Due to all the pressures we are under in daily life, relaxing can be difficult. Regardless of your lifestyle, you can find different ways to relax and recover. Set aside some of your time every day to give yourself a well-deserved relaxation.
Part 1 of 3: Relax the Mind

Step 1. Meditate
Meditating is a good way to relax. It is not necessary to learn complicated techniques or yoga: five minutes of meditation a day is enough to release anxiety and tension. The key to effective meditation is to find a quiet, secluded place away from distractions. Concentrate with your mind and all your energy, without giving in to distractions.
- Try to gradually relax your muscles. Start by wearing loose clothing and walking barefoot. When you feel relaxed, focus on your right foot. To start relaxing, take slow, deep breaths. Think about what you are feeling, then slowly contract your foot muscles leaving them tense for ten seconds. As you release your muscles, savor the feeling you get when your foot comes back loose and relaxed. As you focus on this feeling, breathe deeply. Now do the same thing with your left foot. Continue with the rest of your body, alternating the right and left sides of each muscle group. Only contract the muscles you are focusing your attention on.
- Meditation with the body is a static relaxation technique. You focus on your body and how each part of it feels while you remain still. This technique is believed to help release tension from chores and release repressed emotions. Start lying on the bed or the floor, focus your attention on the top of your head and then work your way down slowly over your entire body. As you tune into each part of the body, always breathe deeply. Focus on each finger, each muscle, each part of the body. When you're done, sit quietly for some time, then slowly open your eyes.
- Practice mindful meditation. Sit down and focus only on the present. Don't worry about the future or the past. Start in a quiet place and in a comfortable position. Choose something to focus attention on, such as a feeling, flame, scene, or meaningful word. The eyes can be open or closed. Stay calm and focused on the moment you are living. Focusing only on the here and now helps reduce the stress that is oppressing us.

Step 2. Breathe deeply
Deep breathing is one of the most effective relaxation techniques. It is used as a preparatory activity for other relaxation and meditation techniques. The breathing technique is easy to learn and can be practiced anywhere and anytime.
- Start by sitting upright in a chair in a quiet room. Close your eyes. Free your mind from external thoughts. Just focus on what's around you. Think about the sensations your feet feel in contact with the floor, think about the posture of your back and the contact of your skin with the clothes you wear.
- Shift your attention to your breath. Breathe in and out at a pace that suits you. Don't breathe too deeply. Your breaths must be calm and natural. Make the exhalations longer than the inhalations. Make sure you breathe with your belly. Place a hand on your stomach to feel each breath. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Your stomach has to move, but your chest has to stay still.

Step 3. Listen to relaxing music
Sound can have a noticeable calming effect. Try closing your eyes and relaxing by listening to something that relaxes you. If you are driving or if you are at work, listen to some music and focus on it by pushing all other thoughts away.
- Listen to songs that invigorate the spirit. Play your favorite CD, create a playlist of fun songs, listen to a genre that makes you happy. While listening to the songs try to sing them too, for a greater relaxation effect.
- Listen to a CD with sounds of nature, such as crashing waves or rain. If you prefer music, opt for pieces played on instruments like the violin or piano, or for New Age music like Enya's.
- Buy a small fountain and keep it next to you in your office. When you want to relax, close your eyes and listen to the soothing sound of flowing water.

Step 4. Keep a personal journal
Write something about your day, every day. You can write about anything. Fill in whole pages, or put down two lines, as you like. This activity should become a way for you to relieve stress and relax.
- Journal your daily frustrations. What concerns did you have? Are you able to relieve them? If you can't, at least take them out, externalize them and try to move on.
- Use the journal to boost your self-esteem. Write notes that emphasize your positive qualities. Explain to yourself that it is normal to have bad days. Write phrases like "I'm great" or "I love myself".
- If writing your personal diary is just causing you more stress, don't add it to your relaxation techniques.

Step 5. Stay logged out every day for a certain amount of time
At least for a little while a day, don't let technology affect you. The distractions that come with using email, social networks, and the internet can cause stress without you being aware of it. Set aside some time each day to free yourself from these distractions.
- Leave your cell phone in another room, turn off your computer and television. Go for a walk. Sit in a park and watch the squirrels. Take a nice bath. Read. Make dinner. No matter what you do, simply focus on the activity you are doing and enjoy the moment without technological distractions.
- Start by excluding the technology for 30 minutes on weekdays. On weekends it goes up to an hour.

