Bursitis is a condition characterized by severe pain, swelling and stiffness in the areas surrounding the joints, therefore it often affects the knees, shoulders, elbows, big toes, heels and hips. Treatment depends on the severity, causes and symptoms. However, whether it is to treat yourself at home or see your doctor, there are several treatment options that can be used.
Part 1 of 4: Understanding Bursitis

Step 1. Learn about the etiopathogenesis
Bursitis is a condition that occurs when the serous bags that protect the joints swell and become inflamed. The serous bursa is a small sac, filled with liquid, which acts as a natural shock absorber for the joints. In other words, it ensures the protection of the different affected structures, including bones, skin and tissues, which move with the joints.

Step 2. Watch out for swelling
Symptoms of bursitis include swelling and localized pain. The area may also become red or stiff. In these cases you should consult your doctor.

Step 3. Know how it is diagnosed
Your doctor will ask you a few questions and visit you to diagnose the condition. He may also order an MRI or X-ray for you.

Step 4. Find out about the causes
Most of the time, bursitis is caused by repeated movements affecting the same joint or light trauma that completes the same area over time. For example, if you're not careful, gardening, painting, tennis, or golf can lead to inflammation of the serous bags. Other causes can be infections, trauma or injuries, arthritis and gout.
Part 2 of 4: Treating Bursitis with Home Remedies

Step 1. Use the PRICEM treatment
"PRICEM" is an English acronym that stands for "Protect" (protect), "Rest" (rest), "Ice" (cool), "Compress" (compress), "Elevate" (lift) and "Medicate" (take drugs).
- Protect the inflamed site by cushioning the joint, especially if it is in the lower body. For example, wear knee pads if bursitis affects your knees and you can't help but genuflect.
- Avoid using the joint by keeping it at rest. For example, you can try some exercises that do not stimulate the areas around the inflamed joint.
- Apply an ice pack wrapped in a cloth. You can also use a pack of frozen vegetables, such as peas. Cool the area for 20 minutes at a time. You can repeat the treatment up to 4 times a day.
- Wrap the joint with an elastic band to give it more support. Also, as soon as you can, keep the limb raised above the height of the heart otherwise blood and fluids risk accumulating in the inflamed area.
- Take an anti-inflammatory (such as ibuprofen) to reduce swelling and pain.

Step 2. Use a warm compress if the pain lasts more than 2 days
Apply it for a maximum of 20 minutes, 4 times a day.
You can use a heating pad or hot water bottle. If you don't have these items, moisten a cloth and place it in the microwave. Heat it for about 30 seconds, making sure it's not hot

Step 3. Try a cane, crutches, wheelchair or any other walking aid
Even if you don't like using the cane or walker, you may need them as you recover. It will allow you to shift some of your body weight from the inflamed area, speeding up healing and relieving pain.

Step 4. Try a brace or orthopedic support
These are medical devices that improve joint stability. In case of bursitis, they can offer the relief that the joints need, promoting healing.
However, use them only to treat the initial pain. If you use them for too long, the joint weakens. Consult your doctor to find out if it is convenient for you to use an orthopedic brace
Part 3 of 4: Treating Bursitis Following Medical Treatment

Step 1. Learn about corticosteroid injections
It is one of the leading medical treatments for bursitis. Basically, it consists of injecting cortisone into the joint.
- If you are concerned about pain, be aware that most doctors use an anesthetic to numb the affected area. Also it is possible to use ultrasound to guide the needle to the right place.
- These infiltrations are expected to relieve both inflammation and pain, although symptoms may worsen before subsiding.

Step 2. Take an antibiotic
Sometimes bursitis is caused by an infection. A course of antibiotics allows the body to fight it, reducing inflammation. If the serous bursa is infected, the doctor can drain the fluid through a needle.

Step 3. Get physical therapy
Physiotherapy can be a great option, especially if you frequently suffer from bursitis. Your physical therapist will teach you exercises that can improve joint range of motion and ease pain, but also prevent further episodes in the future.

Step 4. Try swimming or using a heated pool
Water helps you move your joint more easily without suffering, so you can slowly regain the ability to make movements as large as possible. However, don't force yourself. Swimming can promote shoulder bursitis, so don't overdo it. Avoid high-intensity exercises, but focus on regaining joint mobility and decreasing pain.
Another option is water physiotherapy (hydrokinesitherapy). It allows you to relieve pain under the supervision of a professional

Step 5. Only resort to surgery as a last resort
The serous bursa can be surgically removed if it becomes a worsening problem, but the option of having surgery is usually considered by the doctor as a last resort.
Part 4 of 4: Preventing Bursitis

Step 1. Avoid repetitive movements with the same joint
Bursitis is caused by the continuous and repeated use of the same joint induced to repeat the same movement over and over (excessive bending) or a small gesture (beating too much time on the computer).

Step 2. Give yourself a break
If you have to make a movement for a long time, stop every now and then. For example, if you've been typing or typing on the computer for a long time, take a few minutes to stretch your hand and arm muscles.

Step 3. Warm up
The physiotherapist can help you by indicating the exercises and stretching that best suit your needs. Before exercising, take the time you need to stretch your muscles and do some warm-up exercises.
- For example, start by doing jumping jacks or a little jog on the spot.
- You can also try the "high knee pull": bring the knee to the chest by raising the arms in the air. Lower them as you raise your knees alternately.
- Another easy warm-up exercise is "high kicks": walking and kicking with the legs alternately.

Step 4. Increase the resistance
When you first perform a muscle strengthening exercise or workout, take the time you need to build up endurance. Don't do a hundred repetitions the first time. Start slow and increase each day.
For example, on the first day of pushups, just try to do a dozen. The next day add another. Continue adding one every day until you reach a tolerable level of resistance

Step 5. Stop if you feel severe pain
You should expect some muscle tension when lifting weights or starting a new exercise. However, stop if you feel sharp or severe pain as it can indicate a problem.

Step 6. Maintain good posture
Sit down and stand up straight if you can. Pull your shoulders back. As soon as you notice your back hunching, correct this attitude. Poor posture can promote bursitis, especially in the shoulders.
- When standing, place your feet in the same position (mirrored to each other), shoulder-width apart. Keep your shoulders back but don't stiffen. Keep your stomach in while your arms should move freely.
- When sitting, your knees should be aligned with your pelvis. Keep your feet flat on the floor. Don't stiffen your shoulders, but hold them back. Make sure you rest your back on the chair. If not, you may want to add a small pillow in the lower back. When sitting, imagine a rope down your back pulling your head up.

Step 7. Correct the leg length discrepancy
If one leg is longer than the other, it could promote bursitis in a joint. Therefore, use an elevator shoe to correct the problem.
The orthopedist will help you choose the right lift. Basically, the shoe is equipped with a thickness on the bottom or a higher heel that allows a better alignment of the lower limbs

Step 8. Use a pad when you can
When you sit down, make sure you have a pillow under your buttocks. When you have to kneel, put on a knee brace. Choose shoes that offer good support and adequate cushioning, such as good quality sneakers.