How How To Accept the 30 Years Milestone (with Pictures)

How How To Accept the 30 Years Milestone (with Pictures)
How How To Accept the 30 Years Milestone (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


It's always hard to accept big birthdays. Thirties are particularly difficult because it is the first time that you start considering the fact that you are aging and being mortal. Furthermore, some individuals begin to reflect on personal achievements, goals and failures and, consequently, perceive this stage with greater discouragement. However, by facing the inevitable date of your upcoming birthday and embracing this new phase of life, you will not only accept the idea of being a little older, but you will also be able to have fun.


Part 1 of 2: Facing the Reality of Being Thirty

Accept the 30 Year Old Milestone Step 1
Accept the 30 Year Old Milestone Step 1

Step 1. Understand why you are afraid of turning thirty

It is perfectly normal to feel anxious about growing old, but your fear may be an unrealistic reaction to the experience or concept of growing up. By identifying why you are scared of reaching the threshold of 30, you will be able to accept this milestone more easily.

  • You may be dreading this stage because some are beginning to consider people turning 30 as "old". However, thanks to medical advances and increased life expectancy, the 30s are no longer seen as middle age.
  • You may be afraid to turn thirty because you think you will have to take on more responsibility, behave like an adult, or because you haven't accomplished everything you hoped for by the time you reach this age.
  • Consider writing down all fears related to the idea of growing up to realize that they are not rational and accept change.
Accept the 30 Year Old Milestone Step 2
Accept the 30 Year Old Milestone Step 2

Step 2. Accept your age

You can't turn back the proverbial hands of the clock, so welcome your 30s. Once you recognize the inevitable, you can more easily adjust to the beginning of this new stage in life.

  • Many people, like your parents and possibly some friends, have turned 30 and survived. Know that you will overcome them and you will surely enjoy this decade more than you did with the previous one.
  • Think of the 30 as the new 20. If you frame this goal by minimizing its severity, you will be able to accept it more easily.
Accept the 30 Year Old Milestone Step 3
Accept the 30 Year Old Milestone Step 3

Step 3. Practice yoga and meditation

Consider doing yoga and meditation to stretch your muscles. This way you will be able to relax and focus better on yourself, but you will also learn to accept the fact that you are approaching 30.

  • Try practicing a gentler form of yoga, such as restorative yoga and yin yoga. It will mainly help you to stretch muscles, repair tissues and relax your body.
  • Yoga provides various health benefits, including lower blood pressure, less anxiety and depression, less stress, and a greater feeling of relaxation and general well-being.
  • Also, meditation helps you clear your mind and unhook yourself from all that you cannot control.
  • Talk to your doctor before starting yoga to make sure you are fit for yoga.
Accept the 30 Year Old Milestone Step 4
Accept the 30 Year Old Milestone Step 4

Step 4. Remember that age is just a number

It is obvious, but it has never been more true. With advances in medicine and lifestyle, people today are living longer and looking younger for a long time.

  • If you take care of yourself by exercising, eating healthily, sleeping adequately and avoiding stress, you will be physically much healthier than other people younger than you.
  • Often the conditioning exerted by the mass media leads us to believe that aging is a process characterized by suffering, weakness and inactivity. If you keep in mind Mark Twain's statement that "age is a matter of mind rather than matter", you will avoid focusing on the number of years you have just turned, but you will prioritize what you can do and how much. you're good.
Accept the 30 Year Old Milestone Step 5
Accept the 30 Year Old Milestone Step 5

Step 5. Think about the results you have achieved so far

Twenty years is a defining period in life, full of programs and strategies to implement them. Reflect on what you have already accomplished in your first two decades and think about how you could structure another exciting decade in which to accomplish what you want to plan.

Consider the main milestones of your twenties, such as graduation or marriage, as milestones. Use them as starting points to set new goals during the 30s

Accept the 30 Year Old Milestone Step 6
Accept the 30 Year Old Milestone Step 6

Step 6. Forget about failures and turn the page

Accept that, despite your best efforts, not everything will turn out right. Learn to accept setbacks and move forward so that you grow in peace with you sex and accept the challenges that will arise in the new decade.

Accept the 30 Year Old Milestone Step 7
Accept the 30 Year Old Milestone Step 7

Step 7. Don't subordinate yourself to expectations

The inability to accept the arrival of a new age can depend on personal expectations. By letting go of the less realistic ones or the ones that have disappointed you, you can take a more positive attitude and start your 30 years on the right foot.

Accept that nothing is perfect. Imperfection adds character and, by freeing yourself from any obsession with perfectionism, you will be able to make constructive changes in life

Accept the 30 Year Old Milestone Step 8
Accept the 30 Year Old Milestone Step 8

Step 8. Avoid comparison with others

Every person is different, so comparing yourself to others will undermine your self-confidence, especially in an age where there is enormous social pressure to always look young. So if you focus on yourself without making unnecessary comparisons, you can accept the imminent milestone of thirty years.

Don't be discouraged by social conditioning on age and aging. It is difficult to accept the progress of the years in a climate of boundless elation of celebrities who seem to never get old, mainly thanks to the help of cosmetic surgery

Part 2 of 2: Accepting the Thirty Years

Accept the 30 Year Old Milestone Step 9
Accept the 30 Year Old Milestone Step 9

Step 1. Throw a great party

Get off on the right foot and throw a fabulous party. By starting your 30s in a positive way, you won't lose sight of all the wonderful things that could happen in the next decade.