Step 6. Enjoy nature
The environment has enormous restorative properties. scientific research has shown that immersing yourself in nature has beneficial effects on mental health. Sunlight contains vitamin D, which helps improve mood. Fresh air also has positive effects on the mind and body.
- Take a walk. Go gardening. Play an outdoor sport. Go to a natural park and go hiking. If you have time, go camping on weekends.
- It is not necessary to exercise to enjoy nature. Sit in a park and feed the pigeons, have dinner on the patio, talk on your mobile outside.
Part 2 of 3: Relax the Body

Step 1. Relax your muscles
Tension builds up in the muscles. When you feel tense and stressed, try relaxing the tense muscles to relax.
- Give yourself a hand massage. Hands build up a lot of tension, especially if you work on a computer. Apply a relaxing lotion such as peppermint or lavender to your hands, then massage the muscles under your thumb.
- Relax your jaw muscles. When you take a breath, open your mouth wide, leave it open for 30 seconds, then close it.
- Try acupressure. It is an oriental technique that consists in massaging and applying pressure on certain points of the body to release tension.

Step 2. Do repetitive actions
Routine movements have a calming effect. Routine puts the body at ease. Repetitive actions are suitable for people who cannot relax by standing still. Make familiar, repetitive movements, while at the same time freeing yourself from the thoughts that worry you.
Brush your hair, embroider or wash the dishes. Another great repetitive activity is gardening

Step 3. Take a nice bath
Fill the tub with very hot water. Pleasantly immerse yourself in hot water, without bothering to wash the various parts of the body. Let your muscles relax and restore.
- Try using essential oils, such as lavender oil. Bath salts, bubble baths and scented petals also have a relaxing effect.
- Light some candles and listen to some sweet music. Free your mind and focus only on the scents, water and music.
- If you get the chance, step into a hot tub. Turkish baths and saunas are just as relaxing.

Step 4. Get moving
Exercise helps improve mood and relax. It doesn't mean you have to run. Any type of physical activity, even light exercise, promotes blood circulation, increases endorphins and has a relaxing effect.
Take a fifteen minute walk around the block. Try the lighter yoga poses. Stretch your entire body, especially the neck and shoulders. Try rotating your head and shoulders

Step 5. Prepare your body for sleep
Do not spend the hour before sleep watching television or surfing the internet. These activities keep your mind busy and prevent you from relaxing. Alcohol can also be the cause of disturbed sleep. Rather, spend the half hour preceding sleep releasing the tensions of the day.
Before bed, dedicate yourself to reading. Take a warm bath. Write in your personal diary. Meditate or work on breathing techniques. Figure out the best way to leave the day behind, fully rest and sleep soundly
Part 3 of 3: Try Other Relaxation Methods

Step 1. Have some tea
Scientists claim that this drink helps reduce stress. If you are in a stressful situation, tea can help you relieve it. Try replacing your morning coffee with black tea, or a calming herbal tea in the evening.
- To calm anxiety, try passion flower, peppermint, lemon balm, or chamomile tea, all of which are caffeine-free.
- Drink green tea. Green tea contains L-theanine, which is a calming substance. Many varieties of green tea contain caffeine, so don't drink them before bed. If possible, opt for a decaffeinated strain so the L-theanine can work better.
- Add some honey to your tea. Honey is also considered relaxing.

Step 2. Chew gum
According to a recent study, chewing gum in stressful situations helps reduce stress symptoms. Scientists have found that this practice dulls negative moods and decreases the stress hormone cortisol.
When you feel stressed, try chewing gum for a few minutes. In the meantime, take a break and clear your mind to promote even greater relaxation

Step 3. Talk to someone
A good way to relax is to talk to someone about the things that cause us stress. Releasing your concerns immediately makes us feel better. A kind, supportive word from a friend or loved one can help you start relaxing.
Talk face to face with a friend, call or text him. Contact him on social networks. Telling someone about your stress will immediately have a positive effect

Step 4. Cross something off your to-do list
Sometimes, to relax, you have to finish the activities that we have pending, so that you have a few less worries. In order for the things you need to do to be an occasion for relaxation rather than stress, focus exclusively on the activity you are doing. When you're done, think about the fact that you now have one less commitment and that you have gained some free time. This should help you relax.
- Cleaning is a great way to relax. Change the sheets, wash the windows, clean the curtains, vacuum or mop the floors.
- Eliminate unnecessary items. Freeing our spaces from useless objects is just as important as freeing the mind. Donate used clothes and shoes to charities. Go through your books and give away the ones you've already read. Tidy up your desk drawers by throwing away the things you no longer need.
- Take care of your finances. Don't put off paying bills or other financial tasks until tomorrow. Cross these commitments off your list. Make sure that you feel good and more relaxed because you have fulfilled all the commitments that were bothering you.
- There is no "right way" to relax. Try different relaxation techniques and see which one works for you.
- If the relaxation session doesn't work, don't give up. Try again after half an hour or later in the day.
- Learning to relax takes time. Don't be discouraged. Take the time to learn and you will see that in the end you will succeed.