3 Ways To Tell Your Parents You Smoke Marijuana

3 Ways To Tell Your Parents You Smoke Marijuana
3 Ways To Tell Your Parents You Smoke Marijuana

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Being honest with your family is important. If you want to tell your parents that you smoke marijuana, you should first consider a few things: why you want to say it, why marijuana is important to you, and how they will react. Thanks to preparation and research, you can easily show them that smoking weed, if done responsibly, is a safe and enjoyable activity.


Method 1 of 3: Prepare for Discussion

Tell Your Parents You Smoke Marijuana Step 1
Tell Your Parents You Smoke Marijuana Step 1

Step 1. Ask your parents introductory questions to assess their position on marijuana

When talking about this drug, do they make positive or negative comments about it? When you mentioned that a friend of yours uses it, how did they react? Try to lead the conversation on the subject naturally and let your parents talk and reflect on the opinion they have about weed, before confessing to them that you smoke. Here are some ideas:

  • "I have heard that the government is considering the legalization of marijuana this year …".
  • “It's amazing how much marijuana has become more accepted in the last 5-10 years…”.
  • "When you were little, did you ever imagine that people would have the opportunity to buy weed in a store?"
Tell Your Parents You Smoke Marijuana Step 2
Tell Your Parents You Smoke Marijuana Step 2

Step 2. Think about your reasons for smoking marijuana and the benefits you derive from this habit

Your best bet is to be honest, even if the reason you smoke is simply because you like it. Almost all people use weed for medicinal or recreational purposes. Consider what your motivation is, so that you communicate effectively with your parents and don't just say “I like it”. Here are some of the most common reasons for smoking:

  • Helps relieve anxiety and stress.
  • Stimulate creativity.
  • Relieves chronic pain.
Tell Your Parents You Smoke Marijuana Step 3
Tell Your Parents You Smoke Marijuana Step 3

Step 3. Consider your state's cannabis use laws

Do you live in a country where weed is legal, where you can only buy it for medical reasons or where it is completely prohibited? It is very important to consider this when talking to your parents, as their first concern will almost always be legality. At the moment, for example, in the United States 25 states plus the Washington D. C. district. have legalized marijuana in some form, [1]. In the following states, the herb is completely legal for adults:

  • Colorado.
  • Washington.
  • Oregon.
  • Alaska.
  • Washington DC.
Tell Your Parents You Smoke Marijuana Step 4
Tell Your Parents You Smoke Marijuana Step 4

Step 4. Find out if marijuana possession has been decriminalized in your state

Even if you don't live in a country where buying weed is legal, you can always explain to your parents that owning it is not a crime. This means that the police have the ability to confiscate the drugs in your possession, but they cannot arrest you unless you carry more marijuana than is allowed for personal use. In the worst case scenario, you will receive a fine. In many states where weed has not been legalized, this measure has been taken to demonstrate to citizens that punishing marijuana smokers is not a priority for the authorities.

At this address you can find the complete list of states where marijuana has been decriminalized

Tell Your Parents You Smoke Marijuana Step 5
Tell Your Parents You Smoke Marijuana Step 5

Step 5. Ask yourself what you want to achieve from the conversation with your parents

Knowing why you want to confess your habit to your parents will give you the courage to speak up and help you choose the right words. Do you just want to be honest with them or do you want to get permission to smoke in their presence? Do you need help getting a medical certificate or do you want to make your choices known before being embarrassingly discovered?

What prompts you to tell your parents the truth? You should confess to them why. Whatever the answer is, by letting them understand that it was important for you to talk about it, you will demonstrate sincerity and trust in them

Tell Your Parents You Smoke Marijuana Step 6
Tell Your Parents You Smoke Marijuana Step 6

Step 6. Find a quiet, calm time when everyone is in a good mood

There is no reason to talk when the tension is high or when your parents are busy. Be patient and wait for the arrival of a moment of calm, for example after dinner, in which everyone is in a good mood and you are sure you can conduct a civilized and less stressful conversation.

