How To Clean Your Body Of Marijuana

How To Clean Your Body Of Marijuana
How To Clean Your Body Of Marijuana

Table of contents:


If you need to take a drug test to get a job, or if you know your company has random employee tests, you may want to detox your body to make sure you pass them. Of course, avoiding smoking or ingesting marijuana is the only way you can be sure you don't have THC in your body. But if it's too late for this solution, here are some ideas that might help you.


Part 1 of 3: Understanding Drug Tests and THC

Get Pot Out of Your System Step 1
Get Pot Out of Your System Step 1

Step 1. Learn about the factors that determine the detection period

After using marijuana, the psychoactive ingredient (THC) remains in the body. The body remains positive for THC (or one of its metabolites) for a certain period of time that varies from person to person based on health conditions, lifestyle and other factors.

  • Metabolism. Metabolism plays a key role in the rapid breakdown of THC metabolites and their expulsion from the body. Each of us has a different metabolic rate based on height, gender, level of physical activity and genetics, and it is crucial to understand how quickly this substance is excreted from the body.
  • Body fat. THC is stored in fat cells; therefore, after using the herb, its active ingredient is concentrated more in the organs with a high fat content such as the brain, ovaries and testicles. However, THC can be detected in body fat for up to one month after taking.
  • Frequency. This greatly affects the detection period. Since THC and its metabolites remain in the body even after the psychoactive phase, frequent use causes these substances to accumulate until they reach a high and constant level. For this reason, regular consumers test positive for a longer period of time than occasional ones.
  • Power. The potency of marijuana also has an effect on how long THC stays in the body. Strong weed - a variety of marijuana that is high in THC - will stay in the body longer than lower quality weed.
  • Workout / lifestyle. The amount of physical activity a person has affects the THC levels in the body, although the reason is not yet clear. Contrary to the urban legend which states that training "expels" THC by eliminating fat cells, scientists have shown the opposite in the short term: if you train the day after taking marijuana, your blood levels of THC are slightly higher.
Get Pot Out of Your System Step 2
Get Pot Out of Your System Step 2

Step 2. Find out if you are a likely candidate for a drug test

If your potential employer has more than 100 employees or is a government agency, you will likely need to undergo a test as part of the hiring process or at some point during your time with the company. The Ministry of Defense requires frequent testing of military personnel, and the same goes for other law enforcement agencies. In some industries (especially in the restaurant and hotel sector) tests are rarely done although occasionally it can happen.

Your future employer has no legal right to undergo a pregnancy test or to detect any medical conditions; it cannot even verify which substances you have taken and what activities you have carried out in the last 10 years

Get Pot Out of Your System Step 3
Get Pot Out of Your System Step 3

Step 3. Learn about the different types of drug tests

There are many different ways to detect THC in the body. They vary in cost, simplicity and accuracy. This means that most (but certainly not all) employers will use less expensive techniques, but those offering positions of higher responsibility will require more thorough (and expensive) examinations. Here are the most popular types of exams:

  • Saliva test. A saliva swab is inexpensive and allows you to detect only the most recent drug use. In most cases, it will take three days without using THC to pass this test. Employers prefer this test because it is simple to perform, but has reliability issues and is therefore not widely used.
  • Urinalysis. The urinalysis does not detect THC in the body, but rather looks for the marijuana metabolite THC-COOH, which is produced after taking cannabis. There are two types of urine tests that can be ordered by an employer.

    • For the former, you will be asked to go to an external collection center. Here your urine will be placed in a specially designed cup, secure and sealed with fraud-resistant tape, then sent to a laboratory capable of testing.
    • A lower-cost method that is gaining popularity is an instant urinalysis often used to test employees and patients in drug rehabilitation programs.
  • Blood test. In this case, THC is searched for in the bloodstream. Since the psychotropic substance remains in the blood only for a short period of time (12-24 hours), it is a little used method in pre-intake tests. Instead, it is used more often to assess whether the employee has recently used drugs in situations where the information may be useful (for example after an accident at work).
  • Hair test. It is very expensive and is most commonly used for very important jobs or jobs that require special permissions. A hair test can detect positivity dating back to the previous six months. It is possible to go back even further with a hair test, but this makes the examination even more expensive. These tests are commonly carried out in the casino industry.

Part 2 of 3: Cleaning up

Get Pot Out of Your System Step 4
Get Pot Out of Your System Step 4

Step 1. Be skeptical

The internet is full of bad information and half-truths about drug tests and ways to pass them. Most home remedies and tricks don't have any scientific proof. So it is good not to trust and evaluate everything before trying one of these "techniques", to avoid wasting time and money unnecessarily.

The methods explained in this part of the article they might help you, but there are no guarantees. If practiced incorrectly, some may even increase your chances of failing the exam, proceed at your own risk.

Get Pot Out of Your System Step 5
Get Pot Out of Your System Step 5

Step 2. Try the dilution method

Since the urinalysis looks for the concentration of THC metabolites, a very diluted sample could help you drop below the fateful threshold of 50 ng / mL (the limit that determines positivity in many drug tests). However, testing laboratories are aware of this technique and have implemented countermeasures. Here is a brief guide on how to proceed with the "dilution".

