How to Clean Face, Body and Hands Skin

How to Clean Face, Body and Hands Skin
How to Clean Face, Body and Hands Skin

Table of contents:


Many people don't realize that the skin is the largest organ in the body. Its job is to protect the body from infections and germs, so it is essential to take care of it. The best way to help the skin stay in perfect health is to clean it every day, respecting the characteristics and needs of the different parts of the body.


Part 1 of 3: Clean Face Skin

Clean Your Skin Step 1
Clean Your Skin Step 1

Step 1. Find out what your skin type is

The skin changes with the passage of age, especially during the stage of puberty and it is sometimes difficult to orient yourself in the face of the wide range of products available on the market: the options available are countless and you may have doubts about which is best. choose. You need to understand what the characteristics of your skin are in order to identify the most suitable cleanser:

  • Skin normal it is neither too dry nor too oily, has few imperfections and a moderate sensitivity to cosmetics and climatic conditions.
  • Skin greasy it often appears shiny and greasy, even after you've recently washed your face. It is also prone to blemishes and enlarged pores.
  • Skin dry it tends to crack and redden frequently and small wrinkles are more visible.
  • Skin sensitive it is often interpreted as dry, as it tends to appear dehydrated and red. In reality, in this case it is a question of reactions to the use of a wrong ingredient or product.
  • Skin mixed it is characterized by areas where it is oily and others where it is dry or normal. It often happens that the skin is oily in the so-called "T" zone of the face (ie forehead, nose and chin), while in the rest of the face it is dry or normal.
Clean Your Skin Step 2
Clean Your Skin Step 2

Step 2. Wash your hands first

Before you start cleaning your facial skin it is important to wash your hands with warm soapy water to kill germs and remove dirt, otherwise you run the risk of spreading others germs on the skin.

Clean Your Skin Step 3
Clean Your Skin Step 3

Step 3. Wash your face twice a day with warm water and a mild cleanser

Even when the skin looks clean, it likely isn't. It is very important to wash your face every morning and every night before going to sleep, especially if you have a habit of wearing make-up or have acne-prone skin. Remember that:

  • Water that is too hot or too cold can damage the skin, and impurities can get trapped in the pores.
  • The face should be massaged gently, making slow circular movements. Never rub the skin to avoid irritation, redness and to avoid acne.
  • Treat the skin around the eyes with extreme gentleness, as it is even more sensitive and delicate. Plus, keep the cleanser from getting into your eyes.
  • Don't wash your face too often. Even if you have oily skin, you won't fix the situation by cleaning it all the time. By depriving it of sebum, you dehydrate it and push it to produce even more to compensate for the loss, so be careful if you don't want it to be even more oily and impure.
Clean Your Skin Step 4
Clean Your Skin Step 4

Step 4. Evaluate the usefulness of the scrub based on your skin type

Some skin types and imperfections benefit from exfoliation, for example in the presence of sun damage. In other cases, however, such as for those suffering from cystic acne, exfoliating the skin means risking damaging it. Ask a dermatologist for advice for certain answers. If she suggests you scrub, choose a product formulated for your skin type that isn't too aggressive. The choice is wide and includes:

  • Delicate scrubs that contain very small pearls, for example of jojoba, sugar, salt or other exfoliating ingredients of natural origin;
  • Brushes that gently cleanse and exfoliate the face. They can be manual or have an oscillating head and you can use them to apply and make the cleanser or scrub more effective;
  • Beauty masks that contain mild acids, such as alpha hydroxy acids and beta hydroxy acids, which remove dead cells from the surface of the skin. Although these acids are milder than others, be very careful if you choose this option and read the instructions for use carefully.
Clean Your Skin Step 5
Clean Your Skin Step 5

Step 5. Rinse your face thoroughly after using the cleanser or scrub

Remove up to the last residue of product by spraying the leather with plenty of hot water or use a clean microfibre cloth. Make sure you have completely eliminated the cleanser or scrub to avoid clogging the pores, fueling acne, or irritating the skin.

Clean Your Skin Step 6
Clean Your Skin Step 6

Step 6. Pat your face dry with a soft, clean towel

Never use the same towel you use to dry your hands or body. Especially the one where you dry your hands could be dirt and new bacteria could transfer to clean facial skin. Also, remember to dab it gently, without rubbing: the skin of the face should always be treated gently.

Clean Your Skin Step 7
Clean Your Skin Step 7

Step 7. Moisturize the skin

Apply a moisturizer to your dry face. Many people skip this step, yet it is crucial to use a moisturizer formulated for your skin type after washing your face. Moisturizers seal moisture within pores that would otherwise evaporate leaving the skin dehydrated. During the winter months, you may need to reapply the product or use a richer formula.

Part 2 of 3: Cleansing the Skin of the Body

Clean Your Skin Step 8
Clean Your Skin Step 8

Step 1. Take a shower or bath every day with hot water

In addition to removing dirt and oils that can cause acne, showering or bathing every day helps eliminate odor-causing bacteria. The water doesn't have to be boiling, so as not to deprive the skin of its vital oils, but it must be warmer than the one you use to wash your face to be able to kill the bacteria.