Of course, if you get caught in the act, you won't have a chance to wait. After a few days, when the anger has passed, you can reopen the discussion to explain yourself better

Write a Musical Step 2
Write a Musical Step 2

Step 7. Research current trends regarding the legality and acceptance of marijuana

New cannabis studies emerge every week, and almost all of them are positive. Current restrictions on marijuana stem from its classification as a Class 1 drug, which equates it to substances such as heroin and cocaine, even banning scientists from conducting research on it. Some international studies are trying to dispel this taboo and to arrive at a reclassification of cannabis as a less dangerous substance. Before talking to your parents, do an internet search for the latest news.

Method 2 of 3: Talk to Your Parents

Tell Your Parents You Smoke Marijuana Step 8
Tell Your Parents You Smoke Marijuana Step 8

Step 1. Begin by confessing that you smoke and explaining why it is important to you

Approach the problem without considering it a matter of state. Remember that even if your parents disagree, marijuana is completely legal in some states, has never overdosed, and is not addictive. Your revelation won't change your life, so speak lightly from the first few sentences so your parents don't think they need to worry.

  • "I wanted to talk to you about something before you find out for yourself and I'm sure you will listen to me."
  • "It's nothing serious, but I wanted to let you know that I occasionally use marijuana."
  • "I know you want me to make only wise decisions and I wanted to tell you a little about the reasons that led me to smoke."
Tell Your Parents You Smoke Marijuana Step 9
Tell Your Parents You Smoke Marijuana Step 9

Step 2. Highlight the scientifically proven beneficial effects of marijuana

Did you know that the National Cancer Society promotes the thesis that marijuana can kill cancer cells? Cannabis has been used successfully to treat insomnia, glaucoma, chronic pain, slow Alzheimer's, reduce and control seizures, increase creativity. Like many other plants in the world, marijuana has surprising medical effects that we are only now starting to discover.

Because marijuana research is relatively new, different studies emerge every day. From time to time, Google "marijuana studies" and look for more concrete evidence to support your thesis

Tell Your Parents You Smoke Marijuana Step 10
Tell Your Parents You Smoke Marijuana Step 10

Step 3. Explain to your parents how marijuana has no long-term consequences

This drug has been taboo for years not because of its dangerousness, but because it was not well known. However, the most recent studies have shown that it has very few negative side effects and that chronic use does not cause any long-term health problems, other than a slight predisposition to diseases affecting the gums. Introduce your parents to these facts and show them the articles that support your words (read “Sources and Quotes” below), in order to dispel all their doubts about the negative effects on your health.

There is hardly any case in the world of death attributed to marijuana and this drug has no known effect on the death rate

Tell Your Parents You Smoke Marijuana Step 11
Tell Your Parents You Smoke Marijuana Step 11

Step 4. Remind your parents that tobacco and alcohol are much more dangerous and more addictive than marijuana

If you only use cannabis for recreational purposes, it won't be easy to get your parents to accept it. However, smoking marijuana is a safe pastime when compared to other "acceptable" recreational substances, such as alcohol or tobacco and is also not addictive.

  • There is no evidence that marijuana use causes an increase in the crime rate. Alcohol, on the other hand, is associated with 40% of all violent crimes in the United States.
  • While tobacco use reduces lung capacity, marijuana use has been shown to increase lung capacity.
Tell Your Parents You Smoke Marijuana Step 12
Tell Your Parents You Smoke Marijuana Step 12

Step 5. Point out to your parents that marijuana is not an obstacle to your life and success

Many parents are worried that weed can make their children lazy, addicted and unintelligent. Scientific studies and empirical evidence, from Steve Jobs to Willy Nelson, show that this is not a well-founded concern. By doing well in school, having a steady job, feeling happy and healthy, you can make your parents realize that marijuana hasn't stopped you from achieving success. Remind them that smoking weed is a recreational practice you enjoy, just like drinking a glass after work.

