Increasing your public speaking skills is an achievable goal, especially after learning the methods that can help you deliver a great speech with confidence. The article's advice is as simple as it is effective, seeing is believing!
Method 1 of 1: Public Speaking Confidently

Step 1. During rehearsals, practice speaking towards the hall, as if the audience were there to listen to you
In front of your audience you wouldn't stop wondering how to continue, wouldn't you? Put yourself under pressure, how you practice is how you will finish your speech.

Step 2. Avoid the temptation to speak in front of a mirror or a video camera (they will distract you) and focus your energy on the present moment

Step 3. Practice talking with friends or family

Step 4. Prepare a good speech
It should consist of:
- an introduction
- 3 valid central points;
- a summary (conclusion)

Step 5. Don't try to tackle too many problems at once
Also, don't stray from the central theme.

Step 6. Before speaking, think carefully
Use silence, it can prove to be a good ally and draw the public's attention to your next words. Don't be intimidated by moments of silence.

Step 7. Practice several beforehand
In the case of a speech or presentation, practice as much as possible so that the words take on a life of their own and come out more easily.

Step 8. Focus on one person
If possible, practice in her presence, you will feel more comfortable and will feel like you are simply talking to her.

Step 9. Connect with your audience
Use emotions and gestures to intensify a specific point, but without exaggerating, use common sense

Step 10. Don't look people directly in the eye
Look at their foreheads or at a point behind the audience, just above the heads of those present. This way you won't get distracted.

Step 11. Don't make assumptions
Just because the audience isn't smiling or nodding doesn't mean they're not paying attention or appreciating your speech. Sometimes people don't show their encouragement through gestures and expressions, so don't look for it. At the end of your performance, the intensity of the applause will convey the level of appreciation achieved.

Step 12. Don't get confused
Try to speak fluently.

Step 13. By speaking fluently you will convey a feeling of security and accuracy
- Avoid trying to fill in silences using expressions like "uh", "um", etc. Silence will make you appear reflective, even when in reality you are just nervous. Learn to use it to your advantage, without being terrified of it. Pause, breathe and collect your thoughts, without fear of appearing uncertain to your audience. Remembering not to say "um …" may not be easy, but if you can get a mindset that isn't against silences, everything will become more natural. Practice.
- Try to look behind the audience, it will appear that you are making eye contact even if you are not.
- Listen and watch great speakers to find out what makes them successful.
- Breathe. Most casual speakers forget to breathe while speaking. Before taking the stage, take deep breaths to calm your heart rate and prevent subsequent additional fatigue.
- Your thinking is faster than the understanding of others. When you speak, do it at a pace that appears very slow to you, it will be the correct one.
- Practice whenever you can, whenever you have the opportunity to speak in front of an audience, large or small.
- Approach the audience to show your self-confidence.
- Take care of your look to look interesting and to increase your self-confidence. Use gestures and facial expressions to illustrate your speech. Move slightly across the stage.
- Say the words clearly, your audience can focus on the content of your speech rather than trying to decipher what it means.
- Don't be embarrassed about your mistakes. A good speaker is able to overcome difficulties.
- Keep track of the rhythm of your words and, if necessary, stop and breathe. A little break will only be noticed by you.
- Use the pitch of your voice to spice up and make your speech interesting, a flat and regular tone could appear boring and monotonous.
- Do not rush.
- Try not to repeat yourself.
- Don't hide behind the podium.
- Don't take too long breaks.
- Don't keep your hands in your pockets.
- Don't look down.
- Don't grumble.
- Don't point your finger at the audience.
- Don't chew.