How to Play a Sniper on Team Fortress 2

How to Play a Sniper on Team Fortress 2
How to Play a Sniper on Team Fortress 2

Table of contents:


The Sniper is the Australian long-range killer of the Team Fortress 2 game. The Sniper generally plays a support role, but a good player can use him both offensively and defensively. Armed with his infamous sniper rifle, he is able to hit anyone's head, stopping threats from opponents. With its S. M. G. (semi-machine gun) can accumulate enough life points to land a killing blow using the Kukri, an extremely useful move to stop enemy spies.


Play a Sniper in Team Fortress 2 Step 1
Play a Sniper in Team Fortress 2 Step 1

Step 1. Find out your survival tools

All Snipers start with three weapons: a sniper rifle that can hold up to 2 bullets (primary), a 25/75 mid-range SMG (secondary), and the backup Kukri (melee). You will be able to obtain other weapons, in addition to these, through the objectives of the game and by collecting the spoils of the enemies. The weapons that can be unlocked through the objectives are: the Hunter's Bow, a bow that shoots arrows (primary), Jars, a disposable vial containing urine (secondary) and finally Razorback, a shield that blocks shots from behind (secondary).

Play a Sniper in Team Fortress 2 Step 2
Play a Sniper in Team Fortress 2 Step 2

Step 2. Know your sniper rifle

It is a powerful weapon, the main use of which is to hit enemies at great distances. It is a very strong weapon and can be lethal with a single shot. Remember to always aim for the heads of the enemies.

Play a Sniper in Team Fortress 2 Step 3
Play a Sniper in Team Fortress 2 Step 3

Step 3. Learn the correct technique

Try to avoid aiming and zooming for extended periods of time. This way you can be more aware of your surroundings and observe the battlefield. Also, using the zoom would limit your visibility and decrease your movement speed. Without stopping to use the scope, then learn how to use the next four techniques, which will be presented in the next steps: scope-less, heavy scope, machine gun scope and quick scope.

Play a Sniper in Team Fortress 2 Step 4
Play a Sniper in Team Fortress 2 Step 4

Step 4. Learn to shoot without using the scope

This technique, also called shooting from the hips, consists in using your weapon without zoom, keeping it at hip height, and is useful for hitting nearby or rapidly moving enemies, such as Scouts. If you think taking aim could be dangerous in a given situation, you can help your team and shoot from hip height to potentially assist in killing enemies.

Play a Sniper in Team Fortress 2 Step 5
Play a Sniper in Team Fortress 2 Step 5

Step 5. Learn to use the heavy sight

The more time you spend using the zoom, the more damage you will do with your shots. You will be able to observe a bar charging: when it is full you will do as much damage as possible. You can take advantage of the camping technique, which consists of stopping near an entrance waiting for an enemy to arrive within range of your shots. When you zoom in, a dot will show what you are aiming for. Enemies may notice and avoid your shots. It may be advisable to aim at a point where the sides are not visible, then quickly switch to the enemy, in order to surprise him. Heavy scope is an effective tactic, but one that can be misjudged by more experienced players and especially by enemy snipers, as it doesn't take much skill to put it into practice.

Play a Sniper in Team Fortress 2 Step 6
Play a Sniper in Team Fortress 2 Step 6

Step 6. Learn to use the Grapple Sight

This way you can take advantage of the lateral movement of the crosshair (left or right by pressing the A and D keys), constantly aiming at the level of the enemies' heads. This technique works best against enemies that are on a flat surface. Most players aim at head height and only use the zoom when near an enemy.

Play a Sniper in Team Fortress 2 Step 7
Play a Sniper in Team Fortress 2 Step 7

Step 7. Learn how to use the Quick Viewfinder

This technique allows you to take advantage of muscle memory and is the technique used by the best players. When you see an enemy, move the crosshairs towards their head and use the zoom. By right-clicking, quickly slide the mouse in the direction of the enemy's head. It can help to use the mouse in conjunction with the A and D (machine gun) keys to increase accuracy. Using the quick sight, a capable sniper can fight even at medium range, changing the outcome of a match.