Tell Your Parents You Smoke Marijuana Step 13
Tell Your Parents You Smoke Marijuana Step 13

Step 6. Show your parents that marijuana is addictive only in very rare cases

According to Scientific American, only 9% of weed users show symptoms of cannabis addiction and very few of these people are "drug addicts". Remind your parents that you like smoking because it helps you relax and feel better, not because you can't do without it. This is an important distinction, which shows that you have thought about the potential risks to your health.

Tell Your Parents You Smoke Marijuana Step 14
Tell Your Parents You Smoke Marijuana Step 14

Step 7. Tell your parents that using marijuana no longer means smoking joints

Many people of past generations are unaware of the new scientific and fun ways of growing and enjoying marijuana. From sweets to vaporizers that fit in your pocket, the image of the addict with red eyes who coughs is slowly fading. Furthermore, advances in production techniques have led to tangible benefits, making cannabis use a much less dangerous and frightening activity.

  • Greater control over the species produced has led to the specific medical use of marijuana and to more precise states of alteration, which target particular ailments. An example is the use of the Charlotte's Web strain in the treatment of childhood seizures.
  • Vaporizers, foods (with added marijuana) and even topical sprays allow people to reach an altered state without inhaling smoke.
  • Taxes on marijuana bring millions into the coffers of states where it is legalized that were previously the preserve of traffickers.
Tell Your Parents You Smoke Marijuana Step 15
Tell Your Parents You Smoke Marijuana Step 15

Step 8. Let your parents ask you questions, talk and give their opinion

Do not try to interrupt them and do not have the impression that you have to prepare a perfect written speech to get their approval. Instead, try to have a pleasant conversation with them, taking the time to listen quietly and politely to their point of view. Never interrupt them, even if you have to say something important. During the conversation it is more important that you create a relationship of trust and sincerity with them, rather than you say the "right" things.

  • Ask them if they have ever smoked marijuana. In that case, why did they do it? Why did they stop?
  • If they want to know what, why, or how you smoke, answer truthfully. If they get the impression that you are hiding something, they will think that you are hiding a secret that you do not want to reveal.

Method 3 of 3: Managing the Consequences

Tell Your Parents You Smoke Marijuana Step 16
Tell Your Parents You Smoke Marijuana Step 16

Step 1. Consider that it will take some time for your parents to fully accept your habit

At the very least, they will need time to see you in a new light. Now that they know that you smoke marijuana, they may be staring at you for a few days, trying to figure out if you are in an altered state. Continue to behave normally and kindly and they will understand that nothing has changed except that they are aware of what you are doing.

Most parents still today believe that smoking marijuana is dangerous and a serious problem. They will need time to understand that this is not the case

Tell Your Parents You Smoke Marijuana Step 17
Tell Your Parents You Smoke Marijuana Step 17

Step 2. Whatever your parents' reaction, don't let marijuana take over your life

This drug is rarely addictive, so it shouldn't be hard to contain. That said, cannabis use will become the first scapegoat if you don't show up for work, don't do your homework, or waste all your money on weed. Your parents love you, take care of you and want to see you succeed. If they felt (rightly or wrongly) that marijuana is jeopardizing your future, they would approach the issue with much more rigidity.

  • Even if your relatives don't have a problem with your habit, you shouldn't flaunt it or smoke when you wake up every day. They won't like it if you always smell like weed.
  • Show your parents that you can be productive when you are in an altered state by doing housework, cooking, working on one of your hobbies, or exercising. Don't stay on the couch all day and they will have no reason to get angry.
Tell Your Parents You Smoke Marijuana Step 18
Tell Your Parents You Smoke Marijuana Step 18

Step 3. Respect negative reactions politely and don't argue with your parents, as you can only make the situation worse

If they don't react well to the conversation, resist the temptation to attack. This would invite them to do the same, leading to unpredictable consequences and great tension within the family. If they do not seem to accept your position, remind them that you did not make your choice lightly and that you have thoroughly researched. By always recalling the facts and statistics you can prevent the discussion from turning into a fight you cannot win, based on your opinions.
