Follow the steps in the recipe and fry your rib eye steak in a pan, no other cooking method will delight your palate as much.
1 or 2 (280 - 340 g) Ribs of Beef
4 butter nuts
1 tablespoon of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
60 ml of Wine of your choice
Pan Fry a Ribeye Steak Step 1
Step 1. Remove the meat from the refrigerator early, it should reach room temperature
Pan Fry a Ribeye Steak Step 2
Step 2. Pour the oil and 2 knobs of butter into a medium sized hot pan (preferably cast iron)
Wait for the butter to melt completely.
Pan Fry a Ribeye Steak Step 3
Step 3. Season the rib eye steak to your taste, for example with salt, pepper, herbs, etc
Pan Fry a Ribeye Steak Step 4
Step 4. Return the steak to the pan and cook on both sides
For medium cooking (63 ° C) it will take about 3 - 5 minutes on each side.
Pan Fry a Ribeye Steak Step 5
Step 5. Deglaze the remaining sugars at the bottom of the pan to form a thick, flavorful sauce
Pour the remaining wine and butter into the hot pan, reduce the sauce until it reaches the desired consistency.
Pan Fry a Ribeye Steak Step 6
Step 6. Let the meat rest for 5 minutes, then serve it with the sauce
Pan Fry a Ribeye Steak Step 7
Step 7. Serve with a side of vegetables or baked potatoes
Enjoy your meal!
The sauce adds flavor and creaminess to the recipe, making it irresistible.
Of course, you can omit the addition of the sauce and enjoy the intense and great flavor of the meat. Alternatively you can also use a different sauce of your choice.
Deep frying is very simple to do, and allows you to cook all those foods that you would otherwise have had to buy pre-cooked. You can also control the amount of fat and sodium that ends up in your food, making it healthier than fast food. Donuts, tempura, falafel, chicken, french fries… Aren't you hungry?
Frying in a pan is a cooking technique that involves cooking food in hot oil in a high-bottomed pan. You can make virtually any ingredient this way, from vegetables to meat, including fish. There are a few different methods; it can be fried in a pan, using medium heat and a little oil to cook whole meats and vegetables.
Skipping a food means cooking it in a small amount of hot fat, making sure it doesn't stick to the bottom of the pan with quick movements that literally "jump". The term originally comes from the French word "sauter". Skipping a food in a pan allows us to brown it, sauté it and seal the juices inside.
The rib is a steak that is obtained from the side of the bovine. It can be cooked easily in several ways, but many prefer to grill it in the oven or brown it in a pan. The preparation is simple and, if done well, guarantees a tasty result. You can accompany the rib eye steak with fried potatoes, roast or your favorite vegetables for a delicious and complete meal.
Being marbled, the rib eye steak is a very tasty cut of meat. To cook it properly in the oven, you need to make some preparations first. The secret to getting a nice crust? Sear the steak using the oven or by combining oven and hob. To complete the dish and make it even tastier, you can add different ingredients during preparation.