People often find themselves with water in their ears after a swim or bath, particularly in the summer months. While water in your ears can be a simple nuisance, if you don't remove it and if it doesn't drain on its own, it could lead to inflammation, irritation or infection of the external and internal ear canals, also known as "swimmer's ear". Fortunately, it is often easy to remove, thanks to simple methods. If home care is not working and you experience ear pain, it is important to see a doctor right away.
Part 1 of 2: Home Remedies

Step 1. Use a homemade solution with one part isopropyl alcohol and one part white wine vinegar
In addition to promoting the evaporation of water, these drops will also serve to partially prevent infections. Use a dropper to pour several drops of this solution into the affected ear. Then, let it drain well. You could have an adult help you put the drops in your ear.
- The acid in the vinegar dissolves the earwax that could hold water, while the alcohol dries quickly and carries away the water;
- Alcohol will also help make the water evaporate faster;
- This method is particularly effective for those who tend to suffer from swimmer's ear;
- Do not use this method if you have an eardrum perforation.

Step 2. Create a vacuum in your ear
Stand with the affected ear facing down and press the palm of your hand against it for short intervals, until the water begins to flow out. Remember to keep it facing the floor, otherwise you may push the water deeper into the conduit. Thanks to this method, you will create a pneumatic vacuum that will attract water towards the hand.
- Alternatively, stand with your ear facing down, insert your finger into the duct and create the vacuum by pushing and pulling it out quickly. The water should start flowing out very quickly. Note that this is not the preferred solution, as scratches in the ear canal can lead to infection. If the palm method doesn't work and you want to try using your finger, make sure you have a clean finger and short nails.
- During the "in" phase of the suction method it may be helpful to massage the ear in a clockwise circular motion while the air is compressed. This may help soften the earwax so that excess moisture is released.

Step 3. Blow dry your ear
While you may have some doubts about it, this method seems to have worked for some people. Set the hair dryer on minimum power, keep it at least 30cm away from your head and blow into your ear, until you feel the water being removed. Just make sure the air isn't too hot and the blow dryer isn't close enough to burn you.
Alternatively, you can place the hair dryer so that the jet comes cut to the opening of the ear canal, rather than directly into the ear canal. Whenever hot, dry air passes close to water, it transitions it into the gaseous phase in the form of water vapor

Step 4. Use over-the-counter drops to remove water from your ears
They are available in pharmacies and usually contain alcohol, which evaporates quickly. Pour the drops into your ears as recommended and tilt your head down to drain the water.
As with the home solution, you can ask an adult for help to pour the drops into your ear

Step 5. Rub your ear with a cloth
Rub the outer ear slowly and gently with a soft towel or cloth to remove some of the water, pointing the ear down. Just make sure you don't push the cloth into your ear, or you could push the water even deeper.

Step 6. Tilt your head slightly to the side
Another method you can try is to stand on one foot and tilt your head to the side to point the affected ear to the ground. Try hopping on one foot to drain the water. You may find it helpful to pull the earlobe to open the ear canal more, or pull the top of the ear towards your head.
You can also avoid hopping and simply tilt your head to one side

Step 7. Lie on your side with your ear facing down
Gravity could cause the water to drain naturally. Lie with your ear directly on the ground for best results, otherwise use a pillow. Stay in the position for at least a few minutes. You will be able to watch television or find other activities so as not to get bored.
If you notice water in your ears in the evening, be sure to point the affected ear downward when you lie down to sleep. This will increase the chances of draining water while sleeping

Step 8. Chew
Pretend to chew to move the jaw around the ear. Tilt your head sideways to the side with no water, then quickly move it to the other side. You can also try using a chewing gum to clear the ear. Water in the ears gets stuck in the Eustachian tubes, which are part of the inner ear, and by chewing you may release them.
You can try chewing with your head tilted to the water side for better results

Step 9. Yawn
In some cases, you may break the "bubble" of water with a simple yawn. Any movements that can affect the water in the ear can relieve tension and cause it to drain. If you feel a "pop" or a shift of water, this method could have a positive effect. As with chewing gum, this method also helps to clear the Eustachian tubes.

Step 10. See a doctor if necessary
You should see a doctor when you start to feel pain in addition to having water in your ear. Also consider that a middle ear infection can feel like water in the ear, and this is a condition that needs to be treated. There is a good chance, however, that the pain that accompanies the presence of water is a symptom of the swimmer's ear. If you have the following symptoms, you should see a doctor right away:
- Yellow, yellow green, pus-like or smelly excretions from the ear.
- Ear pains that increase when you pull the outer ear.
- Loss of hearing
- Itching of the ear canal or ear.
Part 2 of 2: Preventing Future Problems

Step 1. Dry your ears after swimming
After being in the water, for swimming in the sea, in the pool or after taking a bath or shower, you should be careful to dry your ears. Remove the water from the outside of the ears with a clean cloth, and also blot the area near the ear canal. Be sure to tilt your head to one side and the other to remove excess water from your ears.
It is true that some people are more vulnerable to water in their ears than others, since this depends a lot on the shape of the ear. If you often have water in your ear, you should be especially careful

Step 2. Avoid using cotton swabs to clean your ears
While you may think that a cotton swab can help clear your ears, these tools actually have the opposite effect, and can push earwax and water deeper into the ear. They can also scratch the inside of the ears, causing pain.
- Even using a tissue to clean the inside of your ears can scratch your ears.
- You can use a few drops of mineral oil to soften the earwax if necessary. If you need to clean the outside of your ear, gently wipe with a damp cloth.

Step 3. Avoid using ear plugs or putting cotton balls in your ears when there is water in them
Using these items while you sleep can have a similar effect to cotton buds if a substance gets stuck in your ears. If you suffer from ear pain or feel like there is water in them, avoid using these items for now.
You should also avoid using headphones until the pain subsides
- Don't scratch the inside of your ears or you could cause an infection.
- Be careful not to damage your ears.
- You can find a product with 95% alcohol specific to remove water from the ears.
- Blow your nose. The change in pressure will often solve the problem.
- Pour a cup of isopropyl alcohol into the ear with water, with that side of the head facing up. Then tilt your head so that your ear is facing down. The water should come out right away.
- Do not insert foreign bodies into your ear canal. Cotton swabs and other items only serve to push the material deeper into the duct and can damage the skin, causing infections.
- If none of these methods work, consult a doctor.
- Isopropyl alcohol is for local use only and should not be ingested at all. If this happens, call 118 immediately.
- Isopropyl alcohol can give a momentary burning sensation when it comes in contact with your skin.
- Be careful not to lose your balance when jumping on one foot. Cling to a chair or railing to stabilize yourself.
- These methods will likely cause water and ear wax to leak out of your ears. Be careful not to let them land on surfaces and fabrics that could get stained!