Receiving punishment is an experience that happens to all children. It is not easy to accept it, but in some cases it is possible to get out of it sooner than expected if you show your parents some maturity in remorse. Here are some steps to follow to get you off a punishment. However, remember that some parents are stricter than others, so this advice may not work for all families.
Part 1 of 4: Talk to Your Parents

Step 1. Be respectful
When parents are happy, they are also more likely to suspend the punishment early rather than continue to be angry with you Show them some extra respect and consider making a nice gesture towards them. However, remember that if you haven't done anything wrong, you shouldn't pretend to apologize and repent just to avoid punishment. You shouldn't sacrifice integrity and honesty for personal gain.

Step 2. Find a compromise
Agree with your parents to see if they intend to reduce the punishment. Try to get them to shorten it or turn it into something different, like extra errands or a spanking. If that doesn't work, give up. When they notice that you don't like the punishment, your parents will not change their mind, in fact they will feel that they have made the right decision.
React in a mature way. Do not throw a tantrum, nor a silent scene when they speak to you. These reactions would only serve to confirm to your parents that they made the right decision

Step 3. Spend quality time with your parents
Talk and stay with them for a while. Instead of focusing on your anger at the punishment, try to change the subject by spending time with your family. This will help everyone to let off some steam and allow you to get out of punishment sooner.
Part 2 of 4: Being Responsible

Step 1. Take care of your errands without being asked
Your parents will be surprised and may suspend your punishment. Also, doing housework will make them happier, as it will free them from some stress. This advice can be especially useful if you have been punished precisely because you have not done your homework.

Step 2. Take responsibility for your actions
Apologize to your parents and admit you were wrong. Try to fix the problem you caused or remedy what you did (for example, run a errand you overlooked). Avoid blaming another person. By doing this, you show your parents that you are responsible for your actions. Usually, it's better to accept punishment instead of throwing tantrums or trying to get your parents to forgive you.
Try starting the conversation like this: "I know I made a mistake and I am very sorry. Now I understand that I was wrong and I will work hard not to repeat the same mistake in the future."

Step 3. Do your homework
If you get good grades in school or at least show your parents that you try to improve them, they will understand that you are behaving responsibly. Also, by working hard at school you will show your parents that you think about the future, which is another sign of maturity.

Step 4. Help your parents around the house
Do not just take care of the tasks that are assigned to you, but also ask if you can make yourself useful in another way. Help your mom cook dinner or help your dad in the garage. Walk the dog. Do what you can to show your parents that you are trying to help them and that you are responsible.
Part 3 of 4: Finding Ways to Deal With Punishment

Step 1. Have fun while you are in detention
If your parents don't cancel the punishment, try to make the most of the situation. Punishments don't have to be boring. Find out what you have the opportunity to do and take advantage of it.
Play with your siblings or walk the dog. Spend time outside or make a dessert with your mom. Alternatively, you can suggest an activity that involves the whole family, such as a hike or a game of board game

Step 2. Avoid constantly harassing your parents
If you keep asking them to cancel the punishment, they could double it. Plus, you will undoubtedly prove to your parents that you haven't learned your lesson and are not ready to get all your privileges back.

Step 3. Try to be grateful
Instead of focusing on what you don't have or what you can't do, try to think about everything you have: a roof over your head, parents who love you enough to think about your discipline, etc. When the punishment is over, feel grateful that you can once again take part in the activities you enjoy the most. Thank your parents for helping you learn from your mistakes.
Expressing your gratitude in words is important. Show your parents that you are truly grateful for what they do for you by telling them "thank you"
Part 4 of 4: Avoiding Future Punishment

Step 1. Learn from your mistakes
Avoid repeating the same actions that put you in detention and promise your parents that you will never be wrong again. If you no longer end up in detention, you will no longer have to try to get out early.

Step 2. Express your remorse
Your parents want you to learn from your mistakes, so if they understand that you are sorry for what you did, they will remember it in the future.
Try to start the conversation with something like, "I know I betrayed your trust with my actions. I am truly sorry and I hope you will forgive me."

Step 3. Make positive changes
Show your parents that you deserve their trust and respect by keeping a positive attitude. If your parents approve of your decisions, you will avoid ending up in detention.
- Remember to look your parents in the eye when you talk to them.
- Avoid pestering your parents, otherwise they will feel more stressed and your punishment will lengthen.
- Follow all the rules imposed by your parents.
- Avoid constantly asking your parents to cancel your punishment. You may end up getting even longer punishment.
- Remember to always be honest with your parents when you talk to them; that way, they will trust you.
- Try doing something your parents don't expect from you.
- Don't ask to cancel the punishment. They will keep saying no, because they want you to take responsibility for your actions.
- Do your homework at school, during your lunch break, or help your sibling with his homework to make life easier for your parents.
- Keep your room clean and complete all the errands that are assigned to you, without your parents having to repeat it over and over again.
- Be nice to your siblings.
- Don't argue with your parents.
- Avoid annoying your parents when they are angry or stressed.
- Avoid yelling at your parents. You could make the situation worse.
- Avoid repeating immediately the actions that caused you to end up in detention; let your parents calm down first.
- Don't constantly ask for the same thing if you've already been told no, otherwise your punishment may lengthen.