You will most likely have seen those hip hop dancers dancing fast using very particular moves, and dream of becoming like them. Well, you can learn how to dance hip hop from this article.

Step 1. First, get a feel for hip hop dance by watching some videos, YouTube is perfect for this
Look at the movements, the arms, the legs and the body to come to understand the dance itself.

Step 2. Find videos that teach hip hop moves that aren't too complicated, and learn them step by step

Step 3. Move on to something more difficult, such as a hip hop choreography for a song you know (the song must be fast paced or hip hop can still be danced to)

Step 4. When you feel you are getting good, play a good hip hop song and try to dance it
Use your moves, invent new ones, use your creativity, mix the moves you have learned together, do whatever you can think of; it's really funny!

Step 5. If you can't come up with anything, don't worry
Nobody succeeds the first time. Keep trying and you'll get good without even realizing it!
- Don't give up if you can't learn a move the first time.
- Don't feel it is a mandatory thing to do, just have fun !! Hip hop dance is an expression of feelings, so smile and make it more fun.
- When you are dancing hip hop, stay relaxed and don't look too tense, as if you are making too much effort.
- Watching videos is very helpful in figuring out which hip hop style is right for you.
- Make sure you have relatively enough room for some moves, fix some messy things or try in a private garden (if there is enough space, no one will see or notice you).
- Stretch, prevent injuries.
- Not just stretching, you also take breaks, interrupting your work routine, because it's often really tough. Make sure you have drinks, water, natural fruit juices, mineral salts and any other type of healthy drink suitable for sports and exercise, because that's what it is.
- Also eat something before training. Don't dance too long on an empty stomach or you seriously risk losing consciousness.
- Have fun and keep improving