How to completely relax (with pictures)

How to completely relax (with pictures)
How to completely relax (with pictures)

Table of contents:


Unfortunately, for many, stress is a particularly serious condition that you have to live with. Being stressed is not only an unpleasant way to spend time, but also unhealthy in the long run: Stress can lead to health problems such as asthma, heart disease and diabetes. Are you looking for the solution? Learn to relax completely! Whether you are enjoying an unusual day outdoors or you are in a situation of high stress, it is almost always possible to do so and enjoy life with the right approach. Remember, whenever you have doubts, "completely relax"!


Part 1 of 3: Enjoy a relaxing day

Chill Step 1
Chill Step 1

Step 1. Set aside your most important commitments

The key to spending a quiet and relaxing day is to plan ahead. Being able to do this for real is difficult if you have to commit to a work project or take care of a crying baby, so plan ahead to avoid anything that can distract you. Here are some examples of things you could do - everyone's life is different and therefore your schedule may not exactly match the solutions listed:

  • Ask for a permit. If necessary, take a day off. Remember that most executives like to know early - asking for permission a couple of weeks in advance is usually enough.
  • Contact a babysitter if you have children. They are almost always adorable, but sometimes they are a nightmare. Put the kids under the supervision of a manager and eliminate the risk of an upsetting day by keeping up with them.
  • Plan a few trips if necessary. Sometimes a change of scenery is just what it takes to relax. If you want to get away from the city, buy tickets and book a hotel in time to avoid the frenzy of doing so at the last minute.
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Chill Step 2

Step 2. Take a relaxing bath or shower

As soon as you've decided to jump out of bed (i.e. whenever you want, if it's your relaxing day) don't help but relax a bit in the shower or tub. Hot water has been shown to help lighten the mind, relax the muscles and focus thoughts. In particular, a hot shower or bath makes you feel good and gives you the opportunity, albeit temporary, to forget everything else and meditate on the pleasant sensation of water - in other words, to relax.

  • People's preferences regarding water temperature can vary greatly. Scientifically speaking, the most relaxing baths don't have to be hot - the excessive temperature can actually force the body to work harder instead of providing relaxation (although bathing will still make you feel good).
  • Note that pregnant women should not take too hot baths.
Chill Step 3
Chill Step 3

Step 3. Have coffee or tea with friends

Drinking caffeinated beverages may not be a priority on the relaxing to-do list, especially if they make you nervous, give you headaches, etc. However, doing it with friends can be a very calming and relaxing experience. if you can handle some caffeine. In fact, according to some research, drinking coffee in the company of people you love has a decidedly soothing effect. Instead it tends to create more stress if you do it alone.

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Chill Step 4

Step 4. Spend time on a hobby you have neglected

Are you a potential Picasso? Have you been dying to strum on your old guitar for so long? Today is the right day to indulge your passions! Days dedicated to relaxation are priceless because they give you enough time for the things you secretly want to do while fulfilling life's commitments, so don't hesitate to spend a couple of hours (or all day if you like) with what for you it is a source of delight. Some things you may want to consider are:

  • Test your skills in a creative task. When was the last time you painted a picture, wrote a song or a story? If you don't remember, dedicate yourself to one of these arts activities at your leisure today.
  • Engage in a DIY to improve something in your home or garden. Doing chores around the home can be extremely rewarding (plus, it usually represents a good use of time and energy in the long run if it reduces maintenance costs).
  • Read a book. Genuine paper books today can be a rarity. Nothing beats sitting by the fire for a couple of hours with your favorite book, beautifully bound, so consider this relaxing option.
  • Play some video games. There is nothing wrong with lounging on the couch for a few hours with your favorite game. However, if it's something you already do on a regular basis, you may want to consider a hobby that you have less of a chance to spend time on.
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Chill Step 5

Step 5. Test yourself with a simple recipe

Filling up with a great meal can be a pretty satisfying way to unwind. If you want to try your hand at cooking (and save money by avoiding the restaurant), try cooking (even with the help of friends to spend time with) a hearty and good meal. There are thousands of high quality dish recipes available online. An online search for your favorite dish should yield dozens of interesting results (or try clicking on this link to find a large selection of recipes).

Don't hesitate to book a table at your favorite restaurant or order some takeaway if you don't feel like cooking. Relaxing with good food is too rewarding to ignore

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Chill Step 6

Step 6. Carry out small chores without fretting

Taking a relaxing day doesn't mean you don't have to do anything. Don't hesitate to deal with problems that drag on and need to be looked after during your free time. Doing important tasks not only gives immediate satisfaction, but is also a good way to reduce stress in the long run. After all, any commitment made today will not create problems tomorrow. Here are some examples of things you might consider:

  • Settle outstanding accounts;
  • Send letters / packages;
  • Asking job applications;
  • Having relationships with customer service;
  • Fulfilling civic duties (i.e. arranging files in public offices, going to vote, etc.)
Chill Step 7
Chill Step 7

Step 7. Watch a movie

Movies are the extreme form of passive and relaxing entertainment (unless, of course, you choose a high-voltage horror movie or thriller). Try curling up in front of a screen with a loved one or friends and relax for a few hours at the end of the day with a favorite cult movie or a new movie.