Clean Your Skin Step 9
Clean Your Skin Step 9

Step 2. Cleanse your skin safely

Like when you wash your face, it is important that your hands are clean and also that the products used to clean the body are hygienic. Soaps and bubble baths are safe, while sponges, gloves and microfiber cloths are not, especially those used in sharing with other people. Each family member must have and use their own products, as well as wash or replace them often.

Clean Your Skin Step 10
Clean Your Skin Step 10

Step 3. Exfoliate your skin once a week, paying particular attention to areas where acne tends to occur

Since the skin of the body releases more sebum and sweat than that of the face, it is advisable to invest in a scrub to be used once a week. Apply it using a washcloth or sponge and make gentle, circular movements, focusing especially on the areas preferred by acne, such as the chest, neck and back.

Do not overuse the scrub, otherwise the acne may worsen rather than improve and the skin may become irritated

Clean Your Skin Step 11
Clean Your Skin Step 11

Step 4. Pat your skin dry with a clean towel, then apply a moisturizer

The skin of the body is less delicate than that of the face, nevertheless it is important that the towel is clean. Stay in the warm, humid environment of the bathroom and pat dry until your skin is only slightly damp, then apply a moisturizer all over your body before changing rooms. The vapor in the air helps the skin stay hydrated longer as the moisturizer penetrates the pores while they are still open.

Part 3 of 3: Wash Your Hands

Clean Your Skin Step 12
Clean Your Skin Step 12

Step 1. Hands should be washed thoroughly and often

The skin of the hands should be cleansed several times a day so as not to put your own health and that of others at risk. Germs are everywhere and some can be very dangerous, so it's important to wash your hands often to avoid getting sick, especially:

  • After using the bathroom or changing your baby's diaper;
  • After playing outdoors;
  • Before and after visiting a sick person;
  • After blowing your nose or coughing, especially if you are sick
  • Before eating, serving or cooking any food;
  • When the hands are visibly dirty.
Clean Your Skin Step 13
Clean Your Skin Step 13

Step 2. Use warm water and a mild soap

You can use an antibacterial soap if you prefer, but regular soap is sufficient; what matters is to use it every time you wash your hands. If you wash them only with water they can to seem clean, while still covered in germs. This rule must be applied both when you are away from home and at home, as germs and bacteria are present everywhere.

Clean Your Skin Step 14
Clean Your Skin Step 14

Step 3. Clean every inch of the surface of your hands

Don't just swipe the soap back and forth across your palms. In order for the skin to be truly clean, it is also essential to lather the back of the hands, the space between the fingers, the nails (above and below) and the wrists. You should lather your hands for at least 20 seconds.

Clean Your Skin Step 15
Clean Your Skin Step 15

Step 4. Depending on where you are, dry your hands with paper or a clean towel

If you are in your bathroom or at a friend's house, make sure the towel is clean. If you are in a public place, use the paper one and throw it only when you are out of the bathroom so you don't have to grab the exit handle with your bare hands. A staggering number of people don't wash their hands after using the bathroom, so those handles are covered in a lot of germs.

Clean Your Skin Step 16
Clean Your Skin Step 16

Step 5. Apply hand moisturizer as needed

It is not necessary to use it every time you wash your hands, but you must keep in mind that they can crack like any other area of the body. Always keep a moisturizer specifically formulated for the hands in your bag; basically, these are less fat products that are absorbed faster than the others. It is important to always have soft and clean hands.


  • When buying a new product, test it on the inside of the wrist or elbow to rule out possible unwanted reactions. Notice if your skin becomes red or irritated in the next 24 hours. In case of sensitivity or allergy, do not use it anymore.
  • Change the pillowcases, sheets, towels, sponges and cloths you use to wash yourself frequently, as they hide dead cells and bacteria that can make your skin blemished, irritated and acne-prone.
  • Introduce the use of toner and masks into your daily beauty routine. Do your research to find out which products are best for your skin type. Among the masks, there are those with clay or gel, while the tonics are divided into astringent, refreshing, purifying etc.
  • Wash any items that come into regular contact with your face, such as your mobile phone and eyeglasses or sunglasses, to prevent sebum and bacteria from dirtying the skin around your nose, eyes and mouth.
  • If acne on your body doesn't heal even though you regularly take care of your skin, try wearing less tight clothing. If the skin does not breathe, it can become irritated and impure.
  • Keep a small pack of hand sanitizer gel in your bag; it is a very useful product when you don't have soap and water available.


  • If your skin becomes irritated or hot or itchy while washing your face, body or hands, stop using that product right away and tell an adult. Check what the ingredients are to assess which substances you may be allergic to or very sensitive to.
  • Do not wash your face with shampoo or hand soap as they contain very harsh ingredients that can damage the delicate skin on your face.
