Air pollution blurs the skies of all cities in the world, while the air we breathe is increasingly contaminated with microorganisms and carbon monoxide. These pollutants are a danger to both human health and the environment. How can you help clear the air and cities of smog? It might surprise you, but your tricks can actually be very important. Go to step 1 to find out what you can do.
Method 1 of 4: Rethinking Transportation

Step 1. Question the culture of using the machine
The methods used by industries are the first cause of air pollution, but pollution caused by cars is right in second place. The production of cars and roads, of the fuel and of the emissions resulting from its processing play an important part. As many cities are designed in such a way that cars need to be used, it can be difficult to find an effective way of solving the problem. But remember that it doesn't matter where you live, because you can always take action by finding creative ways to reduce your addiction to cars.
- It may not be easy to completely abandon cars, but you could reduce their use. For example, instead of driving to the supermarket every day, take a single trip once a week to get everything you need for the next few days.
- Arrange a group car with your neighbors to use together, or sign up for a car-sharing program. Both are great ways to reduce machine usage.

Step 2. Take the bus, subway or train
If you live in a big city you have probably already used public transport, but metropolises are not the only places that offer such services. Find out about the public transport lines in your city and start replacing the car with public transport at least once a week. Try to use public transport as much as possible, using your car only when there are no alternatives.
Taking the bus or train to work, school or anywhere else has other benefits as well. In addition to reducing pollution, it will give you more time to read, do crosswords, do some crafts or just watch people. Taking public transport is also safer, and may help reduce stress because you won't be in rush hour traffic

Step 3. Try walking or cycling
Even better than public transport is using your own energy to get around. You can walk to places that are a five-minute drive from your home - and if you have the time and are adventurous you might as well go further. If you are lucky enough to live in a city that offers good cycling routes, start using them. When there is a lot of traffic, the bike is the best way to get around.

Step 4. If you drive, keep your car in good condition
Check it frequently and make sure it passes smog tests. There are other things you can do to reduce the environmental impact of your machine:
- Use a motor oil that specializes in not wasting energy.
- Refuel early in the morning or late at night or in the coldest hours. This will prevent the fuel from evaporating.
- Be careful not to spill gas while refilling the tank.
- Instead of cranking the engine in long lines at fast food restaurants, park and walk.
- Inflate the tires to the recommended pressure. This will ensure the best performance of the machine and reduce fuel usage.
Method 2 of 4: Change Your Eating Habits

Step 1. Learn to do it yourself
A good way to reduce air pollution is to use building blocks to make as many things as possible, instead of buying them pre-assembled. In fact, mass production, packaging, and delivery of goods in a short time are directly responsible for polluting emissions. Look around the house and figure out which items you can make yourself instead of buying them. Here are some ideas:
- Of course, the food! If you tend to buy prepackaged foods, then making them from scratch is a good place to start. Eliminating junk foods and creating foods with wholesome ingredients is healthier for you and more sustainable for the environment. For example, if you love spaghetti, make the sauce from fresh tomatoes and garlic instead of buying a ready-made sauce. You can even make pasta at home!
- Did you know that you can also make cleaning detergents at home? Instead of buying dish soap, laundry detergent, and bathroom cleaner, learn how to make them using non-toxic agents. Place the resulting compounds in glass jars.
- The same goes for homemade shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant and cocoa butter.
- Clothing is complicated enough to produce yourself, but if you are feeling ambitious and want to try, start with t-shirts and pants.
- If you are interested in becoming fully self-sufficient, think about having a small farm. Soon you will be able to grow tomatoes and garlic for your sauce!

Step 2. Buy in local stores
When you have to buy something instead of making it, buy items that are made and sold locally. You'll have better luck in locally operated stores than large supermarkets; the latter receive their goods through shipments from all over the world, and in this way they contribute a lot to pollution. Here are some strategies for buying locally:
- Buy in farmers' markets. It is the best way to buy locally grown and sold food.
- Check clothing labels. Try to buy clothes made near where you live. While it can be more expensive, try to buy items made by people who live near you. If that's not a viable option, then you could buy second-hand merchandise - it's another great way to cut back on consumption.
- Don't buy online. Buying a book or a piece of clothing online is very easy from a consumer point of view, but think about the ships, planes and trucks that are used to deliver those items to your home. It should be something to be done very rarely.