  • If you have time, you might as well plan a movie night with friends. You can pick a genre (i.e., horror, etc.) or leave the choice to chance - it's up to you.
  • While it can be a little expensive today, going to the theater or cinema with friends can be another way to enjoy a show. If friends aren't available and as long as it's not a problem for you, you can always go alone. Check out the shows in the morning to save money if you don't want to spend unnecessary sums.
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Chill Step 8

Step 8. Enjoy a night out (or at home

). Some like to end a relaxing day with a fun night on the town, others prefer to stay home and go to bed early. The ideal end of your day depends on you and no one else!

  • Don't feel like you have to go out if you don't want to - you can see friends tomorrow if you jump in today to get some more sleep.
  • Conversely, don't be afraid to have a nice night out with them if it's been a long time since you've been out and about partying. The exception, of course, is if you have a big schedule the next day, because staying up late and having a good time can keep you from being as sharp and fit as needed.
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Chill Step 9

Step 9. If you are of legal age and vaccinated, enjoy your favorite poison (responsibly)

Let's face it, with the daily stress of work, school, and / or personal commitments it can sometimes be easier to relax with the help of a drink. This is fine as long as you don't overdo it. For example, a drink or two with friends at the end of the day is unlikely to be a problem for most people. Some research also suggests that moderate alcohol consumption (about half a liter of beer per day) may actually have minor health benefits.

Remember, however, that overdoing it can create more stress. For example, drinking too much not only leaves you with a hangover, nausea, and other unpleasant physical symptoms, but also reduces decision-making with long-lasting stressful consequences (like jail) if you're not careful

Part 2 of 3: Relaxing in a Stressful Situation

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Chill Step 10

Step 1. Stop what you are doing and take a short break

Often you can't afford to plan a whole day with the goal of relaxing. Whether caused by work, school, personal relationships, or some other circumstance, stressful thoughts and feelings can occasionally build up and become quite annoying. In these cases it is not enough to plan a future relaxing day, you have to relax now. As soon as possible take the opportunity to stop what you are doing, put the situation that creates tension behind you and give yourself a brief moment to do absolutely nothing.

Getting away from the source of stress - even just for a little while - can be a huge help in relaxing. It is well known to psychologists and business scientists that frequent short breaks can be a huge boon to workers' creativity and morale, improving mood and increasing productivity in the long run

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Chill Step 11

Step 2. Free "your mind"

Relaxing in a stressful situation is often a matter that affects thoughts not just actions. If you feel agitation and stress building up, keep negative thoughts from overwhelming you. Try to approach problems from a logical and detached perspective. Try to understand the exact reason why you are feeling stressed. Is it because you are convinced that you have been treated unfairly? Why did they give you too much to do? Why can't you do things the way you like them to be done? Reflecting on your thoughts, instead of focusing on what you are feeling, can change your attitude in an instant and sometimes even reveal unexpected truths.

For example, suppose you are about to leave the office on a Friday afternoon, when the boss comes into the room and assigns you an unexpected task for the weekend. At this point, as soon as you feel the frustration build up inside you, you can either give in to these feelings and get angry at this injustice for the whole weekend or (preferably) you start thinking about why it irritates you so much. For example, is it because you feel your employer isn't rewarding you properly for your time and effort in the company? If that's the reason, you may be trying to make an effort to find a new job or negotiate better treatment

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Chill Step 12

Step 3. Externalize the problems

You never have to deal with stress alone! Try talking to someone else about the troubles that are bothering you if you have the chance. Explaining problems to a listener can help them understand and psychologically "let off steam" by opening up about your negative thoughts. However, the American Psychological Association (APA) and many experts note that it's important to talk to someone who can listen patiently and not someone who will likely stress you more.

In the above situation it might be a good idea to call home after work to let off steam with a parent or sibling. And it's probably not a good idea to talk to your annoying roommate about it - especially if tensions are already high because he's behind on the rent

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Chill Step 13

Step 4. Make an effort to smile and laugh

"Hey, put that ugly face away!" it is usually the last thing an angry and stressed person wants to hear. However, as obnoxious as it may seem, there is a kernel of truth in this invitation. Smiling (and other "happy" behaviors like laughing) can actually make you more peaceful because it releases chemicals in the brain that improve mood. Conversely, frowning and other "grim" behaviors can have the opposite effect, increasing negative feelings.

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Chill Step 14

Step 5. Constructively release the energy you have accumulated

A good way to manage repressed stress is to channel it where extra energy and nervous tension can be helpful. For example, feelings of anger and frustration can make a long, intense workout more bearable (plus, exercise is a good way to ease stress levels and improve mood - read on for additional information). Another good idea is to channel energy into creative tasks, such as writing or playing a musical instrument.

