How to Speak in Public: 9 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Speak in Public: 9 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Speak in Public: 9 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


If you like to overcome your shyness and often speak in public, read this article to find some tips on how to do it. Whether you're talking to a few friends, raising your hand to speak in class, or speaking in an interview, it's always a great idea to share your thoughts or just "speak out loud"! This has no meaning for people who have exceptional hearing. The fact that you can hear yourself aloud is not the subject of this article.


Speak Up Step 1
Speak Up Step 1

Step 1. Don't be nervous, there is no need to be nervous when you speak

It's a good thing to express your thoughts outdoors so that everyone can hear. This can give you more courage and help you overcome your shyness. Other people will see you in a whole new and different light. If you are still nervous. Think of these three words: "Calm, cool and focused." It is not enough to repeat them. Actually think about each of them. Close your eyes and say each word clearly and slowly. When you say each word, imagine yourself calm, cool and focused.

Speak Up Step 2
Speak Up Step 2

Step 2. Maintain good posture - keeping a pleasant and upright posture means you will not allow anyone to walk on you

If you're grumpy, people may think they can easily poke you.

Speak Up Step 3
Speak Up Step 3

Step 3. Listen - If you listen to what other people around you are saying, you can think of more things to talk about

Just avoid overhearing other people's conversations. Unless you are invited or the time is right.

Speak Up Step 4
Speak Up Step 4

Step 4. If you are having trouble starting a conversation, ask the other person "How are you"?

If it looks like the other person wants to move on with the conversation, do so too! There is nothing more uncomfortable than being stuck in an awkward silence.

Speak Up Step 5
Speak Up Step 5

Step 5. In class - If you are in class, think about what the teacher is saying

Not only does it save you time doing homework, but it allows you to ask questions when needed.

Speak Up Step 6
Speak Up Step 6

Step 6. Friends - If you are chatting with friends, follow the conversation carefully

If you listen, you know what they are talking about, and then you will also know what to talk about! Try to get involved in the conversation. If people see that you are interested, then they will want to talk to you!

Speak Up Step 7
Speak Up Step 7

Step 7. Club - If you are part of the young explorers, or any other association or club, you will probably be doing a lot of activity

It is important for adults to know your opinion if your group participates in a decision. Everyone should be considered; just speak out loud! This is difficult to do if you are not the kind of person used to talking. But if you allow your leader to know your opinion, everyone should respect and take it into account and if they don't (quite unlikely to happen), it is advisable to join another association or group. You are part of the group you joined. Everyone should fully agree on what the group should do. Voting is not always fair if you spend a lot of money on behalf of the group. If you feel that this is not happening, tell your group (if you are the leader), or tell the leader (if you are just a member), that you want the decision to be good for everyone. Just remember that your opinion is important and shouldn't be ignored.

Speak Up Step 8
Speak Up Step 8

Step 8. Self-Esteem - When you are in a kids' club, you need to talk

Do not be shy. This will only make you nervous. Believe in yourself you can do it. If you feel awkward, make an effort to picture yourself alone with the club leader. This may sound silly, but try and don't think about others. You just have to be strong.

Speak Up Step 9
Speak Up Step 9

Step 9. Self-confidence is the key to always acting with confidence

But don't overdo it! Some may think you are trying to win them over or being arrogant. GOOD LUCK!


  • Do not think too much. Speak out.
  • Be good because no one wants to talk to someone who retorts and teases.
  • Try to understand and really listen to what the other person is saying. They will think that you are a very warm and caring person.
  • Just say sorry and others will be tempted to listen to what you have to say.
