There are several ways to safely get off the bike. This article describes some recommended ways to get started.
Method 1 of 4: Basic Technique

Step 1. While in a seated position, push one of the two pedals and lean forward as you lift your butt off the seat
Stand on the pedal. This step is the most important; if you remain seated, you do not have much control of the vehicle once it is stationary.

Step 2. Slow down until you almost stop while maintaining balance
To do this, use your body weight instead of the dumbbell.

Step 3. Remove the foot on the top pedal

Step 4. As the bike comes to a complete stop, tilt it slightly to the side of the free foot

Step 5. Place one foot on the ground

Step 6. Lift the other foot off the pedal and place it on the ground

Step 7. Tilt the vehicle slightly as you bring the other leg over the seat or over the center portion of the frame (if it is a ladies model)

Step 8. Put your second foot on the ground as well
Method 2 of 4: On the fly

Step 1. While riding the bike, quickly bring one leg over the frame and towards the other pedal

Step 2. Quickly push the bike forward and use the frame as a support to jump forward

Step 3. Land safely and retrieve the vehicle
Method 3 of 4: Drifting

Step 1. Increase the speed a little bit in advance

Step 2. Stop pedaling (the bike continues to move) when you are a few tens of meters from the point of arrival

Step 3. When you are a few meters away, gently pull the rear brake
The bike should lose grip and start skidding.

Step 4. Lift slowly your feet off the pedals and place them firmly on the ground before the bike comes to a complete stop.
This way you should stop immediately.

Step 5. Stand up
Take one foot over the frame and walk to your final destination.
Method 4 of 4: Elegant Technique

Step 1. Sway one foot (usually the right, but you can use whichever one you prefer) behind you and over the rear wheel while the vehicle is still slightly in motion
Warning: if you have cycling shoes with the attachment system, remember to release them before attempting this method! If you forget, you will literally find yourself on the ground as soon as your swinging foot hits the ground!

Step 2. Stop pedaling and let the vehicle come to a complete stop while standing on one pedal and the other just behind
Use your body weight and not the dumbbell to maintain balance.

Step 3. When the bike is perfectly stationary, place both feet on the ground
- Many novice cyclists do not feel comfortable standing on the pedal; the sitting position seems much safer because the center of gravity is low. However, stopping in this position is very complicated. If the seat is adjusted to the right height (you can only touch the ground with your toes), the cyclist must lean a lot to one side in order to rest the sole of the foot on the ground; this movement could cause him to fall completely and cause injury.
- It is worth starting with the seat low, so that both feet can safely touch the ground even from a seated position; this measure limits the fear of falling. However, as you gain experience, raise the saddle so that only your toes touch the ground.
- When trying the second method for the first time, practice on a soft surface to cushion any falls. This is the ideal technique for children and teenagers, although adults use it from time to time.
- Make sure the seat is at the right height, otherwise you may get a few scratches or bruises.