Step 3. Cut back on packaging
The plastic, aluminum and paper used in packaging are produced through practices that are extremely bad for the environment. No matter what you are buying, choose items that have as little packaging as possible. For example, instead of choosing a box of individually wrapped bars, make them yourself at home or buy them in bulk at a grocery store where they aren't packaged. If you can't do this, buy food packaged in recyclable materials.
- Bring your own bag to the stores instead of buying a plastic or paper one.
- Buy in bulk instead of buying individually packaged foods.
- Buy loose fresh produce instead of canned or frozen foods.
- Buy very large containers, so you don't have to get more smaller containers.

Step 4. Reuse, recycle and compost
Managing your own waste is another way to reduce pollution. This way you can reduce your waste, which means less will go to landfills, which are another major source of pollution.
- Buy items in glass containers, which you can reuse multiple times. Plastic can also be reused, but be careful if you have to store food: the chemical materials of the plastic can transfer to food over time.
- Recycle plastic, paper, aluminum and other recyclable materials, in accordance with the guidelines of your city.
- Try composting in your garden, adding waste from vegetables and other food to it from time to time. After a few months, you will have a rich, black compost that you can use to fertilize your garden.

Step 5. Use environmentally friendly paints and cleaning products if possible
These agents emit fewer amounts of smog into the air, and are also better for respiratory health.
Follow industry recommendations to use degreasers, paints, and other products the right way. Following the instructions carefully prevents the escape and evaporation of chemicals
Method 3 of 4: Conserve Energy

Step 1. Don't use lights and other equipment too often
You've heard it a million times: turn off the lights when you leave a room, don't leave the TV on all day! These small actions are very important when it comes to reducing pollution: electricity is generated precisely from coal that produces emissions or from natural gas. Here are some ideas for cutting energy consumption on a daily basis:
- Use the advantage of natural light. Organize your study and work space near a window so that you don't have to turn on the lights.
- In the hours of darkness, consider turning on the light in one room, which will be your "lighted room", instead of having the lights on throughout the house. Your family can gather in the lighted room to read, study, or watch a movie before bed, instead of staying in different rooms.
- Turn off appliances when you are not using them. This is as true for the big as it is for the little ones: TVs, computers, toasters, coffee machines, and so on. Even a charger left in the socket can waste energy.
- Replace your outdated appliances with energy-saving models.
- Buy your electricity from companies with zero or low environmental impact. Look for the options available in your city.

Step 2. Rethink your space heating or air conditioning habits
Try to get your body accustomed to the changing seasons, instead of using air conditioners or radiators to keep the temperature stable throughout the year. Heating or cooling the air involves using a large amount of energy, so take out fans and wool sweaters to help you get used to changes in temperature, instead of depending on the thermostat.
When you're at work or out on a nice vacation, be sure to adjust your thermostat so it doesn't work for the entire time you're away

Step 3. Don't take too long baths or showers
Hot water takes a lot of energy, so being careful about the water used is always a good habit. You can start taking quick showers and avoid bathing, since both require a lot of hot water.
- Set the water thermometer to 37 ° C, so it never goes above that temperature.
- Use the "cold wash" program of your washing machine.
Method 4 of 4: Get involved

Step 1. Learn as much as possible about air pollution
Many regions have pollution problems. There may be a factory in your city that pollutes, or perhaps the landfill is the biggest problem in your area. To understand how you can best contribute, do some research to find out what are the biggest sources of pollution.
- Search the internet, browse newspapers and ask around for information. If you go to school, your teachers could give you great insights.
- Start talking to the people you frequent about environmental problems instead of leaving the topic behind. Discussing it can also come up with ideas that you wouldn't have thought of on your own.

Step 2. Plant a tree
Trees reduce pollution and planting them is one of the most concrete and satisfying actions you can take to improve the air quality of your city. Trees produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide, which they transform into food. Find out which trees are worth planting in your region and get active!
Many cities have tree-planting programs, such as New York's MillionTreesNYC. Find out if there is such a program in your city

Step 3. Join a group that works to combat air pollution
Individuals can contribute in their daily life, but the optimal solution involves national industrial emissions policies. If you are really passionate about environmental issues, consider joining an organization whose goal is exactly that. You will learn a lot about environmental education and the experiences you will need to help create lasting change by reducing the environmental pollution of your city.
Ozone is the main component of smog. Ozone is formed on the ground when two types of pollutants react to sunlight. These agents are known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nitric oxide. They are found in the emissions of:
- Machines such as cars, trucks, buses, planes and locomotives.
- Construction equipment.
- Equipment for lawns and gardens.
- Places where fuels are burned, such as industries and the like.
- Small businesses like gas stations and paint shops.
- Cleaning products, such as paints and degreasers.