Pole dance is becoming popular all over the world thanks to its mix of fun and acrobatics. This sport allows you to exercise your whole body hard and cultivate your sexy side, whether you're wearing a 12-inch heel or your traditional workout clothing. To practice this activity, you will need a secure stake, determination, and a desire to let go of your inhibitions. Here's how to get started!
Method 1 of 5: Prepare for Pole Dance

Step 1. Sign up for a course
More and more gyms offer pole dance lessons: see if yours (or the closest fitness center to you) also offers them in its program. In fact, many independent instructors teach it at local gyms. If the search is not fruitful, you can always take a course on the internet (on YouTube you will find several channels dedicated to this activity).
If you want to practice pole dancing directly from home, you need to get and install a pole. Follow the instructions correctly: the pole should be secured to both the ceiling and the floor and placed in a place that allows you to move freely, as you will need a lot of space

Step 2. Dress appropriately
You should wear clothes that expose your arms and legs. Being sexy is optional. Leaving your skin bare will allow you to have a better grip and move safely. To grab the pole even better, leave your feet bare as well. You can wear high heels if you feel comfortable and sexy.

Step 3. Avoid smearing baby oil or lotion before pole dancing, otherwise you will slip, which can be dangerous
You can also clean the pole with a cloth before using it to remove any residual oil or grease.

Step 4. Stretch and warm up, just as you would before any other physical activity
In a standing position, lean forward trying to touch your toes with those of your hands; smoothly turn the neck and shoulders and stretch the hamstrings by lifting one leg at a time and touching one buttock with the toes, while holding the leg still with the corresponding hand.
Pull your palms and fingers up and push them with the opposite hand to stretch your wrists. Fingers and wrists should also be warmed up before starting
Method 2 of 5: Go Around the Pole

Step 1. Grab the pole
Stand beside the pole with the inside foot near its base. Use your dominant hand to grab it at head level. Your arm will need to be straight for your weight to stay away from the pole.

Step 2. Go around the pole
Keeping the outside leg straight and lifted and turning the inside foot, go around the pole. Bend your knee slightly as you turn to make the movement smoother.

Step 3. Gird the pole with your inside leg
Place your outer foot behind your inner foot. Transfer your weight to your back foot and squeeze the pole with your inside leg, keeping yourself steady with your knee muscles.

Step 4. Arch your back back, lowering your hand to the pole to form a deeper arch
This is where flexibility comes in. Bend your back only until you feel comfortable and confident that you have a good grip with your leg and hand. You can tie your hair back or let it fall back if that makes you feel sexier.

Step 5. Rise
Stand upright to the side of the pole and prepare for the next move. Going around the pole is a perfect exercise for beginners and a great transition to more complicated ones.
Method 3 of 5: Basic Clinging

Step 1. Stand in front of the pole
The first step in this movement is to settle straight about 30 cm from the pole. Grab it with one hand.

Step 2. Wrap the leg of the same side around the pole as the hand holding the pole
Flex your foot and place it on the side of the pole opposite the knee. You will need to use this leg to anchor yourself well to the pole and create a solid base for the other foot.

Step 3. Cling the other leg to the pole
Now, bring your body upwards using your hands. Move your free leg and place the back of his foot behind the foot already resting on the pole. Put your other knee on the pole as well, so your grip will be good. The legs will create a platform for you to climb.

Step 4. Move your hands 30cm higher on the pole to have enough room to stretch out

Step 5. Pull your knees up
Use your abs to raise your knees 30 to 60 cm. You will have to use mainly the calves and the central part of the body and not strain the arms.

Step 6. Squeeze the pole with your legs and climb
After bending your knees, you should lean back slightly and then squeeze the pole with your leg muscles and use them to pull your body up as your hands move upward.

Step 7. Repeat these steps until you reach the top of the pole, or as far as you can
You will train your whole body and, while doing it, you will have a sexy look.

Step 8. Get off
You can do this using the classic firefighter slide or you can grab the pole with your hands and release your legs for just a moment, bringing them in front of you and swaying until they touch the ground. This method takes more practice to master, but it will make you look sexy and make you feel fantastic.
Method 4 of 5: The Firefighter's Move

Step 1. Grab the pole with both hands
Get close to the pole so that it is closer to your weak side. Next, place your hands on the pole as if you were grabbing a baseball bat, spacing them at least 30cm apart. The hand closest to the pole should be on top and the outer hand on the bottom. The lower hand should be at the same eye level.

Step 2. Go around the pole
Rotate your foot slightly closer to the pole as you rest the ankle of your outer leg on the pole. This will give you enough speed and power to go around the pole.

Step 3. Jump onto the pole using your hands, while your arms support all of your body weight for a second
Doing this, jump onto the inside foot and wrap both legs around the pole. Make sure you grab it well so as not to slip.

Step 4. Turn
Continue to hold onto the pole with your hands and knees as you turn around it until you touch the ground on both feet. The higher your arms have been placed on the pole in the beginning, the longer you will turn before touching the floor.

Step 5. Stand straight
Once you hit the floor, you simply need to move your hips back and get back to a standing position.
Method 5 of 5: Learn the Transition Movements

Step 1. Sway your body
This is the perfect transition movement between climbing and the firefighter move. To do this, stand in front of the pole and grab it with both hands. You will have to get on tiptoe. The feet should be placed on both sides of the pole, so that the torso is approximately 30 cm away from the pole and the feet are comfortably spaced.
First, push your chest forward towards the pole. Afterward, push your hips and shoulders back. Push your hips forward again, bending at the knees (always staying on tiptoe), and finish by bringing your hips back and standing up, until you return to the starting position

Step 2. Move back and forth
This movement is sexy and begins by standing upright with your back against the pole. Bring your hands behind your head to grab the pole. Then, sway your hips from side to side as you slide onto the pole until you squat. As you do this, move your hands in front of your body and place them on your knees.
Then, move your knees apart to momentarily open your legs and quickly return to the starting position

Step 3. Sway down
For this type of movement you should stand in front of the pole with your feet to either side, placing them at a comfortable distance. Grab the pole with your dominant hand at head level. Then, roll your hips from side to side as you bend over and slide on the pole. Once you are in a squat, push your hips back and raise your body back to the starting position.
- Warm up and stretch before you start and stretch after you finish too.
- With the advent of detachable poles that you can install (and discreetly remove) at home, your debut as a pole dancer can come as a surprise. But to prevent it from turning into a mess, make sure you always place the pole according to the instructions. Try to have plenty of space at your disposal: nothing should hinder your movement.
- Unless you feel perfectly comfortable (and stable enough) to pole dance in high heels, practice barefoot.
- Consult a doctor to find out if your health allows you to do this physically demanding exercise.
- Never do pole dancing after spreading an oil or cream, or you risk slipping and getting hurt. It is a good idea to wipe the pole with a dry cloth before starting to ensure a good grip.
- If you dance in a club, use antibacterial wipes before starting - you are not sure about the hygiene of the dancer who performed before you.
- Don't do pole dance with fake poles, which are only for posing. These items were not built to support your weight, so you could be seriously injured.