How to make a marriage proposal to your boyfriend

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How to make a marriage proposal to your boyfriend
How to make a marriage proposal to your boyfriend

Proposing marriage to your boyfriend can be difficult due to the cultural traditions rooted in our society for hundreds of years according to which the man should be the one to woo the woman and eventually ask her for her hand.

Nowadays, however, many women feel the need to propose and commit when they are sure they have met the right man. How do you get around one of the most ancient rites of civilization to win the man of your dreams? Take a deep breath and get ready!


Step 1. When you decide to take this step, you need to be comfortable

Today, there is no reason to stop a woman from proposing to a man. Maybe you feel inhibited by your fairytale vision of life, you worry about his feelings or you just have to find the courage to take risks and face any rejection.

You need to be absolutely sure that they are the right person, but you also need to be prepared to make an important commitment before embarking on this project. Do you know how your life could change following this decision? Do you think you will feel satisfied?


Step 2. Evaluate the chances of your boyfriend making the offer to you

Before you take the plunge, you need to figure out if he's going to ask you for your hand. Try to spot the following signs with your investigative flair:

  • How long have your been together? The chances of him wanting to propose to you are directly proportional to the time you spent together.
  • What do you respond to when you say you would like to be with him forever? Notice his reaction, or maybe he's thinking about a future together.
  • Has he been a little flustered lately and maybe he's shown an interest in other people's marriages? Maybe she suddenly decided to save some money, or did she humor you by wondering what you were reading in the bridal magazine you found in a store?
  • Has he started spending more time with you than with his friends? Does he seem a little agitated when your friends are around?
  • You caught him rummaging in your jewelry box.
  • He suddenly seems more inclined to spend time with your family.
  • Unexpectedly he organized a trip even if it is not from him. He may have prepared everything to make you the proposal!

Step 3. If your boyfriend reacts well to talks about a future together, talks about it of his own accord, or all the "signs" seem to suggest that the proposal is imminent, you can decide to move forward with your plan knowing that you are on the way. right

You may also decide to wait for him to ask for your hand, but this article is designed to motivate you to take action, so don't feel like you have to wait. On the other hand, if you have the feeling that he is not ready to commit to building a future together, it would be better to investigate a little more; however, the proposal is the only sure way to put all the cards on the table!


Step 4. You must respect his feelings

The modern approach has upset everything, yet the traditional conception of the marriage proposal is still very widespread. Therefore, try to be understanding of men who would feel embarrassed if the woman were to make the proposal. It doesn't matter if he's a sports fanatic or a geek: a lot of men don't appreciate having the woman make the marriage proposal. What you need to ask yourself is: Is your boyfriend open-minded enough to like such a gesture?

  • Test the ground by telling him about a fictitious colleague or friend who would make the proposal to her current husband. Evaluate their reaction to the story and your opinion; also, try to figure out what his opinion is on the matter with vague questions and statements. You will be able to get a better idea based on his reactions.
  • Know that many men appreciate a "nudge" like this and actually need it to shake up a long relationship or to transition from cohabitation to marriage.

Step 5. Are you open-minded enough to do this?

Forget about seeing your boyfriend on his knees. He will not save money to choose the perfect diamond for the engagement ring. And there won't be any romantic gestures that would make you feel pampered and flattered. Are you really sure you want to give up on all this? If not, forget about this project!

  • You won't be bothered when people ask you "Where did he make you the proposal?" or "How did he ask you to marry him?"? You will have to explain the situation to traditionalists several times, so be prepared to use a bit of humor to ease the tension too!
  • If you are a woman who lives life extravagantly and tradition doesn't bother you because you know exactly what you want, you can also skip this step. You always know what's right for you, so do it!

Step 6. Be careful not to overdo the talk about a future commitment, as your boyfriend may understand that something is brewing

It may not seem obvious at first, but kids can tell right away when there is a hint of a long-term commitment. If so, you should get some clear signals from your boyfriend and you will be able to figure out if this is the right time to think about such a commitment. This step will help you determine if you should propose to him or not.


Step 7. Organize everything you need for the marriage proposal

It's all in your hands - it's up to you to create a wonderful, surprising and most romantic atmosphere possible. Here are some things to consider:

  • Where are you going to propose to him? In his favorite park, or where he likes to observe the sea? Maybe on a yacht, on a picnic or a walk to a particular place? Choose a place that is important to both of you and where no one will interrupt or disturb you.
  • Avoid doing something that conflicts with your character. Organize the proposal letting your personality shine through, because that's exactly what he loves about you.
  • Do not start with the proposal you would like to receive, organizing something that only you will like. He's a man, so the flowers and candlelight dinner won't have much of an effect on him. Think about everything that excites him and make the proposal special for him.
  • Is there any kind of recurring joke between you that you could use to add special meaning to that moment?
  • In this case, the ring is not essential. If she says yes, you can choose their respective engagement rings together like a true modern couple. Some women, however, prefer to offer a symbolic ring, perhaps making it from the lid of a can. Choose what you prefer taking into consideration his inclinations.
Frontispiece of Love Lyrics ~ William B. Dyer
Frontispiece of Love Lyrics ~ William B. Dyer

Step 8. Think about the speech to make

There is no real rule to follow, there is no right or wrong proposal. All that matters is expressing your love; you must reveal to him in detail what are the things that you find irresistible and that make you want to spend the rest of your life with him. Talk to him about your future, letting him know that the most important thing for you is having him by your side. Describe your vision of your life together.

You better be brief. He'll likely be very surprised, so be concise to make things easier for both of you

Sweet Sunset Huggin '@ Pokai Bay Beach Park
Sweet Sunset Huggin '@ Pokai Bay Beach Park

Step 9. Make him the marriage proposal

You will be agitated, because there is always a risk of receiving a negative response. You need to prepare for this eventuality by developing a polite response to use in case of rejection. In any case, if you have interpreted all the signs correctly, the answer is likely to be yes.

  • Let yourself be guided by the heart. It can be useful to prepare the speech in advance and repeat it several times, but it is good to let yourself be guided by spontaneity.
  • Admit you're a little flustered. Seeing you so vulnerable, he will think that you are very sweet and will understand that you needed a lot of courage to step forward.

Step 10. Now is the time to celebrate

Prepare something special for the yes, like a bottle of champagne or take it somewhere important to both of you.

If you receive a rejection or need time to think about it, accept his response gracefully. If I show you angry or cold, they will think they have made the right decision. Tell him you're willing to wait


  • Understanding the right moment to make the proposal is a question that has haunted humanity for centuries. It is not possible to deal with this point in a single article. Use your heart, your observation skills and evaluate the status of the relationship to understand when it is time to make the proposal.
  • Make sure you don't create an awkward situation. While some guys would love to receive the proposal, others would be uncomfortable. Find out what your boyfriend thinks.
  • Sometimes, when you are very much in love, there is the temptation to make the proposal suddenly, without planning anything, in a moment of extreme happiness. It might work if you've discussed this earlier, but don't rely too heavily on this method. It is always advisable to organize everything down to the smallest detail.
  • If he likes to eat out, take him to his favorite restaurant. If you want a little more privacy, make a candlelit dinner at home by cooking her favorite dishes. After dinner, relax with some romantic music and a glass of wine; it will be the perfect time to make him the proposal.
  • For the ring, consider several stores, without obsessing over or assuming they say yes!