In our example, with an unplanned weekend workload, an effective solution might be to head to the gym after work, rather than go home right away. There we could healthily vent our frustrations by running, lifting weights, or violently hitting a punching bag if we are really angry

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Chill Step 15

Step 6. Try meditation

While some find it pretentious or hatefully "new age", in some cases meditation has been shown to help manage feelings of stress and relax. There really isn't a "right" way to meditate, but, in general, this practice involves stopping distractions, closing your eyes, slowing your breathing, and focusing on sorting out thoughts that create worry and anxiety. Some take complicated yoga poses while meditating, others mentally visualize ideas or images, others repeat a simple word or mantra aloud, and still others meditate while walking!

For information (including detailed instructions on how to clear your mind of stressful thoughts) read our article on meditation

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Chill Step 16

Step 7. First prepare a business plan and implement it

While all of the above tips can be very helpful if implemented wisely, the most satisfying way to get rid of anxiety once and for all is to deal with them. It can be tempting to escape stress at work, school, or home, but dealing with it is usually the quickest route to relief. In addition, the satisfaction of doing a good job can help lower levels in the long run even if you have to work hard at first to succeed.

  • In our example, the best course of action is probably completing the given task as quickly as possible, Friday night or Saturday morning, so you'll have plenty of time to be free to do whatever you want on the weekend. On Monday, upon returning to the office, it is advisable to meet the boss to discuss an agreement that will prevent "pressing deadlines" from turning into life-or-death scenarios in the future.
  • Resist the temptation to postpone. Delaying work now can only bring more stress later, especially if you have to scramble to meet a deadline. Once the task is complete, you will be able to appreciate the time spent relaxing completely without the hassle of how to manage postponed commitments.

Part 3 of 3: Living a Life of "Relaxation"

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Chill Step 17

Step 1. Exit

Earlier we talked about personal ways to relax. However, this is not the whole story - to live a life of relaxation it is advisable to adopt habits and behaviors that favor a relaxed and serene existential condition. One of them is making an effort to spend time outdoors on a regular basis. It may sound cliché, but large-scale scientific studies have shown that spending time outdoors - especially doing light exercise - dramatically improves mood.

  • Although the link between time outdoors and good mood has not yet been fully understood, sunlight appears to play a key role. In fact, research has shown that exposure to bright artificial light early in the morning, when it is normally dark, can help people with Seasonal Affective Disorder feel better.
  • For lasting benefits, try incorporating outdoor activity into your weekly routine. For example, going for a short hike every Saturday morning is a good way to feel relaxed and energized for the rest of the weekend.
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Chill Step 18

Step 2. Get enough training

As noted above, a single training session is a guaranteed, fast-acting remedy for short-term stress. However, regular training is also great for promoting a relaxed and calm attitude in the long run. Although the biology behind the process is not perfectly clear, scientific research has shown that regular exercise can act as a protective cushion against any health problems that can result from stress and especially depression.

Read this article on exercise for useful information on making training a part of your life, with example routines for every skill level

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Chill Step 19

Step 3. Rest as needed

How we sleep can have a major effect on how we feel when we're awake - think back to the last time you had a sleepless night and try to remember how you felt the next day. While a single missed night of sleep can make you sick for about a day, consistently little sleep can be a major source of stress in the long run. In fact, people who have difficulty falling asleep have a high risk of suffering from stress-related ailments such as heart disease, stroke, and more. For the best chance of living a healthy, relaxed life, strive for enough sleep each night (most experts recommend around seven to nine hours for adults).

It's also important to note that the relationship between sleep and stress works the other way too. In other words, just as a lack of sleep can lead to stress, this in turn can make it harder to sleep


  • Change Position: Research has shown that standing horizontally is more relaxing than standing vertically.
  • Some are willing to swear by the effects of a "restorative nap," claiming that short naps of around 15-20 minutes are a great way to relax and get back on their feet during a stressful day. However, some people find it difficult to fully wake up after a short nap.
  • Other good ideas for relaxing include:

    • Watch the rain or the clouds.
    • Have someone read you a book until you fall asleep.
    • Wash your face with cold water.
    • Draw, scribble or sketch. Don't worry about the final result of the drawing.
  • If you feel nervous and upset after drinking coffee or tea, try switching to decaf - for some, using caffeine can cause stress, especially if it becomes addictive.
  • RainyMood is a fantastic site. You can hear the rain and the rain makes everything better.


  • Seriously relaxing can increase creativity (as long as you don't overdo it and slip into laziness). Daydreaming, sleeping, and relaxing can help fuel creativity, so try to hang out for an hour or so the next time you have writer's block.
  • Don't let the desire to relax distract you from important things (like work). Instead, if you're in the middle of a big job, take a 10-15 minute break every hour to relax. For shorter tasks, wait until you are done completely before relaxing.