Walking, hiking, jogging, cycling and swimming;
  • Playing team sports, such as volleyball, basketball, and soccer
  • Gardening and cleaning.
Release Endorphins Step 12
Release Endorphins Step 12

Step 2. Try an exercise class

You can stimulate endorphin production by combining physical activity with socialization. If you accompany a group of people, the energy level is higher and the body secretes these chemicals in greater quantities. Try taking a class in one of the following activities:

  • Dance of any kind;
  • Zumba;
  • Kickboxing, karate or another martial art;
  • Pilates or yoga.
Release Endorphins Step 13
Release Endorphins Step 13

Step 3. Try something reckless

If you want an energy boost, try activities that stimulate a "fight or flight" reaction. While it is not possible to practice them every day, consider them when you need a serious stimulus or something exciting to do. Here are some reckless activities that promote an "endorphin rush":

  • Parachuting;
  • Bungee jumping;
  • Hang glider;
  • Roller coaster.


  • Even the little things allow the body to produce endorphins, such as smelling a rose, watching the sunset, hugging and sunbathing.
  • There is no limit to happiness. You will be surprised. Keep smiling.
  • Do a good deed. Instead of being sad, do something that your family can be proud of you for. You will make everyone happier for a few moments, including yourself.
  • Try going to a fancy restaurant and rewarding yourself with a dish you've never tasted.


  • Remember to use these methods in moderation, otherwise they could cause misfortune more than promote the release of endorphins!
  • If you have a problem that affects the production of endorphins, trying to increase them naturally may not work, but on the contrary, it may cause depression, lead to obsessive-compulsive disorder, or promote anxiety and anger. See your doctor if you think you are suffering from mood dysregulation.
