Fluid in the ears, or effusive otitis media (OME), is a more common condition among children under 2 years of age. Despite this, this disorder can affect people of any age. Fluid usually develops as a result of healing from otitis media. Often children are disturbed by the liquid left in their ears due to the shortness of their Eustachian tubes. Forming part of the middle ear, these channels drain fluids from the ear to the throat. In young children, Eustachian tubes may develop more horizontally, favoring the onset of OME. Swollen adenoids can block the tubes, causing fluid to reflux that cannot drain properly.

Step 1. Choose the wait approach and you will see
Often, your own defenses are able to fight the infection of the central part of the ear by being able to eliminate the liquid on its own.

Step 2. Try ear drops or put 2 drops of alcohol in your ear
Alcohol promotes the drying of liquids. This is a commonly used remedy for removing water from the ears after swimming.

Step 3. Remove earwax to allow for proper drainage of fluids

Step 4. Consult your doctor
If after 2 or 3 days, the ear infection and fluid are still present, contact your doctor and consider taking a specific antibiotic or decongestant. Generally, an antibiotic will clear the infection and fluid build-up within a few days.

Step 5. Place a hot water bottle, or warm compress, on your ear
Sometimes it can be an effective method of draining fluids in the ear. But make sure you don't use excessive heat.

Step 6. Visit an otolaryngologist if infection or fluid build-up persists
If your child has a chronic ear infection that causes fluid to continue, a specialist may recommend surgery to insert tympanostomy tubes into the eardrum membrane. During the surgery, the surgeon will place the tube into the eardrum through a small incision. The process should allow for complete drainage of fluids within the next few weeks
Step 7. Consult a chiropractor
Through chiropractic techniques, such as massage of the palate or manual treatment of the ear, neck and jaw, the chiropractor can promote the drainage of fluids from the ear.
- Symptoms of otitis in children and infants can include sleep disturbances, a tendency to pinch the ears, crying, fluid in the ears, fever, headache, and hearing or balance problems.
- Most people's bodies produce enough earwax. In case of deficiency, however, the ears can become dry and itchy making you more prone to ear infections.
- If there is pus or blood leaking from the ear, consult a doctor immediately.
- Never feed your baby while he is lying down, keeping him upright can prevent annoying ear infections.
- Don't smoke and stay away from secondhand smoke and pollution, they can cause ear infections.