How to Keep Twins in Bed: 15 Steps

How to Keep Twins in Bed: 15 Steps
How to Keep Twins in Bed: 15 Steps

Table of contents:


Putting any baby to bed can be a real challenge, but when it comes to twins, the problems double. Fortunately, there are techniques you can use to keep your kids from getting out of bed, including making their bedroom more welcoming and creating a bedtime routine.


Part 1 of 3: Creating a Quiet Atmosphere

Keep Twin Toddlers in Bed Step 1
Keep Twin Toddlers in Bed Step 1

Step 1. Try to get the twins to sleep together

Some babies sleep better in the same bed because they can talk and play until they fall asleep. You can try getting them to sleep together or apart, however - figure out which of these solutions seems to work best for your little ones.

A disadvantage of letting them sleep separately is that they may try to look for each other, unable to fall asleep

Keep Twin Toddlers in Bed Step 2
Keep Twin Toddlers in Bed Step 2

Step 2. Make your children's room more welcoming

One thing that definitely helps put your kids to sleep is finding yourself in a sleep-friendly environment. Here's how to get great results in this regard:

  • Lower the blinds so that less light enters the room.
  • Leave a night light if your kids are afraid of the dark.
  • Try to limit the noises and play some relaxing music.
  • Set a moderate temperature; the room should be neither too hot nor too cold. Take into account your children's habits.
Keep Twin Toddlers in Bed Step 3
Keep Twin Toddlers in Bed Step 3

Step 3. Make sure the room is safe for your children

Before putting the little ones to bed, remove or move any items that your twins may be tempted to nibble on at night. Store toys and other objects that could distract them from going to bed, or that could pose a danger if they were to play with them without your supervision.

Cover all electrical outlets to make sure your kids don't get their fingers in them

Keep Twin Toddlers in Bed Step 4
Keep Twin Toddlers in Bed Step 4

Step 4. Buy identical pajamas for your twins

By getting the same pajamas and the same sheets or blankets for both of you, you will prevent them from fighting over each other.

Keep Twin Toddlers in Bed Step 5
Keep Twin Toddlers in Bed Step 5

Step 5. Place a gate in front of the door

It may be tempting to close the door to prevent the children from leaving the room on their own, but by doing so they will not be able to call you in case they need you. Instead, consider putting a tall gate in front of the door so you can check them out and get to them quickly if necessary.

Part 2 of 3: Create a Routine Before Bed

Keep Twin Toddlers in Bed Step 6
Keep Twin Toddlers in Bed Step 6

Step 1. Create a routine for your children

Try to stick to the same routine every night to get the kids to bed in the easiest and most effective way possible. Aspects of the routine to consider include:

  • Brush your teeth and put on your pajamas.
  • The time when children should go to bed.
  • Read them a story, or sing them a lullaby, etc.

    Keep Twin Toddlers in Bed Step 6Bullet3
    Keep Twin Toddlers in Bed Step 6Bullet3
  • Let your kids pick out a toy to take to bed with them every night.
Keep Twin Toddlers in Bed Step 7
Keep Twin Toddlers in Bed Step 7

Step 2. Put the kids to bed

After completing the routine you've created for them, get the kids tucked under the covers, give them a kiss, and tell them you'll be there if they need you. You should also make it clear that it's time to sleep.

Keep Twin Toddlers in Bed Step 8
Keep Twin Toddlers in Bed Step 8

Step 3. Leave the nursery at the same time every night

This should be part of your routine and will help your kids understand that it's time to sleep.

Again, tell them that you will be close, but that they should try to sleep

Keep Twin Toddlers in Bed Step 9
Keep Twin Toddlers in Bed Step 9

Step 4. Tell the children to stay in bed

If the children still get up, explain to them that there will be some consequences if they disobey. Also you can give them a reward if they stay in bed all night.

  • Possible consequences can be taking away the toy they slept with them, or forbidding them to watch their favorite TV show the next day if they don't go to bed.
  • The rewards could be doing something fun the next day, like going to the park or having a treat.
Keep Twin Toddlers in Bed Step 10
Keep Twin Toddlers in Bed Step 10

Step 5. Set limits and go to your children only when absolutely necessary

Your babies will cry a lot especially the first few nights they sleep in the room alone. Don't go to your children right away as soon as they start crying; let them get used to it on their own. If you go to them every time they cry, they'll start crying every night.

  • If they do call you, tell them that you are in your room and that it is time to go to bed.
  • If they say they are thirsty or need to go to the bathroom, only allow them to get up once during the night after you tuck them in.

Part 3 of 3: Being Persistent

Keep Twin Toddlers in Bed Step 11
Keep Twin Toddlers in Bed Step 11

Step 1. Try never to change your children's evening routine

One of the most effective ways to prevent your kids from getting out of bed is to always stick to the routine you have established. After a couple of days or weeks, your babies will adjust to the routine.

Of course, there may still be sporadic evenings when your children will refuse to go to sleep. This is normal

Keep Twin Toddlers in Bed Step 12
Keep Twin Toddlers in Bed Step 12

Step 2. Talk about going to sleep before the time comes

Tell your children why it is important to sleep at night. Talking with your children about going to sleep before bedtime will help them get used to the idea.

This can also be a good time to discuss the rewards and consequences of staying in bed or not staying in bed

Keep Twin Toddlers in Bed Step 13
Keep Twin Toddlers in Bed Step 13

Step 3. Give the children a picture book to look at the pictures

You could give him a book to look at together. While picture books are engaging, they are likely to make little ones sleepy.

Keep Twin Toddlers in Bed Step 14
Keep Twin Toddlers in Bed Step 14

Step 4. Get them to do plenty of physical activity throughout the day

Try to get your kids tired by letting them run around and have fun. The more they squirm, the more tired they will be and will want to sleep in the evening. Don't let them spend too much time in front of the TV because watching it doesn't help children get their energy out.

  • Take your kids to the park.
  • Teach them a sport.
  • Let your kids run around the yard.
Keep Twin Toddlers in Bed Step 15
Keep Twin Toddlers in Bed Step 15

Step 5. Reduce the length of your afternoon nap or eliminate it completely

To keep your kids sleepy in the evening, you need to get them to sleep less during the day. If your children are very lively, it may be a good idea to completely eliminate the afternoon nap.

Instead of napping, let them play, so they can let their energy out


  • Don't punish your children before putting them to bed; this may make them think that going to bed is a punishment.
  • Reassure your children if they have nightmares.
  • Don't give your babies too much sugar before bedtime.