Accept the 30 Year Old Milestone Step 10
Accept the 30 Year Old Milestone Step 10

Step 2. Become aware of what you have learned and the things you will learn

Have faith in everything you have learned in your twenties that you think you can use to be successful in the future. By fueling your self-confidence and showing a confident attitude, you will be able to accept yourself and achieve great results over the next decade.

  • Self-confidence depends on many aspects, including knowing that you have a good education, good preparation, great relationships, or even looking good.
  • For example, if you've always cared for your skin, you can count on not having many wrinkles. Plus, you can feel confident if you have a college degree, have a successful career, or have children who are in excellent health.
  • However, do not forget that, despite self-confidence and numerous successes, the risk of defeat is always around the corner.
  • Consider that in most cases, after the age of thirty, you feel much more confident and at ease. This could encourage you to enjoy life and relax.
Accept the 30 Year Old Milestone Step 11
Accept the 30 Year Old Milestone Step 11

Step 3. Make plans and set goals

If at twenty you had chosen and planned a path, you should do the same at thirty. Whatever you establish, it could be an extension or culmination of what you decided ten years ago. Projects and goals will allow you to have a concrete purpose as you move into this new phase of your existence.

  • Set goals in every area of your life: personal, professional, and so on. For example, you would like to start a family or pursue a doctorate.
  • Set short and long-term goals and reassess them every year.
  • Organize yourself in order to have as many experiences as you can, traveling, studying or even just interacting with people. If you keep busy, you can forget the fear of turning thirty and understand that this age is much more fulfilling than the previous decade.
Accept the 30 Year Old Milestone Step 12
Accept the 30 Year Old Milestone Step 12

Step 4. Enjoy your financial independence

At this age, many people have a more stable job or life situation. Take advantage of your financial autonomy by rewarding yourself with a few trips or by buying a house.

You don't necessarily have to shop big to enjoy the money you make. Being able to afford an elegant restaurant is also a way to have fun doing what you couldn't in your twenties

Accept the 30 Year Old Milestone Step 13
Accept the 30 Year Old Milestone Step 13

Step 5. Try something new

By trying something new that piques your interest or by accepting an invitation, you can make this stage of life much more exciting. Even if you don't like it eventually, you will gain a different awareness and greater resilience. If you cultivate your curiosity by allowing yourself the opportunity to explore the surrounding world, you will find a way to accept your thirty years. At this age, you are able to truly appreciate travel, different foods, and new hobbies.

  • You could try something artistic, like painting, dancing or music, but also a sport or a tournament. Alternatively, consider photography or reading.
  • Be willing to challenge yourself in new activities, even if they don't seem interesting at first.
Accept the 30 Year Old Milestone Step 14
Accept the 30 Year Old Milestone Step 14

Step 6. Show your commitment to the community you live in

Civic engagement, which also passes through politics, will connect you with a wide variety of people and ideas. By becoming aware of different points of view, you will understand that it is not so demeaning to grow up.

Consider volunteering at a hospital or soup kitchen. Knowing that you are in excellent health and have the means to support yourself will also help you accept your age

Accept the 30 Year Old Milestone Step 15
Accept the 30 Year Old Milestone Step 15

Step 7. Travel as much as possible

You can learn an unimaginable amount of things by visiting other places, especially abroad. Travel experiences expose you to different perspectives, stories and opinions and, in turn, will help you accept this moment in life.

  • Traveling you have the opportunity to see that the world has a thousand facets and can enrich you, even if it is not far away. As you get older and wiser, you will be able to recognize and appreciate the diversity around you and the place you occupy.
  • Make sure you are not on the beaten track. Hidden treasures can surprise you and increase your wealth of experiences. If you have faith in yourself, at thirty you can afford to take advantage of these travel opportunities.
Accept the 30 Year Old Milestone Step 16
Accept the 30 Year Old Milestone Step 16

Step 8. Take care of your health

It is important if you want to age well. Physical activity and proper nutrition will also push you to accept the passing of the years and any changes.

  • Eat to meet all your nutritional needs, stay healthy, and provide for your well-being. For example, you should get enough protein, vitamins, and fiber by consuming lean meat, nuts, fresh fruits, and vegetables.
  • Make sure you are exercising by walking or jogging at least thirty minutes a day. Also, you should consider time to rest and relax, perhaps by reading a good book. In this way, you will be incentivized not to lose healthy eating habits and you will feel better.
  • For example, a 4-5 kilometer run will give you time to reflect on your personal or professional problems if you need to provide your body with the exercise it needs to stay fit.
  • In a world where contacts via mobile phones, e-mails and social networks are the order of the day, it is vital to have the time to dedicate to yourself and take care of your health by reducing the stimuli to be processed daily. For example, try turning off electronic devices at 10pm so that you have an hour or two all to yourself or to spend with your family.
Accept the 30 Year Old Milestone Step 17
Accept the 30 Year Old Milestone Step 17

Step 9. Be thankful for what you have

Many people aren't lucky enough to get to 30. Be grateful for being alive and for everything you own. In this way, you will be able to chase away the negative thoughts that could demoralize you on the threshold of thirty years.