Body "popping" evolved from street dance in the 1960s and 1970s in California, becoming the real signature move in the late 1990s, only to flourish after the turn of the century with influenced music taking over. from hip hop which has since become a trend. If you want to do it while dancing in clubs, bars or even at home, learning body popping will be easy, fun, and good exercise too. Let's take a look at step 1 to get started.
Method 1 of 2: Part 1: Popping with the Arms

Step 1. Keep one arm straight away from your body
It doesn't matter which one you start with. Just remember to keep it relaxed and loose. If you are too tense, you will not be able to create the movement of the shot; you can think of "popping" as releasing some of that tension. Don't lock your elbow - keep it relaxed. Make sure you keep your hand flat, chest up, and neck loose. Keep in mind that releasing tension from the body is essential for any type of dance, especially body popping.
- You could do some stretching before you start if you think it will help you let go a little.
- Don't stiffen your legs. Rather, keep them spread apart so that your feet are aligned with your shoulders, even if you want a little more open, and bend slightly at the knees. Although "popping" requires the isolation of every single area of the body, the energy should actually start from the legs, and gradually spread to the upper part of your body. Leg thrust will be required for you to generate energy in your arms.

Step 2. Bend the wrist of the open arm down
To do this as effectively as possible, imagine there is a string tied to your fingers. While keeping your arm straight, pretend someone is pulling the string, bringing your fingers and hand down until your wrist reaches a 90 degree angle to the floor. Try doing this motion without moving the rest of your arm or body. Stay facing forward; resist the temptation to watch the hand in motion.
Keep your knees slightly bent, bouncing a little on your legs with each movement of your arms. You can use this little bounce to set a good pace for yourself
Step 3. Raise your hand and elbow
Now, raise your elbow until it is aligned with your shoulder, then raise your hand so that it is straight again, almost parallel to the floor. The idea of popping is to trigger one part of the body at a time, while the rest of the body remains immobile. When you shoot your arm in this way, the movement goes from the hand to the shoulder. Then once your wrist is bent 90 degrees, raise your elbow in the same way, snapping up as you bring your hand back to its original position - horizontal, while your chest is out.
The idea is to let a wave of energy travel from the shoulder to the fingertips, and return it back through the arm.
Body Pop Step 3

Step 4. Straighten your arm
Now, bring your elbow down until your arm is almost straight and parallel to the floor. The wave of energy has passed through your hand, then passed through the elbow, and proceeds towards the shoulder. That is why it is important to return the arm to its original position.
Keep your hips steady, head and neck up, and your gaze focused on the front as you perform the movement

Step 5. Snap your shoulder
The moment your elbow returns to your original arm position, you should raise your shoulder as you move the rest of your arm towards your body. The upward movement of your shoulder is the "pop" you are trying to achieve. When the shoulder snaps, the movement must appear sudden, almost as if it were a jerk or a shiver.
You could also snap the other shoulder, to help the wave pass from one side of the body to the other

Step 6. Repeat the movement in reverse with the second arm
Now, start with the shoulder jerk, and then straighten your arm, raise your hand and elbow, bend your wrist down, and move back to bring your arm back to its original straight position as with the other hand. Then, let the wave cross your outstretched arm and flow back into the shoulder, then move the shot in the opposite direction starting with the other shoulder, and so on.
The wave should travel from the fingertips of one hand, through the arm, and then to the other side, so that the "popping" movement flows from one side of the body to the other
Method 2 of 2: Part 2: Popping with the Rest of the Body

Step 1. Shoot with the chest
To "pop" with your chest, assume an exaggerated pose with your legs a little more open than the position seen above, bending at the knees. Spring on your legs, bend down, and then isolate the rib area, moving your chest forward with an upward motion; then bring it back to its normal position by bending slightly. You shouldn't move your shoulders during this movement, it's a common mistake. Repeat this move, continuing to spring on your legs, bending them slightly downwards, and then snap your chest up.
- Imagine it as if you were going to give a chest blow to the air. It is a similar gesture, concentrating all the energy in the chest as you perform a slight jump by pushing yourself upward with your arms and elbows.
For a more pronounced movement, you could place a hand on your chest to mimic your heartbeat as you "sprint". Place the palm of your hand in the center of your chest, open it when you snap your chest forward, and again when you return to position.
Body Pop Step 7Bullet2 - You can add more movements by bending down and moving slightly to one side, "popping" the chest, swiping to the other side, another "pop", and repeating the entire set between left and right.

Step 2. Pass and "pop"
To "popping" while walking, perform the movement as if you were walking down the street, moving your feet and arms at a beat or two. Each time you count a beat, take a step, snap your knees slightly, and let the wave travel through your leg, up and down, while at the same time snapping your arm with each slight movement. Keep your arms at your sides, in an exaggerated motion, as if you were still popping your arms, incorporating the kicking of the feet and knees into the process as well.
Step 3. It may take some time for you to find the correct coordination, but once you get used to the movement with each count, the rest should be easier for you

Step 4. Popping with the legs
You can snap the legs on their own, or add a pop as you move your arms, chest, or other body parts. To snap your legs, simply flex and relax your quadriceps. Then, move back slightly with one leg, flexing your quadriceps as you perform the movement, and then release the muscle once you bring it back to its normal position. Better not to perform the forward movement with the leg, but only backwards, and then return to the standing position. Also, you shouldn't bend down or bend down while doing this.
Once you have mastered one-legged popping, you can try to pop them both at the same time, without moving your feet, but pivoting them left and right during the "pop".
Body Pop Step 9Bullet1