  • Starting three days before the test, increase the creatinine levels in your system. You can do this by eating lots of red meat or by taking creatine (available in many supplements). This is an important step, because urine tests check for the presence of this substance to ensure that the urine is not diluted. If you don't follow this step, you probably won't pass the test.
  • An hour or two before the test, take 50-100 mg of vitamin B2, B12, or other B-complex vitamins to color the urine. Then drink a glass of water about every 15 minutes. You should drink about a liter of water. Don't overdo it though, or you risk poisoning - a real and life-threatening problem. You should also urinate at least once during this time, as you shouldn't have your first urine sample tested.
  • When it comes time to provide the sample, start collecting it once the blast has begun. This will give you a better chance of getting the lowest possible concentration of metabolites, as it eliminates any old (and more concentrated) urine residue from the urethra.

    • If your urine is too diluted, and you are offered a second chance to take the exam, fix it as far away in time as possible. This will give you time to reach the end of the detection period or to try the dilution method again, this time adjusting your preparation so you don't dilute the urine too much.
    • Drinking water will not "expel" THC from the body; it only serves to dilute the urine.
    Get Pot Out of Your System Step 6
    Get Pot Out of Your System Step 6

    Step 3. Edit your hair

    The examination of the hair involves the removal of a small lock of hair: if there is no hair, no test. In this case, the laboratory could rely on a sample of body hair. You can shave every hair on your body and claim to be a bodybuilder or swimmer. There is a problem though: if you had hair at the time of your interview, following this advice could raise suspicions about you. So the best thing to do would be to completely shave before the interview so your story will seem more likely.

    Get Pot Out of Your System Step 7
    Get Pot Out of Your System Step 7

    Step 4. Take advantage of the "holes" in the test detection period

    Each procedure has several "windows" within which it is able to highlight traces of THC or its metabolites. So if you can schedule the test (and / or your marijuana use) so that the time of drug taking falls outside these windows, then you have a better chance of passing the exam (although it's not guaranteed).. Usually, hair tests cannot detect recent weed use because the portion of the hair in which THC is present has not yet emerged from the scalp. The following are the time windows for each type of test, assuming you've only had one use of marijuana.

    • Saliva test: 12-24 hours after taking.
    • Urine test: 1-3 days after taking.
    • Blood test: 1-3 days after taking.
    • Hair test: from 3-5 days after taking it up to 90 days after.
    • Note: for heavy habitual consumers these values cannot be applied.
    Recognize Implantation Bleeding Step 1
    Recognize Implantation Bleeding Step 1

    Step 5. Stop using weed for a while

    If you have no alternative, try to postpone the exam as long as possible. Each additional day helps you lower your THC levels and increases your chances of coming out "clean" of the exam. Even a day or two can make a difference. A study (rather informal, to be honest) has shown that some urine tests, under certain circumstances, give "negative" results even after 24-48 hours.

    Part 3 of 3: Debunking the Myths

    Get Pot Out of Your System Step 9
    Get Pot Out of Your System Step 9

    Step 1. Don't try to "sweat" to expel THC

    As mentioned above, one of the most popular home remedies recommends sweating to detoxify the body, usually with physical activity or the sauna. The reason behind this theory is that since fat cells store THC then the activities that cause fat burning and sweating reduce its levels. There is actually no scientific evidence to support this theory. It is true that training speeds up the metabolism and it might seem logical that in this way the residence times of THC in the body are reduced, but some studies have shown just the opposite and that is that physical activity raises the levels of THC in the blood. in the short term. That's why it's not a good last minute solution at all.

    Get Pot Out of Your System Step 10
    Get Pot Out of Your System Step 10

    Step 2. Don't worry about dieting fat

    As with the previous method, here too a logical connection could be found between the amount of THC and fat disposed of, but there is no supporting evidence.

    Get Pot Out of Your System Step 11
    Get Pot Out of Your System Step 11

    Step 3. Don't spend time and money on "detox products"

    Since there are not a few people looking for a quick fix to pass drug tests, many companies have opportunistically created these "detoxifiers" to make money. These are usually pills or supplements that claim to "cleanse" the body of THC and its metabolites in time for testing. None of these miracle products are backed up by medical-scientific evidence. Any evidence of their effectiveness and any negative drug tests should be considered carried out despite the use of these products and not thanks to these products.

    Get Pot Out of Your System Step 12
    Get Pot Out of Your System Step 12

    Step 4. Don't ruin your hair with shampoos and solutions

    Another urban legend is about specific (and usually very expensive) hair cleaners to eliminate THC. There is no cleaner that can do this. In addition, some "home remedies" involving the preparation of concoctions with various chemicals (such as bleach) are dangerous and can irritate the skin. When you have to get tested, use some common sense and don't rub chemicals on your head, you wouldn't usually do that, right?


    • Try to postpone the test for as long as possible.
    • Do not consume marijuana in any form. You would immediately return positive to a possible test.