Play a Sniper in Team Fortress 2 Step 8
Play a Sniper in Team Fortress 2 Step 8

Step 8. Use the SMG for mid-range shots

An SMG is at its best at shooting enemies at fairly close range. It has a fast rate of fire, but is not very powerful. Use it when you see an enemy coming too close to use the sniper rifle.

Play a Sniper in Team Fortress 2 Step 9
Play a Sniper in Team Fortress 2 Step 9

Step 9. Use the Kukri at a short distance

Although, like all melee weapons, the Kukri is fun and satisfying to use, it is quite weak and should only be used when you are unable to use another weapon or know your enemy has little life.

Play a Sniper in Team Fortress 2 Step 10
Play a Sniper in Team Fortress 2 Step 10

Step 10. Think strategically

Try to understand the circumstances in which you are most effective. As a Sniper, it is important to remember that, on certain occasions, it is best to stay on the sidelines. Small and crowded rooms are not the best environment in which to use a rifle from a distance. Try to find a remote (and possibly elevated) area from which to use this type of weapon. Make sure you stay out of sight of enemy spies and snipers all the time. It also tries to avoid hand-to-hand combat by trying to hit at long range instead, as the Sniper's hit points are quite low.

Play a Sniper in Team Fortress 2 Step 11
Play a Sniper in Team Fortress 2 Step 11

Step 11. Know your enemy

Try to examine the battlefield and memorize the often predictable movements and strategies of the opposing team. As a Sniper, your main enemies are Spies and other Snipers. Remember to take out the zoom and look around, so you can spot any Spies or Snipers trying to hit you from some direction.

Play a Sniper in Team Fortress 2 Step 12
Play a Sniper in Team Fortress 2 Step 12

Step 12. Always beware of enemy spies

Make sure you look around so you don't get attacked by a spy. If you turn your back on a spy, you could easily get hit in the back, dying instantly. Most Spies act stealthily, so be sure to shoot and attack any player that gets close. Even if your back is against a wall, a spy may be able to easily grab their revolver or hit you with a knife, killing you. Use your ears: Try to identify the noise of a spy's camouflage, which is often clearly audible, so you can notice when you have one nearby. You can easily tell if a character is a spy by checking if it is possible to walk through them. If you can get through, then he's not an enemy spy - stop wasting your time.

Play a Sniper in Team Fortress 2 Step 13
Play a Sniper in Team Fortress 2 Step 13

Step 13. Remember that enemy snipers can hit you from afar at any time

To avoid their hits, you can randomly mash the WASD keys to walk and jump: jumping (space) and crouching (ctrl) at the same time, you will jump higher. You can also double-press the crouch key (ctrl) halfway through the jump. This way your character will move up and down so quickly that he avoids most of the headshots.

Play a Sniper in Team Fortress 2 Step 14
Play a Sniper in Team Fortress 2 Step 14

Step 14. Help your mates

While it might be fun to play independently, trying to hit enemies from afar, your main goal is to help your teammates, not just yourself! When you see an enemy fighting your teammate, your job is to try to hit him from afar so that whoever plays with you can earn points and survive! Don't waste time looking for spies that don't exist and, above all, don't play "Sniper vs Sniper". If you try to hit only enemy snipers you will not help your team enough, as you will end up isolating yourself from the main objectives (since your goal would become to compete with other snipers to see who is the best). It happens very often in maps like 2Forts, where the fortifications on both sides favor the unfolding of clashes between snipers, eager to compete against each other to see who is the best. Avoid this mechanic and try to help your teammates - it may be enough to look for a solitary location where enemy Snipers can't see you and try to do something useful, like kill Medic and Heavy or generally help in combat.

Play a Sniper in Team Fortress 2 Step 15
Play a Sniper in Team Fortress 2 Step 15

Step 15. Learn about unlockable weapons and find out how to use them

  • The Hunter's Bow is used for medium-range combat and can inflict high amounts of damage. It is a bow capable of firing very fast arrows. It takes a second to charge, and its fully charged rounds are typically capable of killing or maiming weaker classes, such as Scouts. By charging the bow for more than 5 seconds, the accuracy and damage of the shot will be extremely low. Headshots are always critical and can, in general, kill most classes. The Hunter's Bow replaces the Sniper Rifle in the primary slot. If you'd like to be particularly annoying, you could repeatedly deliver heavy blows at enemies, hoping they'll kill someone. However, this infamous technique has a bad reputation.

    Play a Sniper in Team Fortress 2 Step 11
    Play a Sniper in Team Fortress 2 Step 11
  • The Razorback is a shield used to protect you from the infamous spies and their blows to the back. It can protect you from a single hit. When a spy tries to hit you in the back while you have this item equipped, the shield will break and the attacking spy will not be able to attack or hide for about 2 seconds. The Razorback replaces the SMG in the secondary slot. While it may seem useful, many spies could use their revolvers to hit you instead of using knives. Consider carefully whether to equip the shield or not.

    Play a Sniper in Team Fortress 2 Step 12
    Play a Sniper in Team Fortress 2 Step 12
  • Giarate is a throwable jar of pee. The jar can be thrown at enemies to cover them with urine, allowing all mini-critical hits to do 35% more damage. You can help your teammates by coating enemies in urine, thus allowing your team to deal more damage. Using it on spies will also allow you to see them even when they are hidden. You can use it once per charge and it will recharge after 20 seconds. Remember that it can be easily recovered from the re-entry room's supply cabinet (which means that, no one knows why, the Sniper keeps an infinite number of jars of urine in his cupboard). Jarate replaces the SMG in the secondary weapon slot.

    Play a Sniper in Team Fortress 2 Step 13
    Play a Sniper in Team Fortress 2 Step 13
  • The Tribal Dagger can be used to identify spies, whether they are hidden or not. This is a melee weapon that causes enemies to bleed for 6 seconds. The hit enemy will become visible to other players (even if the bleeding is less visible than a burning enemy, for example); enemy spies will also become visible when they bleed, whether they are hidden or disguised. The Tribal Dagger can therefore be a very useful tool for Snipers to check for the presence of spies. The Tribal Dagger replaces the Kukri.

    Play a Sniper in Team Fortress 2 Step 14
    Play a Sniper in Team Fortress 2 Step 14


  • Headshots are deadly on Doctors, Scouts, Engineers, Snipers and Spies. To kill a Heavy, Soldier, Demoman, or Pyro, load the shotgun before aiming for the head. The rifle takes 3.3 seconds to fully charge, although this is usually not necessary.
  • By crouching at the bottom of the access ramp to an open area, you will be invisible to enemies until you climb to the top of the ramp. You will not be visible until your head becomes viewable. Remember to shoot fast.
  • A headshot with the fully loaded sniper rifle will kill any player in one move (unless they are invulnerable, or a spy using the Lethal Onion).
  • Don't forget to crouch if you have partial cover - this will reduce the chance of being spotted and hit.
  • Enemy buildings can also be objective; a Sniper can shoot down a Sentinel at a great distance, as long as he is visible. A fully charged shot will instantly kill a level 1 Sentinel.
  • The rifle places a laser dot on the target, so aiming at the walls visible to the enemy could reveal your presence. You can see the point in the viewfinder, but there is no visible laser line and the rifle does not shine.
  • To start, find a distant and difficult to reach / see location, away from the main battle point.
  • Not using the viewfinder is difficult, so don't try unless you feel really confident.
  • Keep an eye out for any Spies players who might come up behind you.
  • You can charge a shot to increase firepower; look at the bar at the bottom right of the screen.
  • When you're not using the viewfinder it's impossible to take a headshot, unless you use the new "Classic" just added